Powerball, Part One, by Robert Gore

Posted by straightlinelogic 7 years, 7 months ago to Government
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Machiavelli’s touchstone was power—getting and keeping it. Let’s hypothesize that Trump ran for president first and foremost because he wanted power. For 99.999 percent of politicians that’s true, so ostensibly that’s an unremarkable assertion, but especially among Trump’s supporters, power is usually not acknowledged as a motivation, much less the primary one. In his quest for power, he had several advantages: his opposition did not think he could win and wrote him off as a blowhard idiot, they publicly denigrated his supporters, and Hillary Clinton ran an inept campaign. That opposition included a considerable number of establishment Republicans and most of the Deep State.

This is an excerpt. For the complete article please click the above link.
SOURCE URL: https://straightlinelogic.com/2017/05/31/powerball-part-one-by-robert-gore/

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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 7 years, 7 months ago
    This makes one unlikely assumption after the other to get back to answer that President Trump is secretly fighting a shadowy cabal. No matter what developments happen, we can find some set arbitrary assumptions to get us there.
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 7 years, 7 months ago
    Interesting...I wouldn't normally think so highly of the capabilities of anyone in Washington but as we all are aware...we have a whole new paradigm pending in the White House...so, I'll bite. Let's see how it all plays out. In any case, the left continues and seems oblivious.
    Kind of reminds me of a season on "Survivor".
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  • Posted by Dobrien 7 years, 7 months ago
    "Only the loons are still talking about impeaching Trump"
    Hello Robert,
    I thought you might find this of interest. I came in an email to me a couple of days ago. I am a financial advisor.
    This from advisors capital mgmt.

    This past week saw another new record for the S&P 500 leaving many to question how long this rally can continue. At the same time, Trump’s presidency has been increasingly volatile and newsworthy.
    Betting websites currently have the odds of Trump leaving office before the end of his term at about 50%.
    At the same time, the odds of the largest additional economic benefits proposed by Trump, such as business and personal tax cuts and increased infrastructure spending are decreasing. Yet, year to date, the S&P is up over 8% leaving many clients with the question, “How is this possible?”
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    • Posted by CircuitGuy 7 years, 7 months ago
      "Betting websites currently have the odds of Trump leaving office before the end of his term at about 50%. "Yet, year to date, the S&P is up over 8%... “How is this possible?”"--Advisors Capital Mgmt
      The markets are saying politicians don't really have that much to do with the short-term ups-and-downs of the economy. The economy and stock market did well during the Clinton impeachment.

      BTW, I am bearish at present, not because of politics, but because I think we're "due" for a recession and because I think the end of loose monetary policy could be a likely time for recession.
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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 7 years, 7 months ago
    John Brennan made a surprisingly honest attempt to explain to Congress why the CIA was keeping an eye on communications between the Trump camp and Russia. First, the Russians have been conducting cyberwar against us for a long time, and would love to disrupt our elections, having seen how much turmoil resulted from the Bush - Gore contest. Second, the possibility that we could have a President that had a history of involved financial contacts with the Russians implied the relationship might be close enough to motivate the Russians to help put him in office, even if not requested to do so. Once Trump became the GOP candidate, flags went up to pay closer attention.

    Brennan and Clapper both made an effort to explain the difference between intelligence information and evidence. Did the various agencies have intelligence information that the Trump team was communicating with Russians? Yes. Did the various agencies have evidence that those communications involved a coordinated effort to sabotage Clinton? No.

    Regardless of the evidence trail of who actually hacked the DNC and Podesta, no one claims those hacked communications are fake. Did those disclosed communications tip the scales in favor of Trump? Hard to say, since Clinton and her team were running what had to be the most incompetent campaigns in history.

    I worked in DC long enough to recognize cabals and the Machiavellian plots and sabotage that is routine. The Deep State exists, and it is undoubtedly working to sabotage everything Trump is trying to accomplish. They know they're running out of time, as some of the Obama leftovers in key positions are inevitably going to be replaced by persons loyal to Trump. We'll have to see how this plays out.
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