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  • Posted by $ jlc 10 years, 7 months ago
    Like several other commenters, the first thing I noted was that this deed was applied to "Subway" and not to "the manager". I suspect that it is not Subway's policy to force employees to work when sick.

    A great number of the competition rules of the martial art I participate in were made because individual fighters decided to make a game of 'pushing the envelope'. So a rule had to be made against things that should have been common sense - and the rest of us have to live with those rules 30 years later. The lack of common sense evidenced by such managers as this one act as entry points for people to leverage rules that constrain us all. One example of this is the pro-handicapped regs...that make it almost impossible to fire a handicapped person. So who would want to hire a handicapped person under those strictures? This sort of regulation benefits neither the employer nor the employee.

    Incidents like this are what causes those rules to be enacted. And, since the world is indeed full of petty scumbags who demonstrate that they cannot operate without such rules, we spiral into an increasingly regulated world.

    I have no answer to this; only a complaint against the universe.

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  • Posted by woodlema 10 years, 7 months ago
    First let me point out that Subway's are independently owned franchises. Each state has its own laws on employee treatment and breaks. If the Manager broke the law he should be fired and prosecuted, however to make the statement "SUBWAY" would be incorrect.

    Also NOBODY forces you to work anyplace in this country. If you do not like how management treats you LEAVE and go work someplace else. You ONLY get treated as badly as YOU as an individual permit. I recently was annoyed beyond tolerance by a manager at Experis, a Manpower Group company, micro-managed by a guy who is a blithering idiot. I replied to his email, CC'd other management and placed my immediate notice. Telling them I do not need treated nor will be treated like this.

    Stop whining grow a pair and get a new job.
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  • Posted by freedomforall 10 years, 7 months ago
    That manager is history. Well, maybe after his shift ends.
    If this was the government they would "take responsibility" and promise an investigation, but the hard drives containing the evidence would be damaged and destroyed without backup, and after 50 years there would still be books and tv programs speculating on the grassy knoll.
    The market will handle this issue quickly.
    How about a competing free market banking/economic/political system?
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    • Posted by TheRealBill 10 years, 7 months ago
      People trying to tie this to subway are doing so for political reasons. As to whether this manager will get fired will depend on the real story and the local ownership.

      For example, several years back my wife went to a Subway about half of an hour before close. The guy on shift had her wait to order until a car left the lot. Then refused to make her order, indicating his boss has just left.

      She was able to get to another one nearby, and with about five minutes until close they happily made the four sandwiches. She told them what happened and that she was planning to call corporate the next day. They asked her. It to, gave her the franchise owner's personal number, and explained that all stores in that franchise would get penalized if she called corporate.

      It not being the fault of but that one employee, she called the owner. The owner apologized, provided comp meals, and kept us in the loop as to what happened. He gave the choice to the manager of the store. Said manager didn't fire the guy.

      The owner thought this demonstrated poor management choices and fired them both.

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      • Posted by RevJay4 10 years, 7 months ago
        In your case, Bill, an excellent choice to call the owner. More immediate results to the problem. The owner tested the manager of the store and the manager lost his job along with the problem employee. I like that one. Almost like instant, dare I say it, Karma.
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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 10 years, 7 months ago
    I understand the meaning, but I will quibble on one little nit. I only use the word "force" if they have a threat of violence. If someone says keep working or I'll shoot you, that's forcing. If she says keep working or I'll never pay you again, that's not force. It's not nice, but it's really not force.
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    • Posted by woodlema 10 years, 7 months ago
      These benefits are being forced on small business owners. While this may not have a massive impact on jobs overall, it WILL force small business to raise costs to maintain their profitability. This will also force employers who might have 5 employees to lay off one, or lay off many part timers and make the rest full time and dump them on Obama Care. Business owners will do what THEY need to do to maintain their business, after all it is THEIR business, and the jobs they provide are owned by the business NOT the employee.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 10 years, 7 months ago
    Because of the current (un)employment situation, minimum wage workers are readily available. As a result, employees who are line workers are treated as temps even if they had been employed there for several years, and can or will be fired at the whim of their boss, be he/she an owner or supervisor. One more consequence of the Obama economy. If the $15 per hour nonsense goes into effect, watch the unemployment rate skyrocket.
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  • Posted by $ Stormi 10 years, 7 months ago
    Isn't Subway also the place we may get sick looking at huge pictures of Michelle Obama?
    I am more concerned how many people got sick because the idiot manager let this person continue to serve food. How irresponsible of the whole management team. Yes, she could have walked out, got fired, but the fact she eventually passed out, says she was sick, and so are a lot of customers likely.
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 10 years, 7 months ago
    My son has a friend who works at a Subway, just having quit the embezzling boss (who will likely be charged) of another Subway in another town, many towns about the Birmingham area. Punk ex-boss actually told my son's friend, "You can't leave. I'm your boss." My son's friend retorted, "No, you're not. Bye."
    A far older memory is now triggered. I was in line in my car at a Taco Bell. Before me in a car was a kid showing off to his girlfriend by giving whoever was on the other end of the intercom a hard time. I left the line and found another fast food joint. Why? Figured some Taco Bell employee may still be mad enough to spit into my order also.
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  • Posted by Hiraghm 10 years, 7 months ago
    That's a manager who needs to be fired. Forget the "inhumane" treatment of his employee. He risked getting other employees sick, and his customers sick. Which is definitely not-good for business.

    Every time I ever ate at Subway, I got sick.

    I used to work with a former Subway employee. She said that at their store the refrigerator had broken, so they couldn't keep the food at the temperature required.

    When the inspector came, the manager had swapped it with one from a store in another part of town.

    Hmm... my grandfather's buried in Freeport...
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  • Posted by Notperfect 10 years, 7 months ago
    I read some comments also and if they had a union or benefits or Rolls Royce to escort them to and from work this person would not have p)(ked all over my Sandwich. Something in this story sounds fishy and it is not the tuna. I also think the Manager could be at question. Of course I have been wrong before, but to force me to work no matter the situation. Not!
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