Nanny State draws out supporters, detractors

Posted by dwrucker 10 years, 7 months ago to Government
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And don’t forget about food. Dan Anderson writes: “Parents will have to plan menus for their families in advance and submit them online to a Federal Nutrition Czar. Those deemed to be in violation of Federal Food Acceptability Standards will be cited for contempt. Fruits and vegetables not organically grown, or cuts of meat from livestock which are not (a) free-range (b) housed in air-conditioned quarters with thermostats under Department of Agriculture inspection and control (c) not manually massaged for circulatory stimulation and (d) not given sufficient space for appropriate social interchange and mobility will be subject to regulatory inspection and follow-up visits to ensure compliance.”

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  • Posted by Hiraghm 10 years, 7 months ago
    The mandatory pre-school fear is a relevant one.

    This is how we've been back-doored away from "traditional" American culture into the current socialistic culture.

    First the wailing and crying over poor women not being able to pursue their careers in the fast food industry because of patriarchy... so men, naturally wanting to be liked by women, no matter how horrible, give in to ridiculous demands based on even more ridiculous premises.

    So, equal rights for women sounds just peachy. Nobody (but me) could see the real purpose back in the 1960-70. The population was a lot younger, and most of the know-it-alls then (we called them "hippies") didn't have the life experience to recognize the danger of their idiocies. Then again, I was a child back then and STILL saw where it was heading and the purpose behind it.

    So, we get women participating equally in the workforce ("equally" in this context is not the same pay or the same work, but expectation of participation). Eventually, predictably, the economy adjusts, and now Mom working isn't just a wonderful option for extra spending money, but a necessity for the survival of the family. Still, nobody sees the goal.

    Men tend to be more rebellious than women. So it would help if, under the guise of kindness, we come up with "no-fault" divorce. In media and among the intelligentsia (and nobody wants to be unintelligentsia, do they?), the necessity of the nuclear family in American culture is pooh-poohed, even denigrated. Over time, the stigma is removed from divorce.
    "Back-alley" abortions are used as the rallying cry to legalize the murder of the unborn, which predictably (at least by me) leads to abortion-as-birth-control. Which, with the help of the media, removes the stigma from promiscuity.
    Likewise, thank you media, "single-motherhood" loses its shame (typically, the irresponsible teenager is painted as a "victim" somehow, while the 21+ hag who spreads for anything and decides she wants the ego boost and 'experience' of childbirth is ignored).

    So now you have a society where either both parents have to work, or there's only one parent, with reduced incentive to be responsible and put off child-rearing until one is able to afford to actually raise a child.

    Parent has to work. So, extend the school day and the school year, so the child can be warehoused. Open up a cottage industry of "day-care" centers. With the aid of the media, promote the idea of preschool, not for what it is, a way to warehouse pre-school-age children, but as a way of getting your child a head start on education (which, at that stage of development only "socializes" the child, and doesn't actually "educate" him about anything).

    So now, instead of barely-out-of-diaper children being at home and given their first lessons by their mother, being shaped into the kinds of human beings she wants them to be, they're warehoused in government indoctrination centers, where they're taught to reflexively to love Big Brother (speaking metaphorically).

    This was not an original idea; in the early 1960s, children on the collective farms entered "preschool" at 15 months of age, and after that their mothers saw them perhaps 2 hours a day.

    It is not a coincidence that it was in the communist countries that "equality" between the sexes, without regard to their roles or the needs of the nuclear, or even extended family, got its start.

    This was not accident, it was not the inevitable course of history, nor even is it social justice. It is a willful intent to destroy the one country founded upon the principles of individual liberty and replace it with yet another collectivist society.

    By using the population's natural desire to be benevolent, and twisting and distorting reality (thank you media) to silence the voices of reason ("raaaaacist!" ... "sexxxxxist!"), they've about achieved their goal of nanny-state cum communist paradise.

    I think it was Khrushchev who said that if he controlled Hollywood he could conquer America without firing a shot. How prophetic.
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