The Eventuality...

Posted by Wonky 11 years, 5 months ago to Politics
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"Shift" - Hugh Howey (sequel/prequel to Wool)

"‘Denial is the secret sauce in this town,’ he said. ‘It’s the flavor that holds all the other ingredients together. Here’s what I tell the newly elected: the truth is going to get out – it always does – but it’s going to blend in with all the lies.’ The Senator twirled a hand in the air. ‘You have to deny each lie and every truth with the same vinegar. Let those websites and blowhards who bitch about cover-ups confuse the public for you.’"

I'm starting to wonder whether Ayn Rand's socioeconomic predictions are more likely than more apocalyptic predictions. I made the mistake of reading a number of Nelson Demille novels... "Wild Fire" in particular is bothersome with respect to the concept of mutually assured destruction.

Are we truly approaching the "end of the great USA" via political conspiracy? What form will it take? Are we really at a point where the government is fabricating terrorist attacks for the media to take attention away from, or justify the NSA and our sacrifice of 4th amendment rights?

(This really should be posted under books, but I'm not finished reading "Shift", and who can tell the difference between books and political reality anymore anyway?)

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  • Posted by LetsShrug 11 years, 5 months ago
    Wow...sounds like a good book. Denial IS the secret sauce.
    Personally I think there is a well orchestrated agenda to weaken (perhaps kill) America that is coming from every possible direction, dictated by DC: Devaluing our money (QE), terrorism (within our country and outside), over regulation, over taxation, over policing, 1st, 2nd, and 4th Amendment breaches, supreme court corruption, demise of education, rewriting history, IGNORING history, encourage emotional responses instead of logical thinking, encouraging people to sign up for entitlement programs...obummer care (enforced by the Irs thugs).... sheesh it's hard to find anything NOT corrupt or not working to destroy us. Maybe I should start a post about that.
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