Kalifornia Gov. Brown Has Had Enough Of Tax Paying Freeloaders

Posted by $ allosaur 7 years, 7 months ago to Government
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Yeah, what's wrong with some of you freeloading tax-paying Kalifornians?
You should want to contribute more and more and more of your hard-earned fair share to make Kalifornia great again.
Government ain't the problem. It's you not paying enough to fix government, and Jerry Brown says so.
Hey, it ain't like the British keep imposing higher taxes.
Guess what, crybabies? That happened on the East Coast over 200 years ago.
YOU live on the coast that's over to the left. And and you live there RIGHT NOW!
So get with the program, peons, and suck it up!
SOURCE URL: http://www.mrctv.org/blog/gov-brown-calls-law-abiding-california-taxpayers-freeloaders?mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiTm1Jek5EVXhPR05qWXpaaSIsInQiOiJSWHh2OWJ1RlJnUEYxNUp2XC9VYTRMRXI0YU02VTdJc21sRDNveG91aGQ3bTVuV3Y2TkFQa1wvMFZURXE5TDV6WnFrWEdEbHFFbzlCZFlsWXhyVDEyeHBiK0xYVjJKUTR1N1FUK1JrUTNNM0hydjJBSXhxMDdVU2VqanhCZ2hzRFpIIn0%3D

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  • Posted by Mitch 7 years, 7 months ago
    I live near Sacramento in a small community about 35 miles north, very conservative here but not elsewhere. California is a house of cards and it will fall as soon as the produces wake up and leave. I have children and family here that I’m unwilling to leave but I’m eyeing the Nevada side of Tahoe as a nice place to watch California chip off and fall into the Pacific…. Beach front property….
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    • Posted by ChuckyBob 7 years, 7 months ago
      I left the PDRC almost three years ago. I actally pay more taxes in Utah because my situation has changed, but I feel better about paying taxes in a state that is well run and fiscally sound. A lot of the welfare here is run by NGOs and is much more efficient that the state bureaucracy. So, all the rich folks voluntarily donate to the NGOs and it works well.
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      • Posted by Mitch 7 years, 7 months ago
        I've driven through Utah a few times but once had to stay a week in Salt Lake City, while very nice and clean, people polite but I did notice a great deal of homeless. Maybe it was where my hotel was? California is a different story all together here, panhandlers everywhere.
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    • Posted by Dobrien 7 years, 7 months ago
      Obviously you are keeping an eye on ( the best you can with the opaque screen at) Oroville Dam.
      The shift in the intertropical convergence zone and the jet stream along with increasing cosmic rays increasing cloud cover could bring unseasonable amounts of rain in the watershed area. Eyes open. See Adapt2030
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  • Posted by freedomforall 7 years, 7 months ago
    "Or take money from universities?"
    Well, maybe Gov. Brown is on to something (albeit he feels it's quippy sarcasm.)
    Yes, Guvnah, reducing costs is the answer. How about you kick in your share by reducing your pay to zero, closing down the state guvment for 364 days a year, moving your office to a 10'x10' storage unit, and cutting your staff to one bleached blonde assistant in a mini skirt. I think Ted Turner's reject Jane might be available.
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    • Posted by $ nickursis 7 years, 7 months ago
      Worse than that, you can bet there is a huge shell game going on to keep CalPers afloat despite being about 20 billion in the hole, why do you think it costs 60 billion for 11 miles of light rail? No one does the digging to find all the crap, because there is only one party in Kalifornia, and this is what one party gives.
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    • Posted by $ 7 years, 7 months ago
      You remind me of the former Gov. Bentley of my state Alabama, who was presented a list of proposed cuts but decided to raise taxes to help pay for such pork.
      The RINO found another way to spend money also.
      Buh-bye, Guv! Looks like a door hit you on the way out.
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      • Posted by freedomforall 7 years, 7 months ago
        "The 74-year-old grandfather of six was given a 30-day suspended jail sentence and a year of probation. "
        Rubbish. If he broke the law, then punish him for it. Maybe AL needs a law that says any infraction by politician must be taken to court and the punishment if found guilty must be the maximum amount.
        Not punishing people who have a fiduciary responsibility because they are politicians sets a bad example and condones the action for other pols in the future.
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        • Posted by $ jdg 7 years, 7 months ago
          Maybe AL needs a law that says any infraction by politician must be taken to court and the punishment if found guilty must be the maximum amount. -- Seems like a good idea, but only until you think about who would administer it.
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        • Posted by $ 7 years, 7 months ago
          Yeah, I keep harping over there being a political aristocracy of more than equal elite betters.
          $hillary the Evil Hag walking around free is the most glaring example (unless you're mentally ill for being a lib), but there are also red state for state level politico untouchables who can get by with a slap on the wrist if anything.
          A blind justice to caste or class exception does happen every long once in a while~
          Psst! Keep in mind that Don Siegelman pushed for a state lottery--a big no-no among lots n' lots of Southern Baptists here.
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          • Posted by freedomforall 7 years, 7 months ago
            So they have a problem with gambling, but cheating on your spouse and stealing to hide having sex with an assistant gets a free pass. (grin)
            I can barely hear your harp 150+- miles east ;^) Play a little louder please.
            BTW, the GA pols recently hiked the tax on fuel a record amount.
            Where the hell is the vaccine for looting??
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  • Posted by Dobrien 7 years, 7 months ago
    The state and its infrastructure is riding a razors edge. Ignored maintenance and shadowy opaque
    Fixes are the norm , the've got to educate, feed, house, and heal all the illegal aliens. Browns tactics are a copy of his daddy who would lie to get his lootiing agenda http://calcoast.org/oroville-dam-upda... . Well, the illegals can vote for food and amnesty and get away with breaking the law.
    They are extremely vulnerable to many natural disasters and many avoidable potential disasters being ignored.
    Not to mention the disaster that is called Gov. Brown
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  • Posted by Herb7734 7 years, 7 months ago
    Why are Californians complaining? They're getting what they voted for i:e: Jerry Brown.
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    • Posted by $ 7 years, 7 months ago
      Back in the 60s one of my college professors said, "The majority rules. But is the majority always right?"
      I never voted for the Termite-In-Chief, but I sure as heck complained about him for eight whole years. Longer!
      I got cranked up when the media jumped all over Joe the Plumber to divert attention from O's rare truthful answer: "I want to spread the wealth around."
      Joe ain't a plumber! Joe ain't a plumber! Joe ain't got no plumbing license! Joe owes the IRS money! Lookit Joe! Lookit Joe! Yah! Lookit Joe!
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  • Posted by andrewph 7 years, 7 months ago
    Mitch, be very careful about moving just to the other side of a city. I'm in the socialist republic of New York. Here, if you live in Connecticut, New Jersey, Vermont, or Pennsylvania and work in either the city or the surrounding counties, you pay NYS taxes for your JOB in the state. And somehow that passed legal muster! My wife moved to TEXAS and still had to pay NYS taxes because her employer was in NYS!! Why I live here now is complicated but the sorriest part of my life. Communist haven't died, they just turned democrat.
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  • Posted by $ Stormi 7 years, 7 months ago
    California is coming apart at the seams. This has been building for years. When my grandparents lived in Long Beach, they wanted me to move in and get free college out there.Yeah, campus hippies and flower power morons, I stayed int he heartland. It was free everything back then. Now, Brown's answer is to criticize working people? Hey, you are the one to wnat s more illegals on welfare, and provided with free lawyers as well! Did you ever get Big Sur put back together? Maybe if you would stop following UN Agenda 21people could afford housing and food. Your state has plowed under hunderds of miles of rural roads to force population density, resulting in higher housings costs. Wait until the big earthquake comes, maybe it is time your retired before you have that to deal with.
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  • Posted by Owlsrayne 7 years, 7 months ago
    Californians will flee to Az(where I live) and try to turn this state into another socialist state.If I had my way I would set up an armed border crossing to turn them away, not in my Arizona. Tell the Cali's either go further west, that's right into the ocean! If they don't want to drown I give them a map to to the other socialist states Oregon or Washington!
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  • Posted by LibertyBelle 7 years, 7 months ago
    And why not take $ from universities? Education
    is not a legitimate function of government (except
    police academies, military training, etc.) The proper purpose of government is to protect man (that Includes women and children; I am somewhat old-fashioned with my grammar) against force (including fraud) and violence, and punish same.--I am glad I do not live there. Virginia taxes enough, though it's vastly better than certain other states. (And I don't feel good about being on Social Security and living in public housing now, but I am trying to get a job, and actually have a hope of getting one by the end of the week).
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  • Posted by chad 7 years, 7 months ago
    Wasn't there a book written once about doublespeak? Where hate = love, war = peace, extortion = freeloaders? The problem is this man has not been roundly rejected and I don't mean waiting for the next opportunity to vote. Until the general populace starts ignoring these fools instead of subjugating themselves to the 'leaders' it will never end. The right to complain about being hanged because you have the right to free speech might prove that you can say what you want but if you are still going to be hanged for breaking the rules of the communist state free speech has no value.
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    • Posted by $ nickursis 7 years, 7 months ago
      You are correct, and a big part of it is the media skew in Kalifornia will not expose any other voices. It is ll Dumbocrap stuff, and little common sense comparison or discussion, like "What happened to the 40 billion of the last 20 years since you last raked us over the coals". One rep made it clear "This time we will make sure it is in the law that the money goes for roads". Nice to think of it now, aholes. It is indeed time for a revolution, but not the one they think....An Ayn Rand poster child if ever there was one...
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  • Posted by $ jdg 7 years, 7 months ago
    Believe me, if a decent candidate who will cut spending ever runs for Brown's seat, I'll do my part by donating to him/her, as I have in the past.

    The silver lining is that Brown gets termed out in 2018.
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