Let’s Connect the Dots, by Robert Gore

Posted by straightlinelogic 7 years, 8 months ago to Government
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If this is correct, then within 96 hours of Rich’s murder, or by July 14, 2016, the FBI knew that Rich had communicated with WikiLeaks and it knew what he had communicated. That means that when WikiLeaks subsequently released the DNC emails on July 22, the FBI knew that Rich, not the Russian government, was the source. That would make the entire “Russia hacked the DNC” story nothing more than a concocted fabrication. Comey, the director of the FBI, surely knew the truth, and indeed was probably the mastermind behind the fabrication. If so, the subsequent investigation has been nothing but a sham, designed to discredit Trump and drive him from office. If that is indeed the case, Comey has zero credibility and his notes, supposedly made after a conversation with Trump, have zero credibility as well. Not only is Comey’s credibility destroyed, he, and potential coconspirators Barack Obama, James Clapper (Director of National Intelligence), John Brennan (Director of the Central Intelligence Agency until January 2017), could be charged with a myriad of criminal offenses, including treason. And who knows where a rejuvenated Seth Rich murder investigation might lead.

This is an excerpt. For the complete article, please click the above link.
SOURCE URL: https://straightlinelogic.com/2017/05/17/lets-connect-the-dots-by-robert-gore/

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  • Posted by freedomforall 7 years, 8 months ago
    Rational analysis as always, SLL. Excellent.

    "The implications are horrendous."
    And the implications are no surprise whatsoever to anyone who can observe, analyze, and think rationally. This rubbish is what has been provided to the public by the media and government officials of both parties for the past 30+ years.
    Fool me once. Fool me again. And again. And again. And again.
    Trusting that the existing corrupt political system is self correcting is even more foolish.
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  • Posted by coaldigger 7 years, 8 months ago
    History repeats itself. Those that seek to control others will always do whatever is necessary to obtain it. The ONLY antidote is to never allow government to become large enough to matter. All the benefits and entitlements are fools gold and chains for us to hang ourselves on prison walls. I wish to be hung upside down. Can anyone see to this?
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  • Posted by $ blarman 7 years, 8 months ago
    This would certainly put significant holes in the current media narrative. Observations if true:

    1) the ongoing on-again/off-again coming from Democrats about Comey's fitness for position becomes even more galling given that he was applauded for letting off Hillary
    2) it would quash any notion of justification for a special prosecutor
    3) it would destroy the Democrats politically by backfiring in a spectacular manner.
    4) it would call into question an investigation into the DNC for the murder of Rich (which should have already happened).
    5) it directly implicates Hillary for culpability into yet another murder (she and Bill have a long string going for which they have never been prosecuted).
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  • Posted by Owlsrayne 7 years, 8 months ago
    Another excellent essay. You could be an alternative investigator in the Demo-Wikileaks-Russian connection. I'm just wonder when the Special Council starts getting close to the truth will Dims will put a contract out on him? The Dims think that they're lily-white innocent in this fiasco. If the real truth comes out could very well destroy the Democratic Party. I wonder when the Special Council gets to the point in the investigation where he'll have to say "You can't handle the Truth"! to the Dims. Then what happens?
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  • Posted by chad 7 years, 8 months ago
    I don't think they are out to get Trump as much as to impeach those who thought they were getting his professed ideals to convince the sheeple they made a mistake in voting for the ideas he peddled. In other words destroy the ideas is more important than destroy the man.
    As far as who killed Mr. Rich; even if I believed the ideas of the Marxist Clintons I would be too frightened to ever accept a job from them or even be supplying them information or any other requested 'goods' in case I might be a source of embarrassment to them.
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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 7 years, 8 months ago
    Having worked to support the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency (NGA) under Clapper I can attest to the man's inherent devious nature and arrogance. His behavior pattern is best characterized by his response when caught in an outright lie when testifying before Congress, declaring he had done his best to give the "least dishonest answer he could think of at the time."

    Comey has a reputation in the bureau as an arrogant, self-righteous ass. John Brennan is just an evil, diabolical infestation. I hope there is an effort to reopen the Seth Rich homicide investigation that puts this whole pack of vandals behind bars.
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 7 years, 8 months ago
    I think the players you have mentioned are the outer circle of the deep state...the more we learn, the more it seems to be a reality and not a conspiracy theory.
    Meet the New World Orderless cabal of parasitical humanoids.

    There are definitely those in the world that would profit in many ways, (if only to survive regardless of how they have screwed everything up), if conscious man was subdued and replaced by AI's.

    They have yet to realize though, that they would be Nothing with out Us!; an AI could only perpetuate the values already invented, AI's could not, nor could the worlds delete, create New values, inventions or benefits for the world.
    There is No way these AI's would ever have a Mind nor be able to meaningfully connect to the quantum world like a Human inventor does.
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    • Posted by lrshultis 7 years, 8 months ago
      Where did you get that revelation about information of future AI? There is nothing known from which to deduce that AI cannot be conscious or be able to by rational observation of objective reality develop selves and thus recognize values and virtues. After all, AI would be the result of interactions from existing matter and could even be carbon based but created by humans but need not be any more than being able to replicate and defend itself. Note that awareness of self might be necessary to learn or form values and recognize virtues necessary to obtain those values.
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      • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 7 years, 8 months ago
        Because I know consciousness and the Mind. A conscious connection to one can not be programed, it's Not algorithmic, it's not predictable and it's not physical.
        The best AI could ever have is a compartmentalized imitation of a human brain. Even if one could decode quantum wave exchanges from one entangled particle and another, you would still need a proper IP address so to speak or as I express it, Identity.
        I think, even a living transhumanized brain would probably fail to make these connections.
        And I have been thinking lately that even with a biprogramed self observance structure, it probably would create chaos within the unit itself.

        Yes, all this, and AI as well, is speculative at this point; This is where I see it going...only time will tell if I have gotten this entire picture correct.

        I wouldn't be worshiping this science nor the intentions of scientist and programmers at any point or in the future. There are many whom would stand to profit at the demise of Conscious Humankind and Yes, it's obvious to those that are conscious that "they" are not or at best...haven't thought the whole thing through.
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        • Posted by lrshultis 7 years, 8 months ago
          I was not aware of the "many who would profit at the demise of Conscious Humankind." Since you may believe that they are humans and would remain conscious humans after AI reached a self conscious level, why would they not also lose their human consciousness? I suppose they could be directing the actions of AI driven beings, but that would not remove consciousness from the Conscious Humankind. It would take disease, either physical or mental (if there is such a disease), to do the demising.
          The human brain does not seem to be a good place for entanglement of quantum particles but maybe good for entanglement of proteins as in Alzheimer disease which can mess up consciousness.
          Whatever makes you think that AI would only be the result of some kinds of algorithmic programming? It is obvious that consciousness and intelligence do not require programed algorithms but can be helped by using mental algorithms in some thinking. AI does not imply, say, a universal computer. AI only implies intelligence and as you know, intelligence can be benign or malignant depending upon the self involved.
          If "Because I know consciousness and the Mind", please explain the consciousness of the visual field whether one is thinking about it or is otherwise occupied. The only consciousness that you know is your own and that is all you can speculate about despite all the psychology data which give no evidence as to what others are experiencing.
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          • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 7 years, 8 months ago
            Intelligence is nothing more than compartmentalized information and that's about all AI will achieve. Will it be able to utilize that information, of course. It may even be able to be aware of it's environment but only largely through programing. Now that is pure AI. But once electronics are used to enhance a human in any way...that human will no longer be human. Just the averaged vibratory frequency alone will not resemble a human. I am not talking about disabilities and the amazing transformation this technology can produce for such individuals.

            What I am saying is that this is a place or practice we should not engage with healthy human beings. I think that possibility is so exciting to science and programmers that they do not see the big picture. They spend so much time with rushing natural evolution they will inevitably do more damage than good.
            Everything in it's own time and humans will be whatever we will through natural process we can't even imagine right now.
            Who could of predicted 200,000 years ago, that mankind would be aware of their own awareness and be able to modify their own thinking, their own behaviors, because it's the right think to do and not because of fear of survival and connect to the quantum world to do so. Who could of predicted that mankind would look and be so very different from each other, be comprised of 4 very different bloodtypes with a whole set of different digestive tracks, pronalities and general tendencies.
            Transhumanism itself, even if only to prolong human lives, goes against natural diversity. It's an effort to make us all the same, compliant and equally ruleable; an effort for sure to produce an equal outcome.
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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 7 years, 8 months ago
    You can connect the dots this convoluted way, but the shortest line clearly points draws an image of Comey being an honest person who President Trump was concerned was onto something embarrassing or illegal.

    The notion of everyone being out to get Trump to thwart his radical reforms would hold more water if he were initiating reforms.
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