the book description is confusing on which edition is best for Kindle. there is also the new movie edition re-formatting the original. the explanations are kinda a cluster.... I chose the movie edition in part to help support a movie I have not yet seen. the trailer looks very interesting though... I'll get back to you with a review. Have to finish up "The Frankenstein Candidate" first, which is excellent.
He's to old to be Ragnar. If he were in his 30's it would work for me also.
Here's a good link to the trailer. The link in the article didn't work for me. This is a movie I'll pay to see if it comes anywhere near me.
There's a post in the gulch from a year ago (no comments on it): Better Than “Atlas Shrugged” – “Alongside Night” And “A Lodging Of Wayfaring Men”.
I chose the movie edition in part to help support a movie I have not yet seen. the trailer looks very interesting though...
I'll get back to you with a review. Have to finish up "The Frankenstein Candidate" first, which is excellent.
Here's a good link to the trailer. The link in the article didn't work for me. This is a movie I'll pay to see if it comes anywhere near me.