Hi. My name is JJ

Posted by J_Jammer 12 years, 6 months ago to The Gulch: General
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I'm a writer. I saw Part 1 before reading the book. After seeing it, I decided to read it. I love it. I love the speeches. I love the thinking. I love everything about it. I could see myself reading it all over again.

Her writing style is different than mine, but I got over some of the things I found annoying and enjoy the content. The dialogue is fantastic. I can't see how they'll cut down the speeches. I just can't...that's a hard job. I wouldn't want to be the screenwriter. I would LOVE to be part of that team, but that's a difficult thing to contend with. There's NOTHING that I read (dialogue wise) that could be cut.

My favorite character is Antonio and my second favorite is a tie between Dagny and Hank. I love Dagny throughout. She is strong. A strong woman character without the NEED of a man...though throughout she WANTED men. Hank because once he figure he shouldn't care he had some of the greatest lines for his family. And I really did like John Galt. I read how some don't like him at all or found him boring. I found him smart.

I cannot wait until the film.
SOURCE URL: http://www.hollywooddump.com/2011/04/atlas-shrugged-part-i-profound-puzzle.html

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