"President" Ryan Takes Over

Posted by $ allosaur 7 years, 10 months ago to Politics
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This weekend Trump gave a speech at a rally. He read that lady and the snake poem again whereas the lady nurses a half frozen snake back to health and the snake bites her. Asked why, the snake said "You knew I was a snake."
The poem was being applied to a sneaky Muslim terrorist. While Trump read that, me dino was in my Easy Boy saying, "Apply that to Paul Ryan! Paul Ryan! Don't you know what you have for mess-siss-siss-ssing around with Paul Ryan?"
But no-o. Trump has stated Ryan's doing a wonderful job. Evidently, Trump has been getting bit while not knowing it.
The article in the link bears that out. What is NOT funded according to Daniel Horowitz's analysis of the Continuing Resolution to fund the government for the rest of the Fiscal Year?
The border wall.
What is being funded?
Sanctuary cites.
The refugee program gets $3.1 billion, the same as it did under Obama.
Green energy programs you'd think Trump would eliminate receives a modest increase.
Click the link to read the rest.
You'd have thought the Evil Hag had won the election. Horowitz writes "this is the way it always goes with President Ryan. Ryan's budget brinkmanship strategy is to wait until the government is about to run out of spending authority, then demand that conservatives cave in on the Democrats' priorities."
Me dino is thinking that if Trump really wants to drain the swamp, first demand Ryan resign as Speaker and publicly identify and fully expose all the RINOs who help Ryan play his deceptive political games.
Trump needs to drain his own home swamp first.
SOURCE URL: http://www.conservativehq.com/node/25584

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  • Posted by freedomforall 7 years, 10 months ago
    "Ryan's budget brinkmanship strategy is to wait until the government is about to run out of spending authority, then demand that conservatives cave in on the Democrats' priorities"
    SOP for the GOP for 30 years.
    Not a nickle's worth of difference between the major parties.
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    • Posted by $ 7 years, 10 months ago
      Why term limits will never receive enough votes.
      There are not enough Ted Cruz patriots to vote away their professional politician careers for the good of the country.
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      • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 7 years, 10 months ago
        You are spot on Dino, Cruz was the right man and the right time. His conviction, had he won, likely would have gotten him killed.
        Sadly and predictably, same as it ever was.
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        • Posted by $ 7 years, 10 months ago
          I'm frustrated but I'm looking forward to what Trump may accomplish.
          He only has 100 so days behind him.
          I now recall a cartoon of Trump sitting on a horse-sized snail and fervently beating it with a riding crop.
          On the snail's side the word "CONGRESS" was written.
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          • Posted by wiggys 7 years, 10 months ago
            trump is up to his chest in the swamp. did you expect anything different?
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            • Posted by wiggys 7 years, 10 months ago
              Dino also remember people who get to the top love to delegate authority which I am sure trump has done all of his business career. they were knowledgeable people working for him in the private sector, if they screw up he says "your fired", whereas ryan is a CIVIL SERVANT and could care less about his job (?) because he is not subject to losing it.
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              • Posted by $ 7 years, 10 months ago
                Trump has found himself surrounded by high office mooching looters he can't say "You're fired" to.
                For Trump, that change for environment must be like being suddenly transported from the earth to the dark side of the moon.
                There the art of the deal must be like the fart of the deal.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 7 years, 10 months ago
    Of course our Dino is correct. But it starts one to wonder, why does the swamp need draining on both sides at all? Have we become so inured to corruption that we expect it as a matter of course? Shouldn't we be more outraged instead of shrugging our shoulders as if to say that's the way it is, and has been for many decades? The ultimate result is that we get Senators like comedy writer Al Franken reciting questions put together by his staff and read to the person he is questioning as if he never saw the questions before. Congressmen and Senators should be paragons. Not only better and more honest but knowledgeable in the Constitution and history of our country. What do we have instead? A motley crew of mostly people who couldn't tell you anything without their staff figuring it out for them. People who cannot string two sentences together in order to form a paragraph. We don't have what we need in Washington, but what we are willing to settle for.
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    • Posted by JohnJMulhall 7 years, 10 months ago
      Herb7734 - you are accurate. As an elected city+ representative, I went to DC on many occasions and only ONE (1) congresscritter didn't have to rely on the staff to discuss city difficulties and public transit. Poor showing in the 80s, some better with the newbys, but...
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      • Posted by Herb7734 7 years, 10 months ago
        What I'm saying is that when dealing with congress you are not dealing with the cream of that crop in most cases..They are adhering to the preconceived playbook and will never deviate from that, because in reality, they have no core beliefs. They will use whatever advances their cause whether or not it is best for the people.just so long as it's good for the party and them. That is why, when it comes to party loyalty the Democrats beat the Republicans every time.
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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 7 years, 10 months ago
    I have a different perspective. The Democrat base is feverishly demanding that the congressional Democrats refuse to even meet with Trump or any Republican, so this budget is partly a sop to Democrats so they can convince their supporters that they are still relevant, even if they did negotiate with the evil Trump. Since Obama failed to provide a coherent budget to close out his term, this is in part an end to his administration, with holdover programs that are likely to not survive the next fiscal year.

    Planned Parenthood does see funding, but the states now have the authority not to accept those funds for their state. That's just one example of Trump's intent to return more control to the states. Green energy programs are funded in much the same way, with states having control over how those funds are managed.

    The border fence is funded, but not "the wall." The fence is a steel barrier that can stop a tank, with openings too narrow for human passage, but allowing animals to cross. This is a compromise that allows the Democrats to declare "victory" in stopping construction of an Israeli style massive concrete structure, but gives DHS Secretary Kelly the barrier he wanted, lower cost but effective when backed by more Border Patrol and surveillance technology.

    So much of this is Kabuki theater, with Senator Schumer trying to hold off the Sandernistas by pandering to the hysteria-ridden extreme left in hopes of party survival. It would not surprise me to see a later tell all book that discloses this is all a sham, and that Trump and Schumer staged their public warfare while working together behind the scenes.
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    • Posted by CircuitGuy 7 years, 10 months ago
      "So much of this is Kabuki theater"
      "It would not surprise me to see a later tell all book that discloses this is all a sham, and that Trump and Schumer staged their public warfare while working together behind the scenes."
      Yes. I would not be surprised if they did some joint staging. I would be shocked if they took it seriously, if any of them in a private moment honestly said, "I'm engaged in a monumental high-stakes pitched battle based on ideologically differences." The truth is more like "What can I feed the media and commentators that is really insignificant but that they can twist into the biggest news story ever, which keeps them and me employed."
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  • Posted by JuliBMe 7 years, 10 months ago
    Someone aptly said after Trump was elected that his detractors took him literally and not seriously. While his supporters took Trump seriously, but not literally. In no way do I think Trump is a stupid man. It's just been 3 1/2 months so far. I think it's way too early to abandon and, certainly, way too early to start overly criticizing him. His "deal-making" maneuvers with the "help" shouldn't be questioned too closely yet. I'm willing to wait the whole term because I am not there with him and I do not know the personalities nor the circumstances he has to deal with. This continuing resolution "budget" is finishing out Obama's last fiscal year. That is how I am going to continue to look at this one until the time has passed and the final results are in.

    I love Ted Cruz and I would have happily voted for him. I don't happen to think this was his time, however. His children are still too young and his family would have suffered terribly under the current vitriol of the left. I'm not sure they and he would have been able to withstand it at this time.

    The current polarization of this country really needed a person with his foot in both camps. Trump was that person. Rush says he's not ideological. That he doesn't look at the world that way. Maybe that is what was needed at this time and place. A more rigid person of principle like Ted Cruz would probably not have the needed diplomacy to get the cooperation needed. Trump may still have the better chance.

    In the meantime, we need to continue to vote out the commie left and continue to find good people of principle to run and be voted in to replace them during each election season.
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    • Posted by $ 7 years, 10 months ago
      Me dino has not given up hope. Trump has a very long swim in a swamp before him, hopefully for eight years. I voted for Cruz in the primary, by the way.
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      • Posted by JuliBMe 7 years, 10 months ago
        Hi, Dino! LOL, I'm in California. My vote is overwhelmed by stupidity.

        I wasn't thinking you were giving up. I was bouncing off your initial broaching of the subject. I'm just hearing a lot of complaints about the CR. A LOT. It just seems people, in general, are losing perspective already.
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        • Posted by $ 7 years, 10 months ago
          Everyone is complaining. Maybe I should complain about all the complaining. Watch this~
          Listen up, folks! There's too much complaining going on from both the left and the right and I'm complaining about it.
          Everyone take a chill pill or I'll really complain! Yeah, you'll really be sorry when I really complain!
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  • Posted by GaryL 7 years, 10 months ago
    The drain at the bottom of the swamp is clogged with mostly republican hacks who only have their own interests in mind. I expect to see Trump call these bastards out in a very public forum and fairly soon.
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    • Posted by $ 7 years, 10 months ago
      On the radio shortly before the presidential election, I heard Rush Limbaugh admit to having an epiphany over the existence of many selfish power hungry professional political pigs in the GOP he once cherished.
      He even said some Republicans in Congress hoped the Evil Hag would win so they could "keep their power and their fiefdoms."
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  • Posted by $ CBJ 7 years, 10 months ago
    Trump's budget priorities don't really come into play until Fiscal Year 2018, which begins October 1. The current agreement simply continues to fund spending that was previously authorized by Congress. The upcoming Trump budget proposal looks very different from what we have now:

    "Trump federal budget 2018: Massive cuts to the arts, science and the poor"

    "What Trump cut in his budget"

    I think Trump is more likely to play hardball once the budget he is crafting is on the table.
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    • Posted by $ 7 years, 10 months ago
      Hope Trump turns out to be really good at "art of the deal" hardball with professional politicians he can't say "You're fired!" to
      In the first link you provided, one glaring truth for a hard fact stands out and I quote~
      "The administration budget isn't going to be the budget," said Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.). "We do the budget here. The administration makes recommendations, but Congress does budgets."
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  • Posted by scojohnson 7 years, 10 months ago
    The tough part about Congressional Leadership is they are ultimately subject to the voters in their home districts. Ryan hails from Wisconsin, a state that went red for the first time in a generation. Voting red (for the first time) doesn't mean that they are not blue-leaning at home, and probably are. Ryan is in a tough spot to keep his seat and I think he's a decent man at heart.

    The reality is, the Republicans need a Speaker from a safer district. John McClintock would be a good - excellent orator, solid conservative, from California but never has a capable challenger and his district is about 70% registered Republican (and high-income / highly conservative).

    I'm sure there are others - from Texas, etc. point being, it needs to be someone from a solidly conservative district with no threats at home for being their own person.
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    • Posted by $ 7 years, 10 months ago
      I can't get over a stomach turning memory of O telling Son of Boehmer "Thank you for making government work" for acting like a RINO replacement water boy.
      Even though I can't remember the Dem legislation the RINOs helped push through.
      Someone else be Speaker. PLEASE!
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  • Posted by preimert1 7 years, 10 months ago
    I heard a different version of that "snake" thing a few years back: A scorpion was tryin to get a turtle to give him a ride on his back across the river Jordon. "C'mon," says the scorpion, "if i were to sting you, I'd drown." So the turtle agreed and let the scorpion on his back and began to swim. Half way across the scorpion stung him. The turtle asked, with his dying gasp, "Why did you sting me? Now we'll both die!" And the scorpion replied, "What can I say? Its the Middle East."
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    • Posted by $ 7 years, 10 months ago
      That reminds me of a cartoon I saw maybe 10 years ago.
      Set in the Middle East, a modern war wipes out all one Israeli and one Muslim and both are armed fighters.
      The Muslim disarms and opens his arms.
      The Israeli decides the make peace in the same manner.
      They rush over to each other.
      They embrace.
      They both blow up.
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  • Posted by starznbarz 7 years, 10 months ago
    Trump may want to try to drain the swamp, he also will keep the plug in his hand so he controls the flow. Much like Obama, you just had to look and listen to know what Trumps course would be. And in a totally unrelated issue...my healthcare premium just went up $40 a month,(to $500) with a $6000 deductible - but by all means, let` s not submit the repeal bill that was sent to Obama 6 times....and Heaven forbid the president ask for it. We get what we allow.
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    • Posted by $ 7 years, 10 months ago
      The GOP knew Obama would, of course, reject the Obamacare repeal bill they sent to him.
      They didn't think Trump would win and fully expected, for the consumption of their constituents, to play this same "this is why you need to reelect me" con game with a President $hillary.
      A President Trump messed up their sneaky RINO charade.
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  • Posted by NealS 7 years, 10 months ago
    Frustrating to say the least. Are we willing to take the chance by not reelecting those in our party that are proving to be weaklings and cowards? The primaries are just as, if not more, important as the general elections. And somehow we need to put a stop to this prejudiced media that really should be in our courts trying to defend themselves for their treasonous "reporting". I find nothing in the constitution that allows the media to slander and put forth so much prejudiced and false information. And there's got to be a law against a people's representative calling our president a scumbag (a very unpleasant person who has done something dishonest or unacceptable) without spelling out specifics, other than dishonest and cowardly rhetoric. Are these the kind of people anyone wants representing them? Unfortunately the other side does. What can we do to enlighten them (the voters) without becoming like them ourselves?
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    • Posted by $ 7 years, 10 months ago
      I have an ancient degree in Journalism. Way back then I was taught at Troy State University that defamation is not a criminal but a civil matter that protects private citizens.
      Public figures have far less protection from, say, those trashy tabloids you see sold at grocery stores or from anyone else.
      It's hard to enlighten citizens indoctrinated by lib educators and misled by crooked tinhorns propped up by the corrupt mainstream media.
      There's only so much that conservative commentators like Rush, Hannity, Levine, Savage and all the right wing email from various sites I get can do.
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      • Posted by NealS 7 years, 10 months ago
        In a new book, "Enhanced Interrogation", CIA contractor James Mitchell talks of his time as an interrogator of al Qaeda leaders and alleges that their plan was not to destroy the U.S. militarily but to use lax immigration laws, weak politicians and procreation to take the nation down from the inside. How can we argue this concept? Do we perhaps to make some constitution changes? Do we have the "right" to enforce our borders? Do we have a say in what our children are being taught? Should we be required to obey our laws, or is that only for part of the population? Should we allow ignorant dissent? If the people want and even vote for a dictatorship or some other kind of rule, do we have to allow it? Will the masses prevail? Who will comprise the masses (in the US) in the future? Selfishly, I am actually thankful that I'm in the checkout column (just 75), what's happening to America today is very painful to me.
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  • Posted by Stormi 7 years, 10 months ago
    Ryan is a Thino for whom I would NEVER vote. His wife is a big one worlder, Soros friend - and you know what they say about lying down with dogs and fleas! He has to go. We need a real conservative in that position, not a pretend one.
    I will give Trump no more donations, despite the almost daily requests, as long as he increases funding for global warming,w hich is a myth, and climate change is caused by UN and government tinking with the atmosphere! I admit, that I am not pleased with Trump's caving to the Rhino's. And what about Hillary, who says still it was Russia and the FBI which lost her the election. I know the woman has brain damage, but is she insane as well? She has just admitted, without realizing it, that when the truth is told about her, people do not want or trust her, and won't vote for her! I hope Trump gets it together, and stops catering to the" green" idiots.I like Ivanka, but not sure how conservative she really is to be putting ideas in his ear, daughter or not.
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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 7 years, 10 months ago
    It is shocking how tiny the stated policy differences all these machinations are supposedly about are. Most all politicians agree on massive borrowing, a huge armaments industry, a complicated tax code, a huge social entitlement system, a war on drugs, an alphabet soup of federal agencies, and having 1 in 20 citizens under the supervision of the criminal justice system. All this nonsense and name-calling is supposedly a dispute over the crumbs. The histrionics would make perfect sense if we had one powerful person/party pushing for an amendment that would limit gov't spending to 10% of GDP.

    So what's this all about? It might look like it's a proxy argument for redneck jerks who just want an excuse to be jerks because they're angry about their lives. I don't think so, though, because I recently drove through Kentucky, through the places where supporters of President Trump live. In many ways they're nicer than people in my urban world where Clinton received 90% of the vote, so I don't believe name-calling politicians or their name-calling supporters represent real people. What's it all about? I don't know. I think it's just people with careers in gov't and people who are jerks being a attracted to it the same way they were attracted to pointless name-calling in elementary school.
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    • Posted by freedomforall 7 years, 10 months ago
      An acquaintance had a similar experience, CG. He spent his adult life trading on Wall Street and then as an independent stock trader in NY. He moved to rural WV and is very impressed with the natives' abilities to be gentile, productive, and to think rationally.
      The metropolitan areas that support a big government, the war industry, crazy taxes, entitlements, and various "social wars" are dragging the entire country down and stealing from the productive, sane people outside those areas.
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      • 10
        Posted by coaldigger 7 years, 10 months ago
        I am fortunate to having been the opposite of your acquaintance. I was born and raised, as they say, in WV. I hated it. It bored me. I went to college and headed for the city, a big corporation, climbed the ladder, lived in the suburbs. I made a joke of where I came from and regretted all that I missed by growing up there.

        The problem was that I always ended up going against the grain. I couldn't accept the idea of being a pack animal for hangers on. I couldn't understand people that wanted to be paid more for less, people that thought the poor, the planet, the church, the government and any thing needy, had a claim on me.

        When I was introduced to Atlas Shrugged, I had an ah-ha moment. People in WV just wanted to be free and could be ornery as hell regarding anything that infringed on their freedom. They were kind to their fellow man and expected kindness in return. When someone needed help, they felt good about being able to provide assistance because they knew it the shoe was on the other foot, they would be the beneficiary. Yes, many were uneducated and ignorant but they weren't stupid sheep. Their beliefs were all jumbled up and their understanding of complex issues sometimes made they look silly. City people could debate issues on the basis of philosophes backed with statistics and they sounded smart.

        The problem here is that if what you believe isn't true, you are just as silly standing there in your Brooks Brother's suit as a hillbilly wearing Dickies bibbed overalls, and using six syllable words doesn't make a difference either.
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        • Posted by $ Snezzy 7 years, 10 months ago
          Presenting the "ignorant rural folks" as stupid is an attempt to beat them down so they won't get in the way of your schemes to rob or tax them. One of the problems with productive rural people is that they do not record their monetary transactions is a "rational" way, perhaps keeping few records except that "you helped me last week, this week I'm helping you." Hey, the government's supposed to get 15% or maybe 35% of the value of that work. Anything that can be done to get farmers off their land and into factories making taxable earnings is, ipso facto, good.

          "'The Socialist Revolution in the US cannot take place because there are too many small independent farmers there. Those people are the stability factor. We here in Russia must hurry while our government is stupid enough to not encourage and support the independent farmership." -- V. I. Lenin
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        • Posted by $ 7 years, 10 months ago
          Yeah, over here you have Farmer Denim Overalls and his redneck kin voting to be left alone and over there you have spiffy sophisticated Mr. Suit and "college material" snowflake offspring voting to be socialist regulated by a so obviously corrupt Evil Hag.
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          • Posted by CircuitGuy 7 years, 10 months ago
            When I was in Cumberland, KY a few weeks ago, everyone I met was very nice. The women call everyone "baby doll" or "sweetie", not in a weird way but just nice. If they hated me, called me names, or spat in my food, they gave no outward sign of it. I think you're in the minority.

            We have the occasional name-calling jerk here too, sometimes in a suit sometimes in clothes from Farm and Fleet.
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            • Posted by $ 7 years, 10 months ago
              In the minority of what? I'd take a conservative Farmer Denim Overalls over a lib Mr. Suit at any time, any place.
              Maybe I shoulda added "lib" to "spiffy sophisticated" instead of just mentioning snowflake offspring.
              Guess I was thinking the apple does not fall far from the tree.
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      • Posted by CircuitGuy 7 years, 10 months ago
        "He moved to rural WV and is very impressed with the natives' abilities to be gentile, productive, and to think rationally."
        "The metropolitan areas that support [crazy bad policies]."
        Was this guy an exception to your rule that urban area contain people who are supporting bad policies and dragging everyone down? Or did he reform after moving to WV? Or is he still dragging down WV making his neighbors wish he'd go back to NYC?
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        • Posted by coaldigger 7 years, 10 months ago
          I have lived in several places. Texas and WV are two that have a lot in common-places to have great friends if you are genuine and to get your ass kicked if you ain't. Take the test to find out if you would rather be in NYC or WV.
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          • Posted by CircuitGuy 7 years, 10 months ago
            "Take the test to find out if you would rather be in NYC or WV."
            I think the whole thing exists only in the minds of people trying to get votes, viewers, clicks, etc.
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        • Posted by freedomforall 7 years, 10 months ago
          Can't say for sure, CG. He's an acquaintance, not a close friend. He did get away from NY, but I've also seen him act as a self centered, condescending asshole for no apparent reason.
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  • Posted by bobbyboynyc 7 years, 10 months ago
    t's too late. The RINO camp is securely ensconced in the Trump administration, all the phony "conservatives" who want to jump on Arabs who have oil and coincidentally are Israel's neighbors. My guess is, the bankers control the Democrats enough, to put Hillary on the ticket, and she was easy enough to blow out of the water. a) Stop her vote fraud racket; b) Let America know how rotten and corrupt she is. IT was not necessary to put the child trafficking out there, the Satanism, sex abuse, nor even narcotics trafficking. These are all things the ruling elite keep to themselves so the less we know about it, the better (for them). Peter Townsend put it like this: "A dead dog would have done better at the polls."
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 7 years, 10 months ago
    Markets are reacting to this...

    We may be on the cusp of another recession. Keep doing the same thing over and over and guess what happens... Either way - I still give thanks every day that Hitlery isn't in there.
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    • Posted by $ 7 years, 10 months ago
      The Supreme Court has been saved, at least for now, and Evil Hag wanted open borders.
      The future looked downright dangerous because I thought she would win. So I armed myself to the teeth.
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  • Posted by tdechaine 7 years, 10 months ago
    Trump has no power. His own party continues to appease the Left. No principles to stand on.
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    • Posted by $ 7 years, 10 months ago
      He has some. Trump can launch Tomahawks for a selective military strike and write executive orders, but that's not what I'd call real power.
      I agree that thre GOP should changed its name to GOA~Grand Old Appeasers. They've been doing that long enough.
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