Meet CISA – Dianne Feinstein’s Latest Attack On Privacy, Civil Liberties And The Internet | Zero Hedge

Posted by straightlinelogic 10 years, 6 months ago to Legislation
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This one looks like a doozy. As the article states, its time to man (and woman) the ramparts again.

"If you recall, the most meaningful victory achieved by Aaron Swartz prior to his untimely and tragic death at the hands of a vindictive and hateful U.S. government, was leading the charge to stop Internet censorship bills SOPA/PIPA. It would be wise for all of us to take heed of his words:

'We won this fight because everyone made themselves the hero of their own story. Everyone took it as their job to save this crucial freedom. They threw themselves into it. They did whatever they could think of to do. They didn’t stop to ask anyone for permission. You remember how Hacker News readers spontaneously organized this boycott of GoDaddy over their support of SOPA? Nobody told them they could do that. A few people even thought it was a bad idea. It didn’t matter. The senators were right: The Internet really is out of control. But if we forget that, if we let Hollywood rewrite the story so it was just big company Google who stopped the bill, if we let them persuade us we didn’t actually make a difference, if we start seeing it as someone else’s responsibility to do this work and it’s our job just to go home and pop some popcorn and curl up on the couch to watch Transformers, well, then next time they might just win. Let’s not let that happen.'"

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