Something new happened to me this week that has me perplexed.
Posted by edweaver 10 years, 6 months ago to Government
This week I went to a bank with a substantial amount of cash that I have saved over the years to get a bank cashiers check to pay for a vehicle that I bought. This was not my personal bank but the business I own does all its banking there. My cash all checked out but the bank system would not process a draft for me without my social security number. While I freely gave it up, 2 days later I am questioning my wisdom in doing that. For the life of me I cannot help but believe it is for more government tracking and I am not impressed.
Dr. Ferris
Part two Either-Or Chapter III White Blackmail
At least that is my understanding.
Best explanation I saw was here:
See the comment by user Easybreezy.
What's more of a threat to this country, a United States Attorney General that will do absolutely nothing about a couple of thugs (that just happened to be Black) standing out in front of a polling place (on election day), dressed in black clothing (made to look something like the Gestapo), with batons (official enforcement tools, guns would have been too obvious), acting like they’re ready to beat someone (like a white man perhaps) to death; or an outhouse in a parade with an stupid expression on it by someone obviously totally frustrated with what this administration is doing today? I just wonder how they are monitoring Galt’s Gulch and how many of us will be investigated, tried, and prosecuted for not drinking the Kool-Aid and kissing their xxx. Dysfunctional, overwhelmed, not by a long shot, they’ve got us exactly where they want us, arguing and fighting about nonsense, trying to divert our minds from the important things. Would anyone do anything different to tear this country apart any faster?
November this year will be the first indication of what the population of this country stands for. November 2016 will be our final exam as to if there is enough real patriotism left in this country. What’s good for this country, not just for me? I fought and killed in Vietnam for what I thought was patriotism in order to allow the Vietnamese to experience a little of the freedom and responsibility we had. Look how that turned out, it was our government that gave it all away. We had that war won, came home, and our government gave it all away for political reasons. All I got out of my participation was hiding my uniform in the back of the closet, about 40 years of continued freedom and some lifetime nightmares. Is this not what we have done to Iraq? Is this not the same thing that is happening again today, only now we are giving away our own country to the whims of others. Just look at history (you will have to find some older books, the new ones don’t have the same history in them), the English, the Russians, the Greeks, the Romans, almost all countries at one time had their own Empire that was the greatest thing on earth. What happened? What are we doing differently today?
I tell all my friends to just stop arguing with the other side and devote all their efforts to educating the younger people, the ones that are more concerned today about earning a living and building families, than getting involved with politics. Most of them have no idea whatsoever as to what is happening in this greatest country. Ask them about Ben Gazi (Benghazi), NSA, CHDC (Coincidental Hard Drive Crashes), Dinesh D’Souza, or Lois Learner and you will see a lot of blank stares with their mouths open. Educate them, get them out to vote, and forget about the others that are drunk on the Kool-Aid.
Thank you for the audience, I just need to vent every once in a while or I’ll totally explode. I would hope that most of you might come forward and help me out a bit if I should get arrested for treason or some other ridiculous charge because I still believe in our Constitution.
You are not alone. Thank you for your service.
"November 2016 will be our final exam."
T-Shirt! Mug! Bumper Sticker!
thanks for the idea, zazzle awaits me. tomorrow.
only saw our folks die -- in a buf crash at the north
end of the U Tapao runway in the fall of '72 -- but
my sister's husband was in Nam and has educated
Thank You for your venting; I agree completely!
I believe that we all pray -- or fervently hope --
that we can save this nation without bloodshed.
the current situation makes this seem tenuous,
I know, but I just can't lose hope; the U.S. is too
good to lose!!! -- John, retired usaf
And, you are welcome, it's an experience I wouldn't trade for anything in this world.. It made me me.
Too many have been willing to give up liberty for a a little temporary safety. Ben Franklin said "They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." The liberals who have twisted to emotions of the American voters to elect these liberal idiots do not like being fooled OR taken advantage of. These animals have done both and they have spent the wealth of their children's children to the point that our generation's generation will be slaves to their nations debtors for generations to come. They have tied the rights of individuals to the point that the question of which shall be slave to whom is yet to be decided but there is no question that Americas children will become the slaves of those who rule them.
But all this can be headed off, our nation can yet be saved and our children's freedom assured all depending of what happens in these next two elections. We shall win, we shall fight, and we shall win.
I hope the tears are from laughter at my ineptitude, sadness that our sacrifice is being wasted as it is by this administration, and joy that there is a light that we can see as we move to the end of this dark tunnel. Our days of tears, shed over all our losses will soon end.
Be well and take heart.
Is it beyond reason that we may fear that path lays in our future? No, sadly it's not, but we can hope to avoid it. Pray to avoid it. And yes, shed the tears that we avoid it.
For the lives of our children, we had best avoid it. Least an ancient curse befall us all - may the sins of the fathers be visited upon their children and their children's children, unto the third generation......We must avoid this price at all costs to ourselves Neal, and I believe we will.
It is guys like you and NealS that give me hope and strength.
Best regards,
I agree with the thoughts expressed in both of your posts. I don't think this administration is incompetent and everything they do is totally planned. They may not expect the backlash they receive if it ever comes, but they have contingency plans to handle it. I still think Martial Law is on the table sometime in the next couple of years.
All of these rules are from the Feds Dept of the Treasury and apply to a 24 hour banking period. For total cash or equivalent transactions from $0 to $2,999, no information is required to be taken or kept on the customer although it is likely that a bank would have its own additional requirements. For those totaling $3K to $9,999, a valid ID and SSN must be taken and recorded and kept by the bank for at least 3 years. This information is not normally forwarded or reported to the DoT. For amounts over $10K, the previous information plus a few other pieces (eg. occupation) are required to be taken and sent to the DoT in the form of a CTR (Currency Transaction Report) within 15 days of the transaction. Banks are also required to report any transaction they consider to be suspicious to the DoT using a SAR (Suspicious Activity Report).
All of this is fallout from Anti Money Laundering laws intended to allow the government to monitor for potential illegal (drugs, terrorism, etc) monetary activities.
These are just the basic rules, no political commentary.
BTW, I'm not advising on avoidance, just clarifying the rules for those uncomfortable with government monitoring activities.
(That attempt represented several days of my life I will not get back.)
NACA reminds one of Basic Training as they utilize a 'cattle call' method of processing thousands of homeowner refi attempts in a single day (or a pair of days, frequently).
It was worth a shot, but it did not work for me.
I had a very interesting conversation with a banker not to long ago and was informed that a banker at a bank can not tell you a customer at the bank that they do not handle mortgages but who at the bank does unless they the banker has been registered through the bank with some certification that the bank pays $1000.00 to some government agency I think. I might be off by a little here but not by much. the point being that bankers are now and forever more shaking in their boots because of the many regulations that they have to operate under.
I wonder what they government employees are going to do when all of these regulations are used against them as well. as I have said before it is not the rule makers but those tasked with applying them who are the ones you have to be careful of.
Welcome to the USSA.
Check out this article:
There is a law that says all cash transactions over a certain amount have to be reported to regulatory agencies to crack down on money laundering. If your kid saves up too much in his piggy bank, and then puts it in a real bank, the government hears about it.
In areas with a more senior population the salesmen get a spiff if they keep a geezer from paying cash (or check) for a new truck. My truck was about $69k and I used this knowledge to get the price down more. I told them that the only way I'd finance it was if they lowered the price by the amount they would make if I financed it (4% is what I was told by a friend in the business) and I accepted a % reduction, paid no fees for financing (this is another "catch" that they add in $150 to "handle" the financing. Since I didn't want to finance, I sure wasn't going to pay for it too.
In the end I paid no fees, got a 3% reduction in my price, and had a 3% loan without a prepayment penalty that I paid off in 1 week. The dealership got a extra 1% from the bank, I saved 3% and they "gave" me 3 oil changes that cost $120 in a diesel truck. Everybody made out ok except the bank, oh well.
My father in law has bought his last two cars in cash and he never said he had trouble like that. Most of the dealerships around here will give you better prices if you pay cash because they don't have to worry about a repo and non-payment.