September 2nd
Posted by terrycan 11 years, 5 months ago to Philosophy
September 2nd is a date that repeats in Atlas Shrugged. Was this to show a year had passed? Did Ayn Rand have a strong opinion on Labor Day? She appeared to value blue collar men who excelled at their trade. Any one have any insight about this?
Labor day was a product of the CLU (Central Labor Union) of New York. She probably wouldn't have had much appreciation for that aspect, but it is a fair statement to say that "She appeared to value blue collar men who excelled at their trade." Anyone who does not appreciate the value of a skilled tradesmen has not tried to perform their duties.
As well, Universal Pictures picked up "Red Pawn," on September 2, 1932. It is definitely the beginnings of "We the Living"
If I may, I suggest that she would not have recognized September 2 as "Labor Day." She was subtle about her interactions with the Communist Revolution. She once said that she hated getting out into the streets to sing "The Internationale" and also that she disagreed with the specifics of the lyrics, BUT that she liked the tune and agreed with the intention of the lyrics. (Note: when Stalin consolidated power, singing the Internationale was forbidden.)
In America, May 1 is called "Law Day." As if what? The one day a year that Americans actually obey the law?? Seriously (almost). In discussing welfare reform, Newt Gingrich said that for Americans the speed limit is considered a benchmark of opportunity. If you want to refom welfare, you have to make it about INCENTIVES not penalties. Dr. Gingrich once said that he was asked after a banquet if he did not find it horrible that people on welfare sell their food stamps for 75 cents on the dollar to buy booze and cigarettes. He replied, "Of course not" adding, "you cannot give an American a negotiable instrument and then complain when they negotiate it for something they want."
Be all that as it may, September 2 was arbitrary and that may be fine in and of itself.