"The Law is a Ass"

Posted by BambiB 10 years, 7 months ago to Government
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Yet another example of the criminal justice system being more criminal than just.
SOURCE URL: http://reason.com/blog/2014/07/17/i-witnessed-a-man-get-arrested-for-a-sex

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  • Posted by ZaroSath 10 years, 7 months ago
    that's disgusting, its beyond believe one could be harassed and life-raped because of something done before the age of adulthood, and i dont give a rats ass what his reasons were for touching his sister.. many kids touch each other when they are (admittedly) younger. The only importance is he does not commit these acts now, when it actually matters.
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    • Posted by 10 years, 7 months ago
      But that's only the tip of the legal shitberg. Most people are unaware of the high degree of criminality exercised by the "Just us" system.

      I have seen multiple cases where minors were charged with "child pornography" after sending nude pictures of themselves to their girl/boy friends. In one case, the guy was 17 and his 16-year-old girlfriend sent him nude pictures of herself. Under the law, it was legal for them to get naked, have sex (which they were doing on a regular basis) but NOT take or receive photos.

      The federal penalty for transmitting/receiving "child porn" is 5-20 years for a first offense. That is, both teens are looking at a minimum of 5 years in prison, she for producing and transmitting child porn, and he for receiving and possessing child porn. There are also potential fines involved, though I cannot find the original citation information for the range. I have read in the past that the maximum fine is $250,000 per picture. Last I heard, these two teens were being prosecuted under 18 USC 2251 and related code chapters.

      The "child porn" laws have even been used to go after parents who have taken "bubble bath" pictures of their own babies - a criminal application of the "justice" system that goes back more than 20 years.

      Note that there are also federal laws that will putyou in prison for two years if you have a web site that has a "misleading" name and contains a photo the Feds determine is "obscene".

      The criminality of government knows no bounds.

      These links may be of interest:

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