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And what about those pesky con/chemtrails? That's a government plot that's been around for what, nearly 100 years since 1918 when they were first documented during WWI.
Chemtrails as far as I can tell were first documented in 1971 but to date this MASSIVE international plot against all mankind has been successfully kept secret. Nobody knows for sure what they are spraying or why. Nobody has ever found one single reliable person that can verify this fiendish plot although in the 46 years since it has come to light there has to have been hundreds of thousands of government employees and surely elected officials that have been involved. And we all know how adept the government is at keeping secrets. Just ask our last POTUS and his #1 Secretary of State, HRC.
And something for those that believe we are being sprayed with poisons to harm us:
1) Why are they spraying at such a high altitude? Anything coming out would be so completely dissipated by the time it got to ground level it would be worthless. Think about trying to spray paint something from even 5 feet over the object. Won't work.
2) The amount of liquid (only 24,000 gallons) the largest tanker ever made, a 747 called the Evergreen Supertanker, used to fight forest fires, was only enough to spray a football field wide swath (150 feet) 64 miles long at a coverage rate equal to what a typical Oklahoma wheat farmer would spray his fields for weeds with the herbicide Roundup Powermax II. The only difference is the farmer needs to apply that mixture from an altitude of 36 to 72 INCHES to get a good kill instead of 35,000 FEET like those jetliners are flying. So those hundreds of miles long "chemtrails", aren't.
3) So, even with what I've told you in 1 & 2 you still believe the government is out to get you. Well, let's take a look at the facts. Simple truth is, if they're trying to kill us, it ain't working. Our population is higher than ever, more people are graduating college, and we are living longer. The only bad thing I see happening in the last 60 years is the loss of manners, an increase in vulgarity, a general degradation of morals and the ability to accept one another, and with the Participation Trophy generation, an unbelievable number of world class whiners and crybabies. I'd hate to be living in this country in another 40 years. If it even lasts that long without being overtaken.
zonoz you should look into the Grand Solar Minimum that we are now entering.
I've said it before, I'll say it again, either they are stupid or they are complicit.
Even with all the disempowerments, bad food, fake education and bad medicine; at least the snowflakes have a slight chance in hell of becoming value creating conscious human beings.
Didn't have that luxury myself but found my way here none the less.
Those silly humanoids what will they think of next?
I feel your confusion...
This is a fully foreseen reason why control freak fascist progressives replaced "global warming" with "climate change."
That way, no matter what the weather does, it will be blamed on man-made emissions.
That would include livestock farts. Never mind all the wild critters and some volcanoes too.
One tenth observed above the water will cool that ocean stream. Has David discussed the "conveyer system" and the effect of cold fresh water .
We also have to include the dilution of the oceans salinity also...it's a no brainer.