Making a Statement

Posted by Rozar 11 years, 5 months ago to Politics
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So many times I hear of people voting based on who they think can win instead of who they think is morally the right person for the job. It's time to stop this nonsense and realize that we need to stand our ground, even if we lose. The quote "Give me liberty or give me death," comes to mind. I hear a lot of people in here are ready to shrug, and I speak to you when I say that it's time to tell the world how much you're worth. If you do shrug, do it with a statement, tell the world what your standards are, what it will cost to keep you as a member of their society.

To the people who think it isn't too late, that we can still fight to save the most free nation on the face of the earth from succumbing to the virus of statism, I say don't compromise. Don't fall into the trap of thinking that you have to win it all or nothing. We will lose the next election, and maybe the one after that and the one after that. But if one by one we stand and show the way to the others who don't follow politics, who don't follow any philosophy but vote on superficial characteristics, we can gain ground and retain our democracy. All we have to do is agree on the standard of personal liberty and responsibility, because you can't have one without the other.

It's time to charge the moral high ground with all our might and hold it till the last man and women. If you follow our view on life and what it means you know that no matter what the world throws at you, you can survive. It's going to be a waiting game, but don't wait till the end to tell the world that it's all over. Do it now, and no one can claim that they didn't know, that they weren't warned.

Speak to anyone who will listen, start with those closest to you. Don't waste time, don't argue for longer than it's worth. Give the message and keep giving it out. You don't have to say much, it's simple just keep to the basics. "Do you have control of your mind and your body? Do you want others to control what you can do with your life without your consent? " go from there, start a conversation, start twenty. Don't argue, just answer. They'll ask you everything they need to know if they're worth the time.

Vote libertarian. Vote objectivist. Don't compromise. Don't contradict. If you're right, say it, if you're wrong, admit it and move on. Don't be scared of your self esteem suffering. Use your own judgement, your own logic and no one else's.

It's time to make a statement, and it's going to hurt. But whether we put ourselves in this situation, or it was handed down to us, this is reality. This is the way it is and there is no denying that A is A. Now what are we going to do about it?

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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 11 years, 4 months ago
    Yes! It seems to me that the time is ripe for real libertarian reforms. People voted for Obama in '08 partly b/c the economy imploded. They're still not happy with the economy, so their only choice is to vote Republican. This situation cries out for a third choice.

    I don't see Republicans or Democrats being significantly more pro-freedom. If you agree you shouldn't carry on about hating Democrats, or even an individual Democrat, without mentioning the same thing is true of Republicans. If you come off as contemptuous of Democrats, you're needlessly alienating half the population from your message.

    We need to be more open to incremental change. I wouldn't want to see what happens if overnight drug laws were gone, MA stopped paying for nursing care, SBIR grants disappeared,mortgages and student loans not guaranteed, and so on, all in the same year. That would be crazy. It's analogous to the gov't having a knife in a victim; you don't just yank it out.

    The Internet has removed gatekeepers to publishing text, audio, and video. The time is ripe to democratize/individualize other institutions too.
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    • Posted by Rocky_Road 11 years, 4 months ago
      Sounds too good to be true...and it is.

      Like it, or not, we are a two party system, and you better figure out which party comes closest to your values and go that way. Otherwise, you will always be a steadfast rebel, watching the parade pass you by while sitting on the curb.

      It is not impossible to use your Objectivist learning's in this search, and you can influence the options with your associations. The Tea Party is a very powerful example of what can be accomplished.

      Just a thought....
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      • Posted by CircuitGuy 11 years, 4 months ago
        Not siding with one party is not the same as being a steadfast rebel. There is no reason you must select one. You can contribute to and lobby people in both parties at the same time.
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        • Posted by Rocky_Road 11 years, 4 months ago
          On election day, you have to make the choice...if you want your vote to be more than a symbolic 'in your face' gesture.

          Lobby to your heart's content, but there is always that reckoning day.

          Vote it was your last.
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          • Posted by CircuitGuy 11 years, 4 months ago
            ".if you want your vote to be more than a symbolic 'in your face' gesture."
            I've always voted Democrat unless there was no Democrat or I knew a Republican wouldn't win. I don't rule out voting for a Republican if she/he were a strong advocate for freedom.

            I don't think any of this voting makes a difference. The parties are good at keeping each other honest over things they disagree on. The trouble is the things they agree on. I couldn't stand President Bush calling international criminals "terrorists" and elevating them to something the US would declare "war" on, a war w/o end that demands we give up freedoms. So I *voted* for President Obama. President Obama is a great man, I believe, but most of the things I didn't like about President Bush got *worse* with President Obama. I would like to see someone similar to President Obama elected in '16, but I don't expect any improvement on freedom issues from voting. I almost want a Republican to get it so the people around me realize just how bad it is that president has more and more power. People literally say they trust Obama, and I basically do too, BUT they don't seem to realize there's an election in three years.
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  • Posted by Snoogoo 11 years, 5 months ago
    I felt the same way and got so upset one day with the whole system I joined the Libertarian party and gave them some money. Volunteering to get signatures this fall, so you brought up some good points. We will need the help since there are like 5 Libertarians in my entire state (IL). The good thing is that the state is in such a terrible position, most of the main points of objectivism are pretty easy to argue at this point, at least with those who are willing to listen.
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  • Posted by LetsShrug 11 years, 5 months ago
    "Do you have control of your mind and your body? Do you want others to control what you can do with your life without your consent? "
    Those are keepers.
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  • Posted by gblaze47 11 years, 5 months ago
    I don't know if I agree. Having a solidified base will give you a better chance of making changes. There is no perfect candidate. Ex. Romney wasn't the best pick but as a successful business owner who would have brought many business ideas to right this economy. I'm more about working within the party to make the changes, just as the Marxists co-opted the Democrats we need more libertarians in Republicans. If we decide to vote for people who have very little chance of being elected, we won't see any change for decades if ever.What's needed is to work in the party and discuss with them the highlights of free market ideas.
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    • Posted by $ johnrobert2 11 years, 5 months ago
      Yes, however there are too many who are one issue participants unwilling to work with others to have a unified front. They would rather lose than give up any part of their agenda.
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      • Posted by gblaze47 11 years, 5 months ago
        The one issue people can come together on is to much Government spending and to much Government control. Most conservatives have no problem understanding this. Let's begin there.
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        • Posted by CircuitGuy 11 years, 4 months ago
          I agree with you and will point out that those two are not the same. We could pick gov't spending OR gov't control. I'd like to reduce both, but I would accept reducing just one of them.
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          • Posted by gblaze47 11 years, 4 months ago
            As I would but I see spending as away to control people.People get 'free' handouts from the government and thus expect and demand more stuff from the Government, Government then starts telling you if want this 'free' stuff you have to do as they say or follow the rules they set for you.
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