They Come To America review

Posted by $ rockymountainpirate 10 years, 8 months ago to Movies
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I watched They Come to America last night. It's a documentary about illegal immigration. It was filmed in 2010-2011, so things were not as much in the news as now, but I wanted to see where he started from.

I thought it was pretty well balanced with interviews from people on many sides of the issue. I will leave you to draw your own conclusions, but two things really jumped out at me:
1. Many American citizens were afraid, some even terrified to express their opinions.
2. In a major U.S. city professionals from many fields were unable to get jobs unless they were bilingual.

There is a follow-up movie, They Come To America II, and the newest one is We Ride To DC. I hope to watch both in the next day or so. If you buy a video you will receive 2 of each for free so that they can be shared if you so choose. I choose to.

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