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- 1Posted by khalling 10 years, 7 months agoI agreed with the onerous process and forms. I disgreed with most everything else. The border patrol has done a survey which finds most of the juvenilles did not flee rather come on the mistaken impression the will become citizens, get opportunities they perceive are better and of course theUS will take care of them. The cartels are involved in the coyote trade, it is highly lucrative and so far is paying off for the migrants and the coyotes. The pictures I am seeing of children under 12 are accompanied by a mother. How many are teens? Why is DHS offering to reimburse people $ 6 grand a month to house them? That is a huge racket right there. Of course the bleeding hearts never want to grow up and think through the logistics, costs, health concerns ofanything. Where sre all the grown -ups making decisions? NowhereMark as read | Best of... | Permalink|
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