The $2,474,520 Home of Lois Lerner: Life as a parasitic government employee

Posted by overmanwarrior 10 years, 8 months ago to Government
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t’s not a problem for a person to have a home valued at $2,474,520 like Lois Lerner does—if they have earned it productively. However, Lerner and her husband have achieved much of their wealth as government parasites—meaning they live off the efforts of government specifically perpetuating the complexity of IRS law so that only they can translate the information to those willing to pay for the service. Both Lerner and her husband are attorneys who haven’t been discussed in great detail after Lerner was forced to step down from her IRS position in the wake of serious scandal for which she has been caught. As a family of attorneys Lerner understands how to manipulate the system because it was her type who helped shape that same system. For those types of government parasites which Lerner and her husband are but a small part—times are good—so good that they can afford a multi million dollar home essentially living as second-handers. But before understanding why they are such prescribed leeches it is important to study a bit of their background.
SOURCE URL: http://overmanwarrior.wordpress.com/2014/07/17/the-2474-520-home-of-lois-lerner-life-as-a-parasitic-government-employee/

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  • Posted by richkinley 10 years, 8 months ago
    Now we know why Ms. Lerner kept her maiden name professionally. It gave her husband a competitive advantage in his tax law practice.

    IMO, the IRS IG should investigate this conflict of interest.
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