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  • Posted by RobertFl 10 years, 5 months ago
    All those people from other countries that had no cost for their treatment fail to mention how long they waited to get those free treatments.
    A couple hundred bucks a month, that also fails to mention what percentage of their population actually contributes to that fund. In the US, we know that probably 40% wouldn't pay a dime in taxes for that.
    If I thought that for $200/month, I could get the same coverage I have now, when I needed the service, that might be a good thing. But,we know better than that. We've seen the wait times in these other countries for "free" medical treatment.
    Also, what are medical malpractice claims in those countries? It is very difficult to compare Apples to Apples simply by looking at who paid how much for a procedure.
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