Elizabeth Warren's 11 Commandments of Progressivism

Posted by Eudaimonia 10 years, 7 months ago to Politics
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With Barry O. tanking in the polls, the Marxocrats have lifted up a new "Idol for the people" - Elizabeth "Fauxcahontas" Warren.

Now in the limelight, Warren manifesto thumps more of the same with her "Eleven Commandments" - proving, once again, that the Left are nothing mote than fundamentalist theocrats.

In response to these "Eleven Commandments of Progressives", I'd like to repeat the "One Suggestion of Objectivists".

1) Shrug.
SOURCE URL: http://www.nationaljournal.com/politics/elizabeth-warren-s-11-commandments-of-progressivism-20140718

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  • Posted by $ jlc 10 years, 7 months ago
    Her commandments are vague hand-waving, and many of them have strange bedfellows. Number two, for instance: Is it not oxymoronic to 'believe' in science? Science is valuable expressly because it is indifferent to belief. And the bedfellow of 'because science' then 'protect the Earth' is illogical. The first has nothing to do with the second; they should have been separate entries, but obviously Warren wants to tie them together emotionally.

    Number 4 and several others follow a similar pattern - two different subjects phrased as if one were the conclusion of the other.

    No logic; much emotion. I think they have a winner!

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    • Posted by CircuitGuy 10 years, 7 months ago
      Politicians are good at talking in such a way that the listener can fill in the blanks with what he wants to hear. That's why when you dig into the language, it's vague, confusing, and imprecise.
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  • Posted by evlwhtguy 10 years, 7 months ago
    I particularly liked...- "We believe that students are entitled to get an education without being crushed by debt." Its the liberal oligarchy in colleges and the worthless degrees they peddle causing the explosion of college costs.
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    • Posted by $ stargeezer 10 years, 7 months ago
      You mean like all the Art, Art History, Painting (not house painting, those can get a job), One of my personal favorites - Art Book making (think about a OCD 12yo with a pile of construction paper, ribbon, lace and glue - and don't forget the glitter. The degree is "Art" with a special interest in Book Making. This jewel can be yours for 4 years (maybe 5) and a mear $100,000 at a nearby university. I've got a couple Art degrees myself (they were on sale) so I really don't have a big problem except, the recruiters are selling these kids and parents about what a great future little jimmy or jane has ahead of them - the recruiter took one drawing class 20 years ago as she was studying "womens history", so she really "knows" art. (sigh)

      In the four years I was working on my first BFA (Bachelor Fine Arts - you thought I was Kidding??) I saw around 120 kids graduate with undergrad Art degrees of some kind (small school BTW). Of all of those at the last I heard there were 3 WORKING as a artist or in a gallery of some kind. I opened a pottery studio, one is working at Walmart as a cake decorator and another was selling cameras. The school was so excited to get a grad who was working in their chosen field that they sent out a professional photographer team (not students - they paid these guys) to photograph my studio, me working, firing my kiln and a ghost writter to write a 5 page!! article in the alumni newsletter, some went into the school sells flyers with multiple mentions of my studio name and my name. They set up a radio station interview and a regional TV news interview. I'm a fair potter, but I'm NOT that good! They were so thrilled to be able to interview somebody actually working in their field that they even PAID me for my time. And on my end, having that full color multi page article was pretty good for my business too.

      This is just one department. Can you imagine what the rest are like.
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      • Posted by evlwhtguy 10 years, 7 months ago
        My sister, actually earns a living making art pottery. She went to college one semester then flunked out. She survived for 10 years having 2 kids and getting divorced. She finally got re-married to the biggest granola chomping lib you could ever want to meet. [by the way, I am happy to have him for a brother-in-law, he treats my sister right.] They started selling little art and craft items at the flea market. Now 20 years later she has developed a specific style and items that sell and has them in a number of galleries. They both work at it full time doing this and this is their sole means of support. It is interesting, when they first started they gave me one of their pieces and I told them...."that is really nice, what you need to do is knock out 50 of these at a time and sell in volume". They gave me the standard artsy reply..."oh we only do it for the art, it would take the enjoyment out of it if we did that" Well guess what they are doing now 20 years later. Knocking their items out 50 at a time. They can't keep up with the orders and they are what I would call "Professionals" They found something the market is willing to pay for and they are supplying it. Just like real capitalists....unfortunately they are both still screaming whack-a-doodle libs.....I think it is a mental disease or a religion, that is the only explanation I have.
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        • Posted by $ stargeezer 10 years, 7 months ago
          As A potter, I'm thrilled your sister is doing so well. It sure sounds like she's "paid her dues" to be there. I've met a lot of these folks who chop the liberal grass at a show or to anybody else, but who are as conservative as can be with their money and business. That surprised me when I first encountered it helping small businesses with SCORE. Which is another group everybody thinks are stone faced conservative - it's not. :)

          Please pass on my regards.
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          • Posted by evlwhtguy 10 years, 7 months ago
            It totally funny their cognitive dissonance. They go crazy demanding that evil corporations should provide free birth control, health care etc., etc. to their employees but yet they hire a few people and pay them as "outside contractor" so they don't even have to pay social security. I pointed this piece of bull shit hypocrisy out to them but like all liberals they had a ready rationalization for me. It seems that since they are a small enterprise it is ok for them to oppress their workers. only "Big evil" corporations....[anyone bigger than themselves] ...are socially responsible to the downtrodden worker. I guess since their workers work for them that it is OK for them to be oppressed!.
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      • Posted by $ MikeMarotta 10 years, 7 months ago
        You mentioned throwing clay at least once before. You obviously are talented and practiced. Entrepreneurship is something else though. It is not usually taught, certainly not in art school; and probably _cannot_ be _taught_ at all, but must be _learned_. (I don't know about other dental schools, but the University of Michigan does have a class in practice management.) Some MBA programs tried bringing in people like Gates and Jobs, but it went nowhere.

        I am not sure that the purpose of "education" is to "get a good job." Maybe for engineering, accounting, and some other fields, colleges do really work like that. Mostly, education is about your own character. Beyond that, it is up to you.

        Jennifer Lena wrote a book _Banding Together_ about the sociology of music. In response to an sociology blog complaining that liberal arts majors are a waste of time and money, she provided statistics to show that FINE ARTS majors with graduate degrees do find work almost as often as BS engineers because like them they work co-ops and internships, usually for museums and galleries.

        See Lena's "Paid in Full" here http://orgtheory.wordpress.com/2012/07/2...
        (I liked the lawyer who said that theater class was a waste of time.)

        (Jennifer Lena and the debate reviewed on my blog here: http://necessaryfacts.blogspot.com/2012/...)

        We do not know what makes someone "successful." It is largely an individual outcome. You can say that most other fine arts majors are not employed as artists. Again, that may or may not be the proper goal of a fine arts education. However, how would you reply to someone who said that after the Army, they were going to cartoon school?

        ==> Stephen J. "Steve" Ditko (born November 2, 1927) is an American comic book artist and writer best known as the artist and co-creator, with Stan Lee, of the Marvel Comics heroes Spider-Man and Doctor Strange.
        == > Following his discharge [from the US Army], Ditko learned that his idol, Batman artist Jerry Robinson, was teaching at the Cartoonists and Illustrators School (later the School of Visual Arts) in New York City. Moving there in 1950, he enrolled in the art school under the G.I. Bill. -- Wikipedia
        cited here: http://necessaryfacts.blogspot.com/2012/...
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  • Posted by UncommonSense 10 years, 7 months ago
    I read this earlier today. I noticed the words "Liberty", "Less/smaller government" "greater individual liberty" weren't among the progressive commandments. Lot's of "equality, equality". Hmmm, what did Yuri Bezmenov say about anything built on "equality"? It's a house built on sand, sooner or later, it will collapse.
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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 10 years, 7 months ago
    Warren sounds a lot like Huey Long, the Louisiana populist who was a thorn in FDR's side. It's unnerving how badly such a large part of the American public truly wants a dictator, male or female, who can simply issue edicts that will supposedly "make things right." There's next to no chance that such a leader will preside over a theocracy, but a better than even chance we could be on the verge of a secular socialist totalitarian state.
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  • Posted by $ stargeezer 10 years, 7 months ago
    Well, let's post them if we want everybody to see just what this white/female version of BO looks like;

    1- "We believe that Wall Street needs stronger rules and tougher enforcement, and we're willing to fight for it."

    2- "We believe in science, and that means that we have a responsibility to protect this Earth."

    3- "We believe that the Internet shouldn't be rigged to benefit big corporations, and that means real net neutrality."

    4- "We believe that no one should work full-time and still live in poverty, and that means raising the minimum wage."

    5- "We believe that fast-food workers deserve a livable wage, and that means that when they take to the picket line, we are proud to fight alongside them."

    6- "We believe that students are entitled to get an education without being crushed by debt."

    6- "We believe that after a lifetime of work, people are entitled to retire with dignity, and that means protecting Social Security, Medicare, and pensions."

    7- "We believe—I can't believe I have to say this in 2014—we believe in equal pay for equal work."

    8- "We believe that equal means equal, and that's true in marriage, it's true in the workplace, it's true in all of America."

    9- "We believe that immigration has made this country strong and vibrant, and that means reform."

    10- "And we believe that corporations are not people, that women have a right to their bodies. We will overturn Hobby Lobby and we will fight for it. We will fight for it!"

    11- And the main tenet of conservatives' philosophy, according to Warren? "I got mine. The rest of you are on your own."

    No. 11 is always the case. Libs are great at telling you what you believe - no matter if you do or not.
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    • Posted by jpellone 10 years, 7 months ago
      I want to reword all of them to make it easier to understand.
      1-"Let's choke Wall street but the banks must keep giving us money"
      2-"Through unproven science we will make you pay more for everything"
      3-"We want complete control of the internet like China"
      4&5-"We are going to raise the minimum wage so that all of you pay more for everything"
      6-"We already give you 13 years of education, why not make it 20?"
      6-"We believe that if you work your whole lifetime, you won't need to retire because you will be dead!"
      7-"We believe the Obama Administration should pay men and women the same."
      8-"We believe women should not get maternity leave, must have the same Physical Readiness Test standards as men do in the military, and shingle roofs at the same speed as men (including carrying the packs of shingles up the ladders).
      9-"We believe that anyone can come here and the government will support them and they don't even have to assimilate into America. Instead we want diversity."
      10-Corporations are owned and run by people but we don't care about them. Women want freebies no matter what you religion."
      11-"Conservatives believe in a hand up not a hand out!"
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      • Posted by $ stargeezer 10 years, 7 months ago
        Pretty Good!

        I think I'd edit 4&5 to "Minimum wage - now called "The Living Wage" shall be increased to $15 per hour. This will also require anybody paid 15 per hour to increase to $25 per hour. In order to be "fair" people being paid $20 per hour to be increased to $35 per hour and so on. All prices are hereby frozen at current retail levels.

        Any rumors that all retail businesses are closing are totally without merit. All businesses will remain open for the public good.
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        • Posted by jpellone 10 years, 7 months ago
          I sense a little sarcasm in there Star. That happened to me as I was getting ready to retire from the Navy. I was working at a auto parts place for the extra income and after I got a few raises, Billy Clinton raised the minimum wage to what I was now earning and I had to ask my boss for a $2.50 raise so the new people coming in weren't making the same as me!!!
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          • Posted by $ stargeezer 10 years, 7 months ago
            Oh yeah, those were the days. I had workers being paid 5 times that who got mad that I wasn't giving them a "raise". In the meantime their kids working for min wage all got one! I offered to reduce anyone who was that upset to the old min. wage and "give" them the new wage when it went into effect. No takers. Surprise!

            But McDonalds and everyplace had to raise their prices and those kids who got the raise lost it in the increased prices they paid "at work".
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  • Posted by Temlakos 10 years, 7 months ago
    Elizabeth Warren is the real-life equivalent of Kip Clalmoers, and his mother Emma, who promulgated the infamous soybean project that doomed the Minnesota wheat harvest in AS.
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  • Posted by johnmford 10 years, 7 months ago
    It seems that what she is pushing is a recipe for utopia, which has never worked in the history of mankind. Maybe she should read "Ameritopia" by Mark Levin. She could learn a few things from history.

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  • Posted by richrobinson 10 years, 7 months ago
    Sounds like she wants to control the money, natural resources, our health care, our retirement and the internet. Equal pay is a great idea, the White House should try it. Many people living in poverty are there because of politicians like Warren. It makes me cringe when I read stuff like this. Not because of what was said but because so many people cheered.
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  • Posted by peterchunt 10 years, 7 months ago
    I found this reply in Godfather Politics by Gary DeMar. Except his comment on evolution he seems on the mark. Too long for all of it so her is part 1
    1. We believe that Wall Street needs stronger rules and tougher enforcement, and we're willing to fight for it.
    There is no single entity called Wall Street. What we really need are stronger rules and tougher enforcement on Washington that bails out faltering companies and banks. Washington spends money it does not have. Elected officials like Warren steal from the working class so they can give it to non-workers who will continue to vote to keep politicians like Warren power. There is an unhealthy relationship between government and business that only the free market can fix.
    2. We believe in science, and that means that we have a responsibility to protect this Earth.
    Actually, Progressives don’t believe in science or they wouldn’t support same-sex sexuality (the biology and anatomy are all wrong), evolution (something from nothing), and the skewed and manipulated numbers that go into fabricating the crisis of Global Warming, Climate Change, and now Climate Chaos. Furthermore, if Progressives truly believed in science, they would engage critics of Global Warming in debate. Instead, the claim is made that “the debate is over.” Progressives don’t want debate because there’s too much money in a global “crisis” like global warming.
    3. We believe that the Internet shouldn't be rigged to benefit big corporations, and that means real net neutrality.
    Governments should keep their hands off the internet. Once any type of control is given, there is no end to it. Progressives will end up controlling the oversight committees that make the laws and turn the internet into a State-run media congolmerate. Those supporting net neutrality tell us that it would not be directed by the government; that it would make the internet more free and open. Don’t you believe it. If a liberal like Elizabeth Warren is behind it, it must be a bad idea for freedom. The internet is doing just fine. Businesses are created every day. The little guy can be up and running in a day. See “Killing Net Neutrality Helps Underdogs Succeed.”
    4. We believe that no one should work full-time and still live in poverty, and that means raising the minimum wage.
    Calls for raising the minimum wage are ongoing. Once again, the government should get out of telling companies what they should pay. They are already burdened with paying the employer’s side of Social Security and Medicare and unemployment compensation tax. This says nothing about insurance, rent, upkeep, training, inventory costs, etc. Raising the minimum wage will force some employers to let employees go because of increased costs. The extra work will be passed on to the more experienced retained employees.
    5. We believe that fast-food workers deserve a livable wage, and that means that when they take to the picket line, we are proud to fight alongside them.
    Liberal policies already control the marketplace. Who will define a “livable wage”? The government will. There will be no end to what a livable wage might include: a certain size house; so much for food each month; a clothing allowance; paid vacations; transportation; education, birth control, etc. The most inexperienced workers will be shut out because of hiring expenses. The less qualified will find it harder to get a job. Teen unemployment will rise. “[M]inimum-wage legislation discriminates against teenage black males. This has been known by economists since at least the mid-1950s. The statistical evidence on this was overwhelming.” Walter Williams argues: “‘How does someone who is part of a group that is discriminated against find a way to prove to somebody doing the discriminating that his assessment is incorrect?’ It was really this question: ‘How do undesirables break through the discrimination against them?’”
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    • Posted by peterchunt 10 years, 7 months ago
      Part 2
      6. We believe that students are entitled to get an education without being crushed by debt.
      Entitled? Should I be forced to pay for the education of other people? No one forced these people to go into debt. No one has to go to college. There is no requirement that a college education has to be completed in four years. No one is forcing anybody to go to expensive schools. The case could be made that government money and cheap educational loans increases the cost of college.
      7. We believe that after a lifetime of work, people are entitled to retire with dignity, and that means protecting Social Security, Medicare, and pensions.
      Who will be made to pay for bankrupt pension programs? Should I be forced to pay? Our government enacted legislation that gave us Social Security and Medicare. They have grown in scope far beyond their initial implementation. Medicare is bankrupt. Warren’s solution is more taxes.
      8. We believe — I can't believe I have to say this in 2014 — we believe in equal pay for equal work.
      There’s no such thing as “equal work.” All types of factors go into hiring and paying. If employees are not happy with what they are paid, they can (1) start their own business or (2) look for another job. I can’t believe I have to say this in 2014, but it’s no business of the government what an employee is paid.
      9. We believe that equal means equal, and that’s true in marriage, it’s true in the workplace, it's true in all of America.
      Warren wants “equality” in everything. Forced equality leads to poverty. Equality before the law is the goal, but not equality in everything. There is no such attainable ideal unless we’re talking about Communism. But even with Communism, some people are more equal than others. There already equality in marriage. No one is stopping two people from getting married as long as they are of different sexes. The law has been equally applied. Changing the definition of marriage by claiming that people of the same sex can marry is not equality; it’s insanity.
      10. We believe that immigration has made this country strong and vibrant, and that means reform.
      This is one of her “commandments” that I and millions of others can agree with. The question is, however, what types of “reforms” do Progressives want?
      11. And we believe that corporations are not people, that women have a right to their bodies. We will overturn Hobby Lobby and we will fight for it. We will fight for it!
      Try owning and running a corporation without people. Corporations are owned by people, whether it’s one person or a group of people. Corporations are people. When Warren and her liberal thugs want to force their economic agenda on a corporation, who pays? People! Did people from Enron and WorldCom go to jail? Berrnie Ebbers of Worldcom was sentenced to twenty-five years in a federal prison. If corporations aren’t people, then why do they pay taxes, and why is Ebbers in prison?
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  • Posted by henryknox 10 years, 7 months ago
    In the first place it is redundant to print her beliefs when the communist manifesto has already documented them. She is obviously advocating that corporations not provide insurance since she said women should control their own bodies. This wouldn't be bad if we had a robust competitive health insurance market.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 10 years, 7 months ago
    Obama has constructed the path. Democrats, will shun his help, but will not hesitate to walk down it. Warren's commandments are the classic paved with "good intentions" on the way to hell.
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 10 years, 7 months ago
    Oratory is an art form. Logic (Philosophy 101 that I took way into the previous century) is taught in another college classroom--in fact, in a different building.
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  • Posted by j_IR1776wg 10 years, 7 months ago
    - "We believe that students are entitled to get an education without being crushed by debt."

    This debt would disappear if the professors and administrators would agree to work for minimum wage. Problem solved!
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  • Posted by ISank 10 years, 7 months ago
    I hope she runs, she is full of it and is a great extension of our current POTUS.

    We so need a second party and maybe her ideas are enough to draw some pushback, especially if the Republican side offers us another bush or some other also ran.

    Hey it's Friday, let's have a great weekend!
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  • Posted by Notperfect 10 years, 7 months ago
    That old quote of 1, 100,1000,1,000,000 lawyers in the ocean is a good start. Does this apply to Miss We Believe? Maybe if she would have started out with "You believe" it might have brought the house down.
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  • Posted by $ blarman 10 years, 7 months ago
    - "We believe that Wall Street needs stronger rules and tougher enforcement, and we're willing to fight for it."

    It is government's responsibility to determine who gets rich.

    - "We believe in science, and that means that we have a responsibility to protect this Earth."

    We're all just rabid environmentalists in disguise who want to control your water, air - eh, everything, really.

    - "We believe that the Internet shouldn't be rigged to benefit big corporations, and that means real net neutrality."

    Because the government should control all information. China is our idol.

    - "We believe that no one should work full-time and still live in poverty, and that means raising the minimum wage."

    Even though it means putting more people out of work. We like poor people because they are easy to control!

    - "We believe that fast-food workers deserve a livable wage, and that means that when they take to the picket line, we are proud to fight alongside them."

    Because only we the elites should be able to "Super-size" our meals.

    - "We believe that students are entitled to get an education without being crushed by debt."

    Even though many of these students can't find a job even after they get them!

    - "We believe that after a lifetime of work, people are entitled to retire with dignity, and that means protecting Social Security, Medicare, and pensions."

    We love poor people who are dependent on the government. We love being able to devalue savings and make retired people even poorer by manipulating inflation rates.

    - "We believe—I can't believe I have to say this in 2014—we believe in equal pay for equal work."

    And by equal, we mean equal the way WE see it.

    - "We believe that equal means equal, and that's true in marriage, it's true in the workplace, it's true in all of America."

    Because equal is all in the eye of the beholder anyway and we really need to get rid of all those pesky religionists.

    - "We believe that immigration has made this country strong and vibrant, and that means reform."

    Because we can't win votes on logic or good policy - we need more people who are dependent on handouts.

    - "And we believe that corporations are not people, that women have a right to their bodies. We will overturn Hobby Lobby and we will fight for it. We will fight for it!"

    Because we love making empty emotional appeals based on false data all the while demeaning human life (both parent and child).

    What a tool.
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  • Posted by $ rockymountainpirate 10 years, 7 months ago
    She will be their candidate. I have heard that o has quietly endorsed her. He reneged on his deal with billary, like that was a surprise, and supports warren. Will we have a mrs. thompson rather than a mr. thompson?
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  • -2
    Posted by CircuitGuy 10 years, 7 months ago
    Warren is my wife's favorite they have some career background similarities ,but I think she might reject Warren if she reads more of this.
    I don't adopt any ideology, but _some_ of the tenets I agree with:
    Mostly Agree: 2, 5, 9, 10
    Only agree with a small part of it: 1,3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9
    Mostly reject: 11 (Hobby Lobby thing)
    Some of them are tricky. I wouldn't say Wall Street needs stronger rules, but rather clearer rules. We need to decide which investments are unconditionally backed by the full faith and credit of the gov't and which ones aren't backed at all by the gov't. The problem, IMHO, is lack of clarity on this.
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    • Posted by $ stargeezer 10 years, 7 months ago
      Ok let me ask a couple, just for clarification.

      On 2 - who protected the Earth in the past?
      On 5 - Isn't min. wage a starting wage for kids in school? The issue it seems to me are people grabbing low hanging fruit.
      On 9 - We have legal immigration - but that's not what the Warrenites want. They are after uncontrolled immigration. AND when all those "new" immigrants are here sucking up the min. wage jobs, who will these others work for.

      On 10 - She's wrong. Start, stop and finish. Do you own your corporation? If the answer is you, then you and it are one.

      On 11 - You want separation of church and state - except where they need to be separate??? Either the gov can impose it's will on a persons religious ideals OR it must not force itself on our religious beliefs. Which all begin where we think life starts.
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      • Posted by Hiraghm 10 years, 7 months ago
        Immigration made this country strong... therefore immigration has to be reformed?

        Everyone misses the big issue in the Hobby Lobby case; Hobby Lobby shouldn't have to pay for ANYONE's birth control or health care of any kind! It's a feudalistic mindset to expect them to.

        8- "We believe that equal means equal, and that's true in marriage, it's true in the workplace, it's true in all of America."

        That is the key to their entire strategy to destroy civilization. Ignore real, existing differences, equate everything as equal to everything else. And thereby make a mishmash cultural philosophy that can't work.

        I could kick the Founding Fathers in their nads one by one for sticking that "all men are created equal" stuff in the DoI. I can only forgive them, because who could have imagined that in only 200 odd years their descendants could become such stupid morons?
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        • Posted by $ stargeezer 10 years, 7 months ago
          The problem with immigration is that we are allowing the wrong immigrants. Today a lot of our (legal) immigrants are from india and other places where we have been educating their people in our universities. But these aren't the ones that Warren and BO want to let in - they are more typically conservative in their values and in their politics. They want to throw open the gates to the south where the uneducated there can be easily swayed to the more leftist ideals and socialistic morals they embrace. With these future voters on the hook for every social program they can fund the libs hope to lock in a huge block of voters in the vein of what they have had with the blacks for the past 50 years.

          They are now awakening from the trance imposed by "The Great Society", only to find that they had traded 100 years of the social enslavement of jim crow for a slum filled fatherless enslavement of another kind. The price of which was their vote.

          If the warrenites succeed in this they may lock in that Hispanic voting block for decades. And perhaps they just may successfully fundamentally transform our nation into one of the worse fears of our founding fathers - a nation under the unquestionable rule of one man. A king - or worse, a Fuhrer.
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      • Posted by CircuitGuy 10 years, 7 months ago
        #2 - No one. But now we're sustaining billions on the earth. We just need to do that in an intelligent way.
        #5 - Yes. #4 about min wage was on my disagree list.
        #9 - Right now we have an unofficial policy of looking the other way while 15 million people live here underground. We need to admit it, stop it from getting worse, and deal with the situation. I have little faith in any particular politician to deal with the problem, but I can't stand how we just look the other way.
        #10 - By my count number #10 is about immigration. Are you talking about the Hobby Lobby thing? That was the only item in the list I rejected categorically. I didn't understand any of the start/stop/finish part or the thing about single-owner corporations.
        #11 - The gov't should not impose its religious ideas on people in any case. I don't make any exceptions.
        I think one of us got off count on the enumeration, leading to confusion.
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        • Posted by $ stargeezer 10 years, 7 months ago
          #2 - we need to stop WASTEING billions on sustaining the Earth. When we stop (and we will stop because we got smart or we ran out of money to waste) the Earth will go on being a bright, shinny place to grow kids and flowers and if we do it soon enough, we'll have some money to buy a little food too.
          #5 - I'm confused pal.
          #9 - We have laws that the present administration does not want enforced. These laws were in place for 75 years with minor adjustments regarding special skills we need. Either a law is a law or it's a suggestion. Our immigration laws are written to insure a orderly influx of people who want to live here. Now here is the wake up call - our country does not owe anything to any Latin American country that permits it to dump excess populations on our doorstep. The people who are here as a part of that underground BROKE OUR LAWS. We owe them nothing. They are not US citizens and are not entitled to any more civil rights than your average criminal is entitled to.

          Less in fact, because they not only broke our laws, they took one of those min. wage jobs away from our kids who need to learn to work.

          #10 - Hobby Lobby is a closely held company, sorely owned by the family with no outside stockholders. They operate the company by the Christian tenants of their faith. Unlike other companies, HL states that it shall only exist to uphold these values. They even state that in their company charter that's a part of their incorporation documents. In a effort to meet their charters obligation, HL provides good healthcare that includes 16 types of birth control. All of these are effective when used as prescribed and are freely given by HL. None of these interrupt the birth cycle in any way that is considered abortive.

          Enter O-care and Big Gov orders HL to include 4 more birth control prescriptions that DO have an abortive function. Since HL has religious values that would be harmed by their partaking in the abortion of a human life, they refuse to be forced to submit, file to SCOTUS and are upheld.

          Some who are against this ruling say that HL has no religious values in their business. This was rejected because HL listed in their founding documents where they stood. This was not a case of gov forcing religious ideas on HL employees - all of HL employees know exactly what HL believes. The employees are not forced to believe what HL does believe, but big gov and the employees did not have a right to impose other beliefs on HL.

          Either the state cannot order a religious person to violate his religion or it can force him to violate it. That was the real question and SCOTUS decided that big gov did not have the right to order the owners of HL to violate their faith.

          It seems pretty clear cut to me, except to those people who don't think religious people have a right to be religious and that their religion has no value in our nation. In every case that this question has been put to SCOTUS in 175 year they have found that religion is protected speech and has value that is protected like any other speech.

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          • Posted by CircuitGuy 10 years, 7 months ago
            #2 - If we trash the earth, someone else has to pay for it later, either in cleaning it up or in the form of lost value of living w/o pollution. You can measure the latter by how much more people pay for similar land away from the pollution or for measures to mitigate the consequences of the pollution.

            #9 - We got here from a long policy of looking the other way. It wasn't one politician who decided to do it. I do not know anything about various politicians records on the issue. I do not agree with the concept of there being a limited # of jobs to be rationed. Jobs are cases of people helping one another for money. In any case, this fact in no way justifies ignoring our immigration laws. As you say, we treat them like "suggestions", which I think has created a horrible situation.

            #10- I agree with everything you said in item #10.
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            • Posted by $ stargeezer 10 years, 7 months ago
              #2 - Are you aware that as a large volcano erupts, it spews more "greenhouse" gasses than everything man uses since the industrial revolution began? Should we go and plug those? If you have taken a college Chemistry 101 class you know that all the carbon thats around us in the whole world has been here from the beginning of the world? That carbon is NOT created, it was here all the time. We only make it change states by ion exchange. Burn a candle and the wax gives up carbon in exchange for light. The carbon is taken in by trees and grasses and the carbon is transformed into the life of the plant and when it dies a cycle is repeated that turns that same carbon back into the oil a candle is made from.

              Sure, if you toss a garbage bag of trash out on the roadside, it LOOKS nasty, if you spill oil across the grass it's a mess - but it is not pollution. It's energy and matter waiting to transform into the tools of tomorrow.

              #9 - Look at what you wrote my friend , your answer is right there and a part of it is the caring heart in your chest. I'm very serious, not joking at all. Please follow me a short ways to see what I'm saying.

              You opened with a very honest and may I say, a brave statement. You say that you don't know "anything about the various politicians records on the issue." I'd like to challenge you to take the time to study the history of immigration and the politics behind it - to which you may honestly reply that you're a busy guy trying to make a living - and I'll say to this that I understand, because it's not a short read and to be even more honest, both sides have dirty hands, but it might not be the way you think. My telling you something would be no more assuring than warren telling you something. I know why I believe what I do and it's built on a solid foundation. I believe that if you read both sides and backed that with some history, I think you would be able to arrive at truth. But remember that truth does not have emotion or wishes or even justice. Evaluating the data requires a open mind and a willingness to find the truth.

              You say (and this is where your heart may get in the way) you say that you "do not agree with the concept of there being a limited # of jobs to be rationed", and sadly that's just not true AND it's why we must be careful of how many people with what skillsets we allow to immigrate here.

              In a wonderfully perfect world we would have the perfect job for every worker. I think you might feel that way and you know what? I would love to see this too, but it's just not the way the world is. There is one president, there are 100 Senators, there may be 5,000 airline pilots and so on. If we allow a extra 200 airline pilots to immigrate each year and our schools are graduating 200 airline pilots each year but only 300 pilots retire each year we are going to have 100 highly skilled and fully trained pilots looking for jobs. No matter how much we would like to say that we can find jobs for that surplus 100 pilots and for the surplus 100 next year, all of these pilots are going to be looking for jobs at McDonalds.

              You say "Jobs are cases of people helping one another for money", but they are people competing with one another for jobs.

              Once more I hear your heart saying this is America and we can have jobs for everybody. Unfortunately the truth is that there are just so many jobs and if a person doesn't have the right skills, they aren't going to land the one they want. And if there's fifty more people with the same skills trying out for the same jobs, just a few will be hired. And that is where our hearts begin to ache.

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              • Posted by CircuitGuy 10 years, 7 months ago
                "Are you aware that as a large volcano erupts, it spews more "greenhouse" gasses than everything man uses since the industrial revolution began? Should we go and plug those?"
                I suspect we will do something of the sort in the future to drive the climate of the world to be favorable to human needs.

                "That carbon is NOT created, it was here all the time."
                Yes, the atom is only created in nuclear reactions inside stars. That doesn't have anything to do with this issue. The earth went through epochs in which the tropics extended almost to the poles and in which the arctic extended to the equator, presumably all without external additions/subtractions of elements.

                "I believe that if you read both sides [of immigration]and backed that with some history, I think you would be able to arrive at truth."
                I don't think there are sides, at least not to my how define the problem. We have not come up with a set of rules and enforced them well. Right now we just look the other way, and we've created a mess.

                You're right that as a citizen I should have more knowledge of who is trying to set up a system and enforce it.

                "You say (and this is where your heart may get in the way) you say that you "do not agree with the concept of there being a limited # of jobs to be rationed", and sadly that's just not true AND it's why we must be careful of how many people with what skillsets we allow to immigrate here."
                What I say is completely true in the long-run, but in the short-run the number of jobs is limited by the amt of capital (aka amt of means of production). You have this pool of people wanting to buy products/services and sell labor, but how much they can do it is limited by the number of factories/offices/stores/etc, at least until people invest some of the production into building more means of production. In the long-run, there's no limit to the ways humans can find to serve one another's needs/wants.

                "You say "Jobs are cases of people helping one another for money", but they are people competing with one another for jobs."
                Yes. A market depends on buys and sellers both competing. Every day I see firms interviewing multiple competing candidates, and I see those same firms competing with each other to retain talent. There's a pool of people buying labor and pool selling it, and that makes a market.

                "And if there's fifty more people with the same skills trying out for the same jobs, just a few will be hired. And that is where our hearts begin to ache."
                I think we have a big problem coming in this area because automation is doing so many things that human labor used to do. That's great b/c in total we get more goods and services with less work, but adapting to that will be painful.
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                • Posted by $ stargeezer 10 years, 7 months ago
                  So we agree in a lot of those areas except how to solve the problem. At this point we don't have jobs for all the people who want to comes here. We agree here, so I ask, why the open borders BS? I guarantee that those people we have foolishly working in min wage jobs now are not going to be better off when there are umpteen million more people here who have no other skillsets than manual labor, non educated burger flippers. This only compounds our unemployment problem. Add to those numbers the people who you acknowledge are not going to have the skills to be as hirable.

                  There is only one solution to maintain as high a level of living standard as possible for the citizens of this country - we must not expand legal immigration beyond what we have at present. If possible we must REDUCE the number of unskilled immigrants flooding into our country.
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                  • Posted by CircuitGuy 10 years, 7 months ago
                    "At this point we don't have jobs for all the people who want to comes here."
                    My goal is to ration the view jobs (i.e. people helping one another for money) but to increase the number, increase the level of people thinking of new ways to solve each other's problem for money.

                    Almost all of the problem of lack of jobs for the uneducated is due to automation. First machines obviated muscle labor and now they're obviating almost anything that can be put in a procedure. Immigration is a drop in the bucket compared to this. (This doesn't excuse looking the other way and ignoring the law.)

                    So the main thing we need is people creatively thinking of new ways to solve problems, ways that use systems / procedures that machines can easily follow rather than depending on selling human labor to follow procedures.
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