#JohnGalt2014 @ Montana DMV

Posted by $ rockymountainpirate 10 years, 2 months ago to Pics
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Today I am wearing a t-shirt with A is A on it and my hat that says Atlas Shrugged. Now Non-Fiction. I had to pay my registration today. This is how it goes:
Clerk: May I help you.
Me: Yes, thank you. I hand her my renewal slip and prepare my check (with pirates on it of course.
Clerk: You have to get new plates.
Me: Why? What's wrong with the ugly ones I have?
Clerk: Those a the most popular ones. Your plates are 5 years old so you have to get new ones.
Me: Why?
Clerk: The state requires it because they say they fade after 5 years (note, there is no fading on of the plates on either of my vehicles). They just want to get more revenue.
Me: Yes they do. That is ridiculous. When I come next year and I get the permanent registration on this vehicle I'll never have to change my plates, even if they fade out completely.
Clerk: Yes, that's right.
Me: Idiocy...total (mumble, mumble) idiocy! I write my check and get the new plates.
The guy at the next counter kept inching further away from me. There was no place to put my postit's without some difficulties as this is the county courthouse too.

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  • Posted by SolitudeIsBliss 10 years, 2 months ago
    Should have asked them who recycles the old ones or do they just go to the landfill? what's more important to these looters: the environment or your money? I guess we know the answer to that one.
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  • Posted by LetsShrug 10 years, 2 months ago
    Wow...your license plate looks brand new.... "faded"... good grief! All logic is lost.
    And, if I HAVE to use a public john, I ALWAYS use 2 or 3. You just paid for 500 with your faded license renewal fee... I hope you used them ALL.
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