The way to smuggle Central Americans into the US from Mexico
Posted by Non_mooching_artist 10 years, 6 months ago to Video
Interesting videos. In the second one, note the people milling around behind the trees when the camera zooms in on the Mexican side. 100 in ten minutes an get smuggled over by the experienced traffickers.
I suggest a similar option for illegal aliens. Keep in mind that many have been working in various agricultural jobs, etc. for generations--these are not lazy people or people unwilling to work. There is a lot that needs to be done in this country which is not being done--e.g. rebuilding aging infrastructure (which was in many cases originally built by a Depression-era government program) and yes, the military. How about a Foreign Legion-style military unit that secures our borders and just might someday be sent in to put the drug barons' private armies out of business?
I propose a sort of foreign legion for illegal immigrants, including, but not limited to, military service. Those willing to sign up and serve honorable for five years are, at the end of that time, granted citizenship. By then they will know English, have marketable job skills, and have a track record of behaving themselves. Those who do not behave themselves will be sent home immediately.
At least SOME of the people illegally crossing our southern border are people fleeing nations where the corrupt and the looters have taken over. They could be an asset to this country. Let's see if they are willing to prove themselves so.
By the way, I would offer the same option to Canadians who sneak over the border regularly--around here, half of the logging crews are Canadian "visitors".
Let's start with a [unfortunately, truncated] etymology lesson. Look at the root words for "service" - related, in the Latin, to "slave"
If it's service and you have to do it, you are either under 18 years old and living in your parents' home, or a slave.
Not for me.
Another point from Neil Smith - in his alternate universe, their version of Congress was meeting when what was the Second Wold War in our universe began. There was a vote to send aid, people, stuff. It failed unanimously. Then, again, unanimously, the entire Congress took a leave of absence to go and fight the bad guys.
I still believe that [at least many] people will do the right thing, given the chance. Compelling one to do 'the right thing' assumes that the end justified the means. It doesn't.
Similarly, no one is "compelled" to take or hold a job. The benefits of doing so, however, lead most of us to do so voluntarily.
The caveat I would offer to the Legion Etrangere idea would be they would not be allowed to serve within the US but in a TO outside, protecting our interests.
All in all, I agree with that scenario. Our country would be served by a voluntary force, and governed and protected by those who had made the necessary commitment to prove their worthiness. As RAH stated, some were not worthy but they had done the necessary.
There was another nice touch in "Starship Troopers": the first thing every enlistee does is go on 48 hours leave. And if they don't come back, nothing happens. Except that they never get another chance.
The novel makes it clear that you don't have to do military service; you can be a postal carrier, a park maintenance worker, whatever.
I have long been an advocate for the availability of government service for several purposes. We have young people floundering under student loan debts at the moment. Why not give them a chance to "work it off" and gain a valuable entry on their resume in the process. Again, it will profit all far more than the current liens and foreclosures which are costing a fortune and yielding, for the most part, nothing.
As far as voting, serving on juries, etc., I believe every American should be required, perhaps during high school, to take and pass the citizenship test given to every immigrant who applies for citizenship. At present we have people voting, serving on juries, even holding public office....who haven't the faintest idea of what they are doing.
You think this idea of allowing illegal aliens to "earn" citizenship by joining the legions is new? You think this idea of employing illegal aliens in the governance of citizens and the maintenance of the bureaucracy is new?
That you even discuss it seriously shows how far down Rome's road of decay we've traveled.
We have the Obama fund raising while wiping his ass with the Constitution as the economy craters
If things continue down the road we are on then the government will need a body of people willing to blindly follow instruction and do so without hesitation regardless of the order. Most Americans are not like this, so where do they get them?
Perhaps this is being done with much foresight. I hope not, but its something that has to be considered.