The Phoenix Template, Part One, by Robert Gore

Posted by straightlinelogic 7 years, 10 months ago to Government
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The CIA has a chilling catalogue of countermeasures against the US government’s enemies, most developed during the Vietnam War. The heart of the CIA effort was Operation Phoenix, begun in 1965. Phoenix was designed, coordinated, and executed by the agency jointly with the US military and its intelligence units, the South Vietnamese military and its secret police, and Australian special operations forces. Its mission was to neutralize the infrastructure of the National Liberation Front of South Vietnam (NLF or Viet Cong) through infiltration, capture, counter-terrorism, interrogation, and assassination.

This is an excerpt. For the complete article please click the above link.
SOURCE URL: https://straightlinelogic.com/2017/03/29/the-phoenix-template-part-one-by-robert-gore/

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  • Posted by chad 7 years, 9 months ago
    It is not surprising that other countries can convince their communities into becoming patriots in the cause of hating America who have killed, tortured and used misguided tyrants to gain what they want from their populace. After 50 years of tyrannical rule by the Shah of Iran (it seemed only the American public was unaware of how he came to power, that the CIA taught his police force brute tactics to govern the people) is it any wonder that enough of the citizenry could be convinced to overthrow their dictator and hate America? Unfortunately for the people of Iran what they received for their efforts was worse than before but at least it was of their choosing. We were not unaware of Bush's connections with the CIA during the Viet Nam War and the drug smuggling out of the Golden Triangle by 'American Airways' to fund projects to defeat the communists. All patriotic causes and if a few rules were broken it was for the greater good. While many of the agencies can be traced back to where they started the real key to success of the operation and the willingness of so many enlisted is that they are like the six blind men trying to describe an elephant. Very few understand the end game and play their part believing they are sustaining 'truth, justice and the American Way!' while really destroying what they claim to believe in around the world. Not many will ever come to realize what they have done.
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    • Posted by 7 years, 9 months ago
      Aside from what has actually been done, your last sentence may be the saddest and most tragic part of all this: most people will never realize what "their" government has done, nor understand the hatred it has provoked.
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      • Posted by chad 7 years, 9 months ago
        Because they don't realize it they don't act in accordance with morality. What the government would like to achieve (those in power) is what they will not give the rest of the sheeple power to do for themselves. The government will outlaw chattel slavery and then make the people slaves of the state. The government makes drugs illegal (driving up prices) and then deals in drugs i.e.; the Iran Contra affair, the Golden Triangle drug trade, etc. So many more people are tortured, murdered, enslaved and driven to poverty by governments than any individual could ever hope to do. It is amazing to me how people let governments do what they would not tolerate from an individual. Most people will not steal even small amounts from another individual. Tell them they can have 'free stuff' from the government and almost 100% will line up to get the stolen goods and demand that those with possessions give them up while feeling perfectly moral about it.
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  • Posted by Joseph23006 7 years, 10 months ago
    "Oh, what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive!" Shakespeare was prescient. More recently in a poular movie a major character stated, "Strings are being pulled, and not by us!" In this day and age all things are possible and the electronic trail is hard to follow!
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 7 years, 10 months ago
    The rotten corruption of South Vietnamese was in the news when me dino got drafted--to fight for what?
    Anyway, I lucked out with the Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) of supply clerk and learned Marines were being pulled out of the "police action," leaving the Army to save the world from "the Domino Theory."
    I never got out of the Carolinas before I left with an honorable discharge and a good conduct ribbon.
    When I was a raw recruit expectant of the MOS 0300 of a Grunt doomed to charge Commie machine guns for nothing, I heard drill instructors tell us we were going to protect our girlfriends, wives, sisters and mothers from being raped.
    I also recall thinking, "What a bunch of BS" while being smart enough to keep that sentiment to myself.
    At some point during my recruit training, our beaming, grinning and at times laughing senior drill instructor recalled his observance of the North Korean interrogation technique. "North Koreans really hate Communists " he said, describing how a group of hogtied Viet Cong would be taken up in a helicopter and pushed out one by one.
    I have a over the top conservative brother who told me we did not lose the Vietnam War even though we did not win it. Guess that's why undeclared wars are called "police actions."
    Winning must not matter. Life really must be dirt cheap to some people.
    Me dino prefers Gen. George Patton's (I paraphrase) "win wars by making the other SOB die for his country" point of view.
    Yeah, always win war is really a war wars.
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    • Posted by Dobrien 7 years, 9 months ago
      I had to think about all the $ and effort at the airports and NSA to stop terrorists. When the gang bangers in this country are a much bigger threat to life and liberty if we spent a fraction of the time and money and put those SOBs into Guantanamo I would feel the effort has value.
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      • Posted by $ allosaur 7 years, 9 months ago
        A threat to security is a threat to security.
        Why we have "foreign and domestic enemies."
        Or why I carry a concealed pistol I know how to shoot.
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        • Posted by Dobrien 7 years, 9 months ago
          Hi Dino,
          How are you doing?
          I for one am glad you are a straight shooter. Because I know the job will get done.
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          • Posted by $ allosaur 7 years, 9 months ago
            I try to be a straight shooter in all things.
            Even though I'm being looted with an ouch, "doing my taxes" is done and I'm feeling pretty good for that being behind me foi another year..
            Big Brother should do my taxes for me since that legalized pickpocket wants to spread my money around so bad.
            That goes for my state too along with a raise the taxes governor who rejected a list of proposed cuts.
            So how are you doing?
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            • Posted by Dobrien 7 years, 9 months ago
              Taxes .That is the first order of business tomorrow
              I am doing well thanks, my wife and I took a road trip to Overland Park, Ks and just got back a few hours ago. My grand daughter Olivia invited us to her 2nd birthday party. My son and his family made the trip also, they drove from Hudson, Wi.
              My heart was bursting as I had 3 grandkids ages [5,3,2] crawl up on my lap as a read them KNUFFEL BUNNY for bedtime. A moment of happiness that I will treasure.
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