Attitudes towards the alt-right?

Posted by $ Terraformer_One 7 years, 11 months ago to Ask the Gulch
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I want to know how you perceive the alt-right, considering that they promote ethnostates and condemn multiculturalism as a toxic state of anarchy where interest groups fight to gain dominance.

Do you condemn or approve of White people remaining the dominant group in countries established by White people for their descendants.

Claims that human biodiversity should be recognised and different groups have different distribution curves of ability.

That the other ethnicities should be assisted (with concepts and advice for enhanced implementation), if asked, to return to the countries where their ethnicity dominates and improve the standard of living for the masses of people that find conditions so much harder as the cream of their respective societies - business owners, rather than the ruling elite that maintain their positions by force, get repulsed by the political situations.

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  • Posted by $ WilliamShipley 7 years, 11 months ago
    I'm not sure there is an alt-right. There are white supremacists and they are generally despised.The term "alt-right" is an attempt to group them with as many people as can be done to utilize "guilt-by-association" to tar the whole group.

    As to groups having different distribution curves of ability -- have you watched an NFL game?
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 7 years, 11 months ago
    I agree with much of what is called "alt-right". Funny ears shut off whenever people mention race. So, I find your question interesting.
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  • Posted by $ MikeMarotta 7 years, 11 months ago
    Race does not exist; and ethnicity is tribalism, which egoists reject.

    Individualism is the greatest "biodiversity." The fact is that considering the size of the molecule and the existence of isotopes, no two hemoglobin molecules in your own body are identical. Individualism is inherent.

    The claim that "... different groups have different distribution curves of ability" is wrong. The statistical fact is that however you group people, once the population is statistically significant, differences within groups are greater than differences across groups.

    It is possible to socially disadvantage groups. Entrepreneurs are the classic case. How a person who is thrust into such a collective by law or by custom deals with it is up to the individual.

    I will note, however, when it comes to intelligence, the prevalence of idiocy on the alt.right seems to be a genetic failing caused by consanguinity.

    Ayn Rand's Ford Hall lecture "Global Balkanization" is available online from ARI. It was also edited for the anthology, The Voice of Reason.
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  • Posted by rbroberg 7 years, 11 months ago
    The alt-right is another name for nationalism. As such, it is primarily concerned with (a) geographic borders, (b) cultural norms, (c) religious preference, (d) race, or other. While prevalent in the USA, the alt-right encompasses more than Americans. The alt-right is ideologically revolutionary in that it is "alt" and not just "right". That leaves religious or racial preference.

    Xenophobia is a dislike or prejudice toward people from other countries. This helps word xenophobia might describe the alt-right. Is Xenophobia geographic, cultural, religious, or racial? Geographic primacy would mean the alt-right can not be a transnational movement. That's out. Cultural primacy would mean the alt-right can not be a transcultural movement. Strictly speaking, different cultures are represented. Just as fascists or communists are transcultural, so are the alt-right. That leaves religion and race.

    The alt-right is essentially Xenophobic and revolutionary or reactionary. It is an ideological platform. The reasons it is compared to neo-Nazism is its use of scapegoats to frame national problems.
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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 7 years, 11 months ago
    I agree with WilliamShipley's assessment.
    These people who group people by their physical attributes, seeing countries as ethnic groups established for future people's of that race, as racist idiots. Creating a new word, alt-Right, is just more grouping, trying to lump other people in with these racist low-lives. We already have words for racists idiots, so I don't see the need for the world "alt-right".
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