The Common Core cluster F
Posted by Non_mooching_artist 11 years, 4 months ago to Education
Here is the blueprint for the progressive takeover of the children of this country. It behooves us all to stop it, or start homeschooling. School districts and states need to get off the teat of the Federal Govt.
it's only too clear what happens when they become involved in areas they don't belong.
it's only too clear what happens when they become involved in areas they don't belong.
Late night TV has an info commercial for a counter top plastic dispenser for any of these roll type coverings, and he makes a big deal of showing how easily it handles Saran Wrap. "But wait...there's more!"
"Do you charge us with wanting to stop the exploitation of children by their parents? To this crime we plead guilty.
But, you say, we destroy the most hallowed of relations, when we replace home education by social.
And your education! Is not that also social, and determined by the social conditions under which you educate, by the intervention direct or indirect, of society, by means of schools, etc.? The Communists have not intended the intervention of society in education; they do but seek to alter the character of that intervention, and to rescue education from the influence of the ruling class.
The bourgeois claptrap about the family and education, about the hallowed correlation of parents and child, becomes all the more disgusting, the more, by the action of Modern Industry, all the family ties among the proletarians are torn asunder, and their children transformed into simple articles of commerce and instruments of labor."
"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."
Albert Einstein
The "home education" he opposed is only different in detail from the "home education" you dislike. In other words, you and Marx both disliked the homes for not teaching the children what you (and he) regarded as important.
Television has been with us for 70 years. All along people complained about kids watching "too much television" but here we sit at our computers... It is to our age what books were the Renaissance. And in those days, people complained about those who "read too many books," rather than living a "real life."
What I perceive in this thread is the third aspect of conservative agenda: anti-intellectualism. Conservatives who saw one movie and maybe read one book once through, have no interest in epistemology or metaphysics. They want to blame Pres. Barack Obama for everything wrong in the world, but have no opinion on whether you always have to exclude measurement when you form a concept. They complain about education, but have no idea what a concept is.
I am now going to break that rule here. I have grown quite weary of seeing you go off on self aggrandizing rants, fawn over someone who might agree with you, but then lash out against anyone who does not.
The childish playground bully tactics are not appreciated, by posters or other commenters. Name calling because someone doesn't agree with you just places you squarely in a spoiled child category in my view. Leave the pettiness off the forum, or no one will play.
"Individualism" and "collectivism" are not just political philosophies. They are what Jane Jacobs called "Systems of Survival" i.e., how you get along in the world. You warn me that if I criticize other people's ideas that I will stand alone; but I already do.
Shit like that will always be good for a few downvotes Mike. You can do better.
President Obama is a socialist, whose agenda is to destroy most of what this country was founded on. That's a fact. Every time that is brought up, one does not need to provide a detailed thesis backing that assertion or the consequences of socialist policies. There have been extensive posts on Common Core in here, including a post about Mr. Jebb Bush backing it. You are choosing to ignore evidence already presented.
I also so not name call. Anybody. I don't disparage them in a public forum. If I disagree, I use tact. Your opinions are your own. I respect that. I don't respect infantile diatribes.
My reply is simply, "I am not `anti-intellectual', I am `anti-pseudo-intellectual' and 'anti-intellectual-elite-pseudo-or-otherwise'".
I had to look up the meaning of abstruse.
It wasn't bad, because the dictionary [the fat one that lives under the office work table] gave me "incomprehensible", "esoteric" and "difficult to understand" in the definition, which fit your use perfectly. [I did know the Latin, though]
johnrobert, I award you 10 word geek points. Use them well.
You just 'fixed' one of my childhood scars...I always felt that my Mom didn't really love me.
She would send me off to school with my sandwich wrapped in a road map.
I saved some of the maps, and I have all of the then current 48 states.
Oh, that's drool.
Back in Pittsburgh, we had one like it called 'Town Talk', or in the vernacular, 'Tahn Tahk'. Any other 'Burghers remember that? Is it still around?
I always compliment someone who CAN make change now, since it's such a rare skill.
2. Myself, as a writer, I appreciate the fact that this lesson plan shows children how OTHER PEOPLE use emotionally-laden words to manipulate their opinions. It works both ways.
3. Remember that Hillary Rodham started her political career in Youth for Goldwater. You have no way to predict what this child or that will learn from this lesson or from some other.
We have a fairly large movement against common core here ( and I hope we are successful. Last year when I was first learning about common core I had a hard time finding actual information and facts. However this year many of my kids papers have a "Common Core standard x.x.x.etc" on them and it is horrendous. I found a video yesterday showing a Language Arts (I think this has already been referenced) which made me sick.
I'm am submitting forms to opt my kids out of the common core testing and tracking and trying to educate people I know to do the same. I'm also working to influence our politicians to get rid of it as well.