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  • Posted by $ perry_taylor-1949 12 years, 4 months ago
    I'm also looking forward to part III. I recently bought the book and found out a little over half way through that they had made a movie. I finished the book first, then bought and watched part I of the series. I then went to the movie to see part II. The first time in years a movie interested me enough to go out to see one.
    I notice in a couple of the reviews, they complain about using trains as the main means of transportation. First off, they were if not the main form of transport when the novel was written, they were very popular. Second, the critics miss the point that trains had made a comeback when gasoline prices went through the roof. Only the rich could afford automobiles and only the ultra rich could afford to take a plane. This critic seemed to get it. He also saw what I did in reading the first few pages of the novel in how close it followed today's headlines. I had to laugh when I saw Part I and near the start of the movie they showed the date of 2016. Could this be what it would be like after four more years of Obama? All in all, a very fairly written review.
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