Only in Galt's Gulch......
Posted by JGISSD 12 years, 5 months ago to Philosophy
Only in Galt's Gulch would you receive "points" for your efforts, that are meaningless in terms of value, but are intended as reimbursement by the "creators" of this site.
Only in Galt's Gulch, a site advocating for the rights of the individual and highly critical of societal intervention, would points be awarded based on group-think.
Only in Galt's Gulch would an entrance fee be required to be considered one of the "creators", with anyone who didn't agree to that arbitrary theft of personal property considered "moochers" and "lurkers."
Only in Galt's Gulch, would the number of freeloading "lurkers" that are here to support Randism outnumber the paid members by a factor of 3, showing that common sense trumps blind ideology any day of the week.
Only in Galt's Gulch, a site advocating for the rights of the individual and highly critical of societal intervention, would points be awarded based on group-think.
Only in Galt's Gulch would an entrance fee be required to be considered one of the "creators", with anyone who didn't agree to that arbitrary theft of personal property considered "moochers" and "lurkers."
Only in Galt's Gulch, would the number of freeloading "lurkers" that are here to support Randism outnumber the paid members by a factor of 3, showing that common sense trumps blind ideology any day of the week.
That honor ir reserved for Randites.