Morons, by Robert Gore

Posted by straightlinelogic 7 years, 10 months ago to Politics
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There is no greater earthly pleasure than seeing people who pose as intellectually superior revealed as morons. Hillary Clinton was wretched, but Democrats have bought off half the electorate; there was no way they should have lost to a man who had never held office. Her defeat was a glorious culmination of delirious delusion that connoisseurs of the moronic will forever cherish. Shakespeare said, “All the world’s a stage, And all the men and women merely players.” When you don’t know at whom the audience is laughing , it’s you. Last week, Reasons to Vote for Democrats: A Comprehensive Guide, a book of 266 blank pages, was number one on Amazon’s bestseller list (a few notches above Prime Deceit). Still, the donkeys don’t get the joke.

This is an excerpt. For the complete article please click the link above.
SOURCE URL: https://straightlinelogic.com/2017/03/13/morons-by-robert-gore/

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  • Posted by Zeek 7 years, 10 months ago
    I think ol' Will went on to say something about sound and fury, signifying nothing. Morons. The less they know, the more eager they are to tell everyone all about it.
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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 7 years, 10 months ago
    "All the world's a stage,
    And all the men and women merely players"
    This Shakespeare quote underscores for me the question of why anyone outside this industry should care about this topic.

    I understood why Peter Keating cared what the Banner printed. Even if it was an act, he was getting rich, and that could allow him to enjoy whatever earthly pleasures he wanted. But when he worried about putting on a show for the janitor, it became clear that all the world was a stage for him. There was no earthly pleasure at the end of the machinations. A show for an audience was the end in itself.

    "There is no greater earthly pleasure than seeing people who pose as intellectually superior revealed as morons."
    I don't get this, at least not from anyone not involved with putting on the show. It's a stereotype for teenage girls going through an identity crisis. But eventually people grow up either philosophically or just get too busy with their own show to focus on the topic other people falling into or out of favor for its own sake.

    When it comes to policy, it's what I call the what's this all about? question. Obviously people involved have an interest in getting people fired up, but I don't get what's in it for people on the outside. This article suggests it's pure teenage identity crisis behavior with a fig leaf justification of serious policy matters. Is it that simple?
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    • Posted by 7 years, 10 months ago
      When a political party has played such a large part running this country into the ground, all the while assuming a pose of intellectual superiority, I deem it valuable to call out the pose, exposing their tactical and strategic blunders as a way of fighting that group. If that group were irrelevant to our politics and governance I wouldn't bother, but they're not. After being told for decades how stupid and retrograde my political views are by smug, condescending Democrats, I take a great deal of earthly pleasure doing so, and I hope other people of my political persuasion will also derive some pleasure from my article.
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      • Posted by CircuitGuy 7 years, 10 months ago
        "When [the Democratic] party has played such a large part running this country into the ground"
        If you're right, I'll take earthly pleasure in the prosperity that comes from shrinking deficits, gov't outlays, and decreasing gov't intrusiveness. The indirect pleasure of decreased drone strikes, closing extra-judicial prisons and prosecuting any abusive treatment of suspects, decreased drug war, decreased surveillance without warrants will be more than the benefits of the prosperity.

        I have not looked into the Rorscharch blot and seen this desired outcome. I expect you're wrong and well see the opposite of all of that, a V-shaped curve as decreasing deficits of the past five years turn to increasing, increasing gov't intrusiveness, the opposite of liberty in all areas.

        If you're right that this will lead to a fiscal and monetary crisis that the recession of 08-09 look like nothing, maybe I better learn to take earthly pleasure from schadenfreude, enjoying that policy makers were wrong. If I could get to that point, the more the gov't intrudes and messes things up, paradoxically more pleasure I'd get. Unfortunately this won't work for me because I want prosperity for its own sake, for the ability to have more and work less.
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        • Posted by 7 years, 10 months ago
          I want to live my life in freedom. It is hardly schadenfreude to hope that those who will not permit it come to a bad end, especially when they maintain that they're entitled to do so, and anyone who resists their self-evident intellectual superiority and control is benighted. That group, of course, is not exclusively one party, but I wanted to kick the Democrats while they're down, knowing they'll never be entirely out and will undoubtedly come back. There's always some slime looking for something for nothing. Do I enjoy it? Perhaps not the correct word, but I desperately want to see anybody, whatever their political affiliation, who claims a right to run my life fail, and fail completely.
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          • Posted by CircuitGuy 7 years, 10 months ago
            We need liberty to win. Just kicking people has almost no benefit except for those who feel like they have no power in life getting to experience vicariously being mean.

            Everything you say will make sense if gov't decreases, and what I'm saying will be completely wrong. Republicans control both branches of gov't and attempt to politicize the judicial branch. If deficits decrease at the same rate or faster than during the past five years, kick whoever's for more borrowing. If federal outlays just stay constant (slightly shrinking percentage of GDP), that will be huge. The same thing with the drug war, extrajudicial prisoners, gov't interference in healthcare, warrantless surveillance, drone strikes; if even half of them decrease what you're saying makes sense. If they actually increase, we get the earthly pleasure of kicking people at the expense of the earthly pleasure of liberty.
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