Does Anyone Know Of A Collection Of World War II "Home Front" Books And Literature On CD/DVD?

Posted by DaveM49 10 years, 7 months ago to Books
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I am actively looking for any and all "Home Front" literature from World War II. There was a great deal of material published and even distributed by the government which deals with basic skills, how to do more with less, how to repair or reuse worn-out short, self-reliance.

I expected to find that someone had issued such a collection on CD/DVD--it would be essential knowledge to any shrugger/prepper/what have you. So luck. Has anyone heard of anything of the sort on the market? If it hasn't "been done" already....I just might have to make up a collection on my own. I have a large collection of books on the subject in various forms, but I know there is a lot more out there--and much of it is essential knowledge.

A possible associated collection would be literature distributed during the Great Depression to help people "do more with less", acquire basic skills, etc. I know there was an enormous amount of material issued by the Agricultural Extension Service. One pamphlet is conspicuously unavailable (and I have no interest in is) as it showed farmers how to easily make fertilizer and a few other common farm chemicals explode (for blasting stumps and the like, of course--explosives in the right hands are a highly useful tool).

If anyone knows of an existing collection or just wants to suggest titles for it....I'd love to hear from you. If I end up producing a disk, it will of course be made available at a reasonable price to Gulchers, and a free disk to any and all who contribute.

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