Star Trek meets Atlas Shrugged
Posted by fivedollargold 10 years, 8 months ago to Movies
Any accident that characters named "Galt" and "Ragnar" appear in this film. Note: No tribbles were harmed in the making of this motion picture. (And Yeoman Rand still looks good!)
It is a nostalgic experience if you love STOS.
(If you don't grok STOS, don't waste your time.)
They have had quality guest stars from TV:
Lou Ferigno (The Hulk)
Michael Forrest (STOS)
Erin Gray (Buck Rogers in the 25th Century)
Chris Doohan (son of Jame Doohan, Scotty from STOS)
More info here:
I love Trek, especially the OS, but Babylon 5 is better in many ways. I was put off when I first watched B5 as I had missed earlier episodes and it must be watched from the beginning. Imagine being given a middle chapter of Atlas Shrugged to read out of context. Watching from the beginning will draw you in and hook you as surely as AS does.
B5 is the best that scifi video has to offer and has complex characters and story that ST lacked.
The hidden posting from a few days ago "Philosophy from Babylon 5" has lots of links to clips on youtube to whet your appetite and link is here:
"$30 – STAR TREK: OF GODS AND MEN DVD REWARD: Receive a DVD copy of Star Trek: Of Gods and Men with a $30 donation. To learn more Star Trek: Of Gods and Men, please click here to visit the official website. Free shipping in the U.S. Please add $15 for international shipping. Please note: this film was not shot in HD and therefore is NOT available in Blu Ray disk. Please allow 3-4 weeks for delivery"
and enjoy more:
It would be immoral to watch the YouTube video. You need to know the difference between a Half Eagle and a Racketeer Nickel.
"Published on Oct 15, 2012
Renegade Studios proudly presents the 2008 award winning feature length film, Star Trek: Of Gods and Men.
This film is brought to you by Star Trek: Renegades.
Receive a free copy of the ST: Of Gods and Men DVD when you donate to our Star Trek: Renegades production: Visit here for more Information:"