I wonder how..........?

Posted by itisntluck 12 years, 3 months ago to Politics
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I wonder how many R/R voter were siphoned off by Johnson? Did they make a difference?

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  • Posted by Slick 12 years, 3 months ago
    It's sad really. If the Republican Party hadn't been so corrupt, and had allowed Ron Paul a place on the RNC stage, whether he had won it or not, if they had listened to him, if they had listened to his energetic and youthful base, if they had just adopted some of his principles, then things would have been very different. But he was shunned; it was disgraceful what was done to him. The R/R votes weren’t siphoned because those who voted for Gary Johnson would never have voted for the likes of Mitt Romney to begin with. The sad part is that even Johnson himself said that he wouldn't have run if Ron Paul had been nominated. Many people forget that both Ron Paul and Gary Johnson ran in the republican primaries.

    Over 1 million votes is an awfully high number, that's more people than a lot of smaller countries. Statistically against a further 100 million it might not seem that high, but it appears to have had a devastating impact.

    Hopefully the GOP will learn from its mistakes and put in a decent candidate next time around, say perhaps Rand Paul?

    For now though we’ll have to deal with Obama, and there will certainly be a lot of uphill battles ahead.
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    • Posted by $ jmlesniewski 12 years, 3 months ago
      Ross Perot's 19 million is an awfully high number. One million is not a high number, especially when Obama won so resoundingly.
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      • Posted by Slick 12 years, 3 months ago
        Oh are we talking again? Cool. Yes Ross Perot certainly did well when he ran. 1 million is a lot of people no matter how you slice it. I think a lot more people sat out the vote entirely which I think is sad. I honestly believe that if Ron Paul had been the Republican candidate we would have won in a landslide. There are many reasons why Obama won and Mitt Romney lost. I think the Gary Johnson votes certainly made a loud statement, no matter if it was technically only 1% of the vote. It was a clear message that the GOP will have to listen to if it wants power again. The votes were not solely geared torward the economy.
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        • Posted by $ jmlesniewski 12 years, 3 months ago
          About 9 million less people voted for Obama (60-69) about 2 million less people voted for Romney than McCain (59-57) than in 2008. Nader received about 700,000 of the vote in 2008.

          Voter turn out was down, but mainly only because 9 million people were less excited about Obama, everything else is statistically similar. This election wasn't about the economy, Romney, or the Republican party. It was about Barack Obama.
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          • Posted by Slick 12 years, 3 months ago
            I understand what you're trying to say. But it wasn't just about Barack Obama, at least not for everyone. Each individual has his and her own opinion. I know there were millions who didn't see the difference in the two candidates and who chose to stay home.
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            • Posted by $ jmlesniewski 12 years, 3 months ago
              The numbers don't support that assertion.
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              • Posted by Slick 12 years, 3 months ago
                You know I could argue how they do, and you could argue how they don't. Personally right now, I'm exhausted. I've already stated why I think Romney and Obama were similar in many ways, and millions of people not voting seem to have proven that. But you'll just argue it anyway. I don't care. All I know is, Romney wasn't good enough, and Ron Paul had the momentum but was stopped short. Now we all have to pay the consequences. At least movies such as Atlas Shrugged are now being made, and that has to count for something.
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        • Posted by LetsShrug 12 years, 3 months ago
          How is it you think that Obama sucking liberals would've voted for Ron Paul? or are you assuming independents would've been enough votes to over power the liberal vote? They LOVE Obama..THAT'S the problem. They think statism/socialism is a good thing. And after B.O. gives amnesty to all the illegals (which are over taking AZ and syphoning all the tax payers dollars they can get their hands on via free schooling, free food and a multitude of other entitlements that are breaking our backs) they will be yet another large group of voters to overcome. I only see things getting worse for producers with no end in sight. I don't think I've ever been depressed in my life...until yesterday. I may never breath right again. bla!
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          • Posted by Slick 12 years, 3 months ago
            There were a large number of Obama voters who do not love the man. Many of them only voted for him because they thought he was the lesser of two evils. Many of them would have voted for Ron Paul because he teaches peace and tolerance. He would have cut military spending and taxes before even touching entitlements. It would have been enough to swing the vote. Romney by comparison came off looking like a spoilt rich guy who could care less about the poor.

            I know and understand exactly how you feel. I didn't even watch the results last night. I'm as upset as you are. Truly, it is a sad day for producers. But every cloud has a silver lining. The Tea Parties will kick back into gear on local levels, and more movies such as Atlas Shrugged Part 1 and 2 will be made. I had never even heard of Ayn Rand until after Obama was elected. For every action there is a reaction.
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            • Posted by LetsShrug 12 years, 3 months ago
              I disagree. I think people feel good to love Obama (and I won't go into the guilt behind some of it), it's the "cool" thing to do...(or something equally as stupid), and I disagree that Romney came off looking like a rich guy who could care less about the poor, the media spun him that way, but he didn't act that way. I see no silver lining...or a window God has opened cuz he closed a door, and I don't think that this too shall pass. :(
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              • Posted by Slick 12 years, 3 months ago
                Aww come on, it's not that bad. Seriously, I think some good can come out of it. I could never have envisioned such a thing as the Tea Parties a few years ago. Fact is Romney wasn't good enough. Some and yes many people worship the ground Obama walks on, and it makes me sick, but there were a great many also who only voted for him because they thought he would protect them somehow, or that he was the lesser of two evils. You’re 100% correct about the media; it is a great spin device...one reason I don't watch the news...other reasons being that they're all full of crap...but that's another issue =)
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                • Posted by LetsShrug 12 years, 3 months ago
                  It IS that bad and I see no good coming from any of it. The masses are only going to multiply more and more and get increasingly more dependent on the gov (or US) which I cannot stomach. The American outlook is bleak at best.
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                  • Posted by Slick 12 years, 3 months ago
                    Yeah it's pretty bleak, and we're certainly at breaking point. But at least there are those of us out there who actually get it, and that has to count for something.
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                    • Posted by LetsShrug 12 years, 3 months ago
                      "Getting it" doesn't feel like it counts for much at the moment when so many other's won't "get it" until everything they've got, is gone. I guess the only thing we can do is prepare as best we can and hunker down. And maybe brush up on some chinese...or spanish...or farci. (And don't forget to stock up on ammo). http://washingtonexaminer.com/obama-re-e...
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                      • Posted by Slick 12 years, 3 months ago
                        I know, it's going to sting for a while, and I honestly don't know how far the looters will push it. They've already pushed it about as far as they can, and I'm certain we're heading for a currency collapse if we don't stop the debt spiral we're currently in. $16 trillion is simply unsustainable. Right there with you, stock up on food, ammo and knowledge...we're in for a rough road ahead. The one thing that gives me hope aside from like minded people on here is that humans are capable of extraordinary feats when things are at their very worst.
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