Here I am trying to drum up support

Posted by CurrentMe 11 years, 6 months ago to Technology
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First, let me start off by saying that I have been a proponent of Ayn Rand and her novels for years, even when I lived in NJ and something thought thatI was the only one in the state that believed in A=A ! Heck, I didn't sign my son up for his disable SSI check till I had to get him in the program for his school funding,

So with that out of the way, myself and a few partners have starting a new business, trying to a a go of it in what is a very nasty business environment. We came up with the idea of an android based smartwatch. Please have a look, and if it's the sort of thing you can support then great, if not, maybe you know someone that is into this sort of stuff.

Chris Daly

PS. I did query the site admins and got permission to post this.

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  • Posted by sdesapio 11 years, 6 months ago
    Hi Chris. You may get better traction on the post with a title that describes what you're raising money for (e.g. "Water-resistant standalone Smartwatch") and a short description as well. Good luck.
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