We have less than five years.
Posted by VikingMarine 10 years, 7 months ago to Philosophy
The fact of the matter, Ladies and Gentlemen, is that we have less than 5 years to prepare for what is arriving. Most of you, simply play a part. An anonymous role play, where you fantasize about the characters and the world created by Ayn Rand in a novel. Most of you, imagine yourselves as special in this world. Having some skill or necessary trait of worth. Because we cannot imagine ourselves as anything but essential. We want to be an integral part in what is to come.
Sadly, that isn't true. Most of humanity, despite that innate desire, allows itself to remain inconsequential. Not necessarily to the world as the world sees itself. We are inconsequential, because we fear the becoming. The part of our lives where we /become/ consequential. We hide from it.
We look at our wife, our children, and say that we have built too much to risk it on a fool's errand. To "be the one" to step out of line. To be that first German, who stood up and said "No" and was killed for the sake of the Jews in the early 20th century.
Some of us crave it. We slaver at the thought of firing the shot heard 'round the world. I know I do. We just can't find the moment, that point when the shot isn't muffled by uncertainty. That moment when our stance is recognized by millions. See... the problem is, that moment passes every day.
Every day there is a time and a place for a shot to be heard round the world. Every day there is that moment when billions would witness our stance. Every, single, day, we pass by opportunities to change the world. Not necessarily through violence, though it cannot be ruled out. In fact by violence we most threaten our position.
...but through peace. Not the apathetic "hippy" peace of the 60's. Through the peace that brings about an honest satisfaction of life for one or more people, by means of a righteous path.
I don't reference religion here (necessarily) when I say righteous. The path of right stands alone in the common sense of good men and women. Righteous deeds, are known by those who possess such common sense as to not be deceived. Whether by uncertainty, or the direct intentional actions of human beings who seek to beguile.
There is, and always will be, such thing as the Truth. Capitalized and respected as such. The Truth is a factual, un-doctored account of events and the fullness of their beginnings.
A ball thrown at the ground by a hand, can be mistaken for hail, or the discharge of an airplane, but in Truth it will always be a ball thrown by a hand. Whether the speed of that ball defies the logic of a thrown hand, or the likelihood of a hand throwing a ball at that place and time is in question. It remains, a ball, thrown by a hand, at that place and time. It will be, what it was, no matter the slant of interpretation.
Thus it is that "Truth is, therefore it is."
We alone cannot change the world. We can only change those around us. It is our sacred responsibility, to change those around us according to the way we would be changed.
Nobody believes another, until they understand for themselves, the other. So too, we must allow others to understand as we have, without imposing upon them the will of ourselves.
Keep this in mind, as you seek to change the world.
Sadly, that isn't true. Most of humanity, despite that innate desire, allows itself to remain inconsequential. Not necessarily to the world as the world sees itself. We are inconsequential, because we fear the becoming. The part of our lives where we /become/ consequential. We hide from it.
We look at our wife, our children, and say that we have built too much to risk it on a fool's errand. To "be the one" to step out of line. To be that first German, who stood up and said "No" and was killed for the sake of the Jews in the early 20th century.
Some of us crave it. We slaver at the thought of firing the shot heard 'round the world. I know I do. We just can't find the moment, that point when the shot isn't muffled by uncertainty. That moment when our stance is recognized by millions. See... the problem is, that moment passes every day.
Every day there is a time and a place for a shot to be heard round the world. Every day there is that moment when billions would witness our stance. Every, single, day, we pass by opportunities to change the world. Not necessarily through violence, though it cannot be ruled out. In fact by violence we most threaten our position.
...but through peace. Not the apathetic "hippy" peace of the 60's. Through the peace that brings about an honest satisfaction of life for one or more people, by means of a righteous path.
I don't reference religion here (necessarily) when I say righteous. The path of right stands alone in the common sense of good men and women. Righteous deeds, are known by those who possess such common sense as to not be deceived. Whether by uncertainty, or the direct intentional actions of human beings who seek to beguile.
There is, and always will be, such thing as the Truth. Capitalized and respected as such. The Truth is a factual, un-doctored account of events and the fullness of their beginnings.
A ball thrown at the ground by a hand, can be mistaken for hail, or the discharge of an airplane, but in Truth it will always be a ball thrown by a hand. Whether the speed of that ball defies the logic of a thrown hand, or the likelihood of a hand throwing a ball at that place and time is in question. It remains, a ball, thrown by a hand, at that place and time. It will be, what it was, no matter the slant of interpretation.
Thus it is that "Truth is, therefore it is."
We alone cannot change the world. We can only change those around us. It is our sacred responsibility, to change those around us according to the way we would be changed.
Nobody believes another, until they understand for themselves, the other. So too, we must allow others to understand as we have, without imposing upon them the will of ourselves.
Keep this in mind, as you seek to change the world.