Reflections on the Selection of Perez as Head of the DNC

Posted by rbroberg 7 years, 11 months ago to Politics
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Perez, the prior Secretary of Labor to the Obama administration, is head of the DNC. This constitutes a disappointment to "true progressives," who preferred Ellison to Perez. Perez has been likened to a "corporatist" by the "true progressive" camp. Indeed, if relativism is the standard by which we compare, then Perez represents closer cooperation and compromise than does Ellison, the cheerleader of the Farrakhan camp. It could appear an ironic observation that pragmatist compromise appears to affect even the collectivists, but it is their compromise that sustains them.

In What is Capitalism, Ayn Rand suggests the political economists begin "mid-stream", treating factories as "a natural resource, like a tree, a rock, or a mud-puddle". This is to say that the collectivists consider the means of production as a social product at best, or, as an a prior fact of existence without recognition of the contingent conditions pervading such a product: private property, e.g. capitalism. To put it succinctly, the looters have no concept of ownership because they decline the invitation.

So, if Perez is the pragmatist collectivist, then Ellison is the explicit collectivist. Ellison sincerely believes in an altruist and collectivist political premise. Of course, by nature, even an explicit collectivist believes under the visage of his rhetoric that he is selfishly rewarded by such a system as collectivism; whether by a kind of faith or by an explicit understanding of his own lack of capacity to effect a productive path, he has selected the path that reflects his nihilistic attitude toward productive activity, all the while maintaining that central control of the means of production is beneficial to all.

This gets to the heart of the capitalist versus the collectivist. The capitalist is revealed as the true progressive in the literal sense; he pushes society forward to greater and greater productive accomplishments, both material and intellectual. The collectivist seeks control of the material means of production without reference to intellectual achievement. Recognizing his poor foundation, he attacks the intellectual achievement qua achievement. He invents environmentalism, which then disintegrates further into anarchy-primitivism, which then reveals itself to abide by none other than "hatred of then good for being the good". (This is not to say that environmental claims lack legitimacy, only that environmentalist claims do.)

So, while the modern liberal camp posits that the Republican Party has disintegrated with the election of a populist conservative, it has generated a good point. The alt-right and populist sects within the conservative movement posit victory without reference to a standard. Yet, the collectivists in the Democratic Party fail to recognize that oligarchical control is not worse than the bureaucratic vision it espouses. As such, both parties continue to disintegrate without reference to the standards or laws of a proper capitalism.

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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 7 years, 10 months ago
    The Perez victory means the Clinton-Obama engine is still turning over. Word is that Hillary intends to run again in 2020, so they need a stooge in charge of the DNC to stage the coronation. The question now is whether or not Elizabeth Warren or Keith Ellison will carry the Sanders socialist banner in opposition. Cory Booker is in for a big disappointment, as he's been thinking he'll be the Democrat nominee in 2020, but the attitude of the DNC seems to be "we've already done the black President thing, so we need to look for a woman or Hispanic or Muslim candidate this time."

    At this point it all appears irrelevant, since the Democrat party has no platform beyond "We REALLY hate Trump and white people." There's no message, no outreach, and even the unions are drifting into the Trump camp, given his emphasis on jobs.
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    • Posted by fosterj717 7 years, 10 months ago
      Thank God the loonies are running that party! If Americans buy into that load of doggie warble, then the country deserves exactly what it is going to get. A choice between two America hating racists! What is the Democrat party thinking?! Perhaps every member of that sad-sack party qualifies based upon the illogical nature of their group think, they may qualify for group rates and emergency psychological triage and treatment for the obvious disorder!
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  • Posted by NealS 7 years, 10 months ago
    A democrat told me Perez did such a great job as Secretary of Labor, that this was their best choice. This person's first choice would have been Ellison. Sad world we live in, but then again perhaps the democrats doubling down on their message and tactics just might swing more people over to the other side. Nah, too many that have never voted other than democrat.
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  • Posted by $ CBJ 7 years, 11 months ago
    The Republican Party is hardly disintegrating when President Trump has an 85% approval rating among Republicans (NBC/Wall St. Journal poll). The Democrats are badly split and lack a strong leader to counter Trump. Neither party espouses capitalism, but some of Trump's economic policies are trending in that direction.
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    • Posted by 7 years, 10 months ago
      If "neither party espouses capitalism" then you are correct that the Republican Party is not disintegrating if (1) the Republican Party never espoused capitalism or (2) "Trump's economic policies" are capitalist or trending in a strategic, measured program. I argue that the Republican Party was previously more capitalistic and that "Trump's economic policies are trending in that direction" is not obvious.

      Capitalism would require:
      (1) A balanced budget.
      (2) Reduction toward a government composed of police, courts, and military.
      (3) Reduction and elimination of education programs in favor of private education.
      (4) Reduction and elimination of health care programs in favor of unregulated health care.
      (5) Reduction and elimination of welfare state, social security, etc.

      I will grant you, at least he proposes to reduce income taxes.
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      • Posted by fosterj717 7 years, 10 months ago
        Unfortunately! There is really nothing "radical" in his proposed programs therefore, I don't think he really deflects us from the overall slide to socialism and/or worse. We continue (albeit more slowly) on our slow motion trajectory ending ultimately, to our servitude under an out of control, bloated and despotic government!
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