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- 2Posted by Danno 10 years, 8 months agoMy car is lonely on the road. Haven't seen another sticker since Fall.Mark as read | Best of... | Permalink|
- 2Posted by edweaver 10 years, 8 months agoI love that sticker!Mark as read | Best of... | Permalink|
- 2Posted by Brownie13 10 years, 8 months agoHow do i hashtag these photos??Mark as read | Best of... | Permalink|
- 3Posted by $ Mimi 10 years, 8 months agoYou go to Twitter and open an account and upload your photos there.I’m sure they explain everything there. Here, you can come by and show us what you have done. I appreciate people like you because I’m a bit shy on social media sites so you give me an opportunity to see how the other half lives.:)Mark as read | Parent | Best of... | Permalink|
- 1Posted by Brownie13 10 years, 7 months ago#johngalt2014Mark as read | Best of... | Permalink|
- 1Posted by sdesapio 10 years, 7 months agoYou only need to tag those images that include a Post-it Sandy. You'll want to make sure to tag them in the title of the post when submitting. I've already updated the titles on your other posts so you're good to go.Mark as read | Parent | Best of... | Permalink|
- 1Posted by Brownie13 10 years, 7 months agoThank you!!! I need all the help I can get....Mark as read | Parent | Best of... | Permalink|
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- 1Posted by Notperfect 10 years, 7 months agoMercy and in MD. Nice.Mark as read | Best of... | Permalink|
- 1Posted by scinch 10 years, 8 months agoI like the "KEEP PORTLAND WEIRD" sticker!Mark as read | Best of... | Permalink|
- 1Posted by LITTLERED1977 10 years, 8 months agoGreat placement on the sticker. However, I don't agree with the secession sticker. I would never support it for Texas. I want to stick around and torment the hell out of the others.Mark as read | Best of... | Permalink|
- 1Posted by jpellone 10 years, 8 months agoI'm living in Texas and we could support ourselves, secession is not the answer. I agree with RED!!! The bottom line is we need to take our country back from the liberals.Mark as read | Parent | Best of... | Permalink|
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- 1Posted by bassboat 10 years, 8 months agoYou have to be a lone voice in the woods living in Maryland. Both stickers are spot on.Mark as read | Best of... | Permalink|