The StingRay Is Exactly Why the 4th Amendment Was Written
Posted by Jackson 8 years ago to Government
I always imagined this device exists but now I feel like it's being used more often than I first believed. Thoughts? The use of the device seems legal but I can see how it can easily get out of control where the rights of US citizens are being abused.
In fact, that nosy take it all in device may violate the Fourth Amendment even with a warrant issued.
Welcome to The Gulch, Jackson.
We need to appoint some justices who recognize that you still have a strong property right in data you've entrusted to fiduciaries. And that not only communications service providers but also people like your bank and utilities (whom you've told where you live and possibly some things about your finances, but who have no business sharing that info without your consent or a warrant) are in that category.
Make this an accepted part of the common law and a lot of overpolicing can be reined in.
I have a cheap flip phone, it is Off, 99.9% of the time and most times in a metal box as well...if that turns out to be not enough, I'll pull the battery.
Purely Innocent occurrences are often used as damming evidence these days. Especially if your on the wrong political side.