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Posted by lwwahlert 8 years, 1 month ago to Politics
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Ticked Off by the Left’s Takeover of the Judiciary
Feb 10,

RUSH: You know, I long for the days of Andrew Jackson and Abraham Lincoln, just arrest the judges and put them in jail when they violate your constitutional authority. I don’t think people have any idea who Andrew Jackson was. They think he was a populist. They don’t know what he did. He went too far, don’t misunderstand. But this is simply outrageous.
Greetings, my friends, and welcome to the Rush Limbaugh program.
I have been I’ve been trying all week to avoid leading with my anger over what all is happening here with the left and their essential takeover of the judiciary. Instead of just ripe anger, I have been trying to apply reason to this and inform and educate people on what is going on as best I can. But it ticks me off, folks. I can’t tell you how angry it makes me.
Judge Gorsuch, this whole business, there ought not even be a story of Gorsuch supposedly or didn’t supposedly say whatever, that he was disheartened and demoralized by what Trump said about the judges. That whole story bothers me, whether it’s partly true, totally true, it just bothers me. We need people with guts to take these people on. We do not need people that are gonna cower and kowtow, because this is the last chance we’re gonna have.

And something else bothers me today, and it has for the longest time, and I’ve addressed it on I don’t know how many occasions. The way I’ve put it on previous occasions is that Donald Trump is winging this all by himself. He’s got no support. Obama had the media helping him and every liberal think tank in the world and all kinds of public advocacy helping him and protest marchers, and Donald Trump has nothing. Every support group that Obama had is opposed to Trump.
The only thing Trump has is the people that voted for him. What if he changes his mind one day, what if he wakes up and says, “You know what, life isn’t worth this, screw it”? What if he decides, “I don’t care about this anymore”? I don’t think that’s gonna happen, but the point is, there needs to be some serious work making sure that what elected Trump is not just a one-time thing that only shows up every four years during presidential elections.
There’s a grassroots out there, there is a vast majority of Americans in the Electoral College election that overwhelmingly showed up for Donald Trump. And those people are desperate to still be involved and find a way to assist. They watch what’s happening in the news and they are livid, they are outraged.

I went out last night for the first time in a long time. It was a cigar dinner at a golf club near here. In fact, I met a couple of prominent Republicans in the Florida House. Jose Oliva, he’s a representative from North Miami. He’s gonna be speaker of the Florida House in a couple years, and the current speaker of the Florida House. Jose Oliva was the cigar company last night that provided the cigars.
There were about 250 or 300 people at this event, all professional people, all eminently successful, some retired, some still working. I don’t do these much anymore for a host of reasons, primarily because it’s just impossible for me to hear in rooms like that and to have conversations with people even at the dinner table, and so sometimes it’s more frustrating than it is worthwhile for me. But this was a Marvin Shanken dinner and I went to it.
I can’t tell you, everybody in that room, there were even a couple of Democrats that came up to me, and everybody in that room was 1,000 percent behind Trump, 1,000 percent ticked off at what is going on. I was asked to give some remarks, and I stood up. There isn’t a thing I could have said last night that would have offended them. There’s not a thing I could have said last night that anybody would have thought was going too far in describing the Democrats.
These people were hungry to hear it because they voted for Trump, and they also, I think, at times — it’s not that they feel alone, ’cause it’s not that. They’re on the winning side. But they know everything that’s arrayed against them. And they worry about the Republicans in Congress, you know, just how firmly behind Trump and his agenda are they. In other words, they’re worried that all of this is precariously balanced and that it needs constant support behind it.
It’s kind of frustrating to say that the only thing we’ve got here that gives this movement, if you want to call it that, any energy is Trump himself. That’s not a cut at Trump by any stretch of the imagination. See, I don’t think right now, I don’t think the argument is with much merit over, “Are we doing populism here or are we doing conservatism?” That, to me, is not what’s most important.
What’s most important is defeating the left, an ongoing project that we’ve just won one election in that big process. It must be ongoing. And what’s happening here with these judges and these two state governors in I guess it was the state of Washington, I forget, now doing victory laps like they won the presidency last night after this ruling, because these rulings are totally outside the law. These rulings are totally absent any reference and fealty to the Constitution.
I have a story here in the Stack: “Hundreds of Thousands Rally in Iran Against Trump.” Who else is rallying against Trump? The Democrat Party in this country and the American left. As so often happens, anti-American institutions, anti-American leaders, anti-American countries sound no different than the domestic Democrat Party. They sound no different than the American left. In fact, these hundreds of thousands of Iranians rallying against Trump actually issued thanks to American Democrats for their help in supporting the nation of Iran, which is a state sponsor of terrorism.
And I think it’s safe to say that the Democrat Party does not care whatever damage results to this country resulting from their policy decisions or their political decisions. They’ll clean that mess up later, in their mind. All that matters to them right now is defeating Trump and making this election look like they actually won it and making everybody on the victorious side, the winning side, think that it’s just an aberration and not real. And that’s what they’re in the process of doing, and that’s their modus operandi.
Now, I want to review what this case is all about and give you a little judicial history as well and talk about what is the next phase. What can Trump do? What will they do? Will they continue to fight this? ‘Cause, you know, Trump’s a winner. He likes winning. Will he continue to fight this? If he does, this could go on for months, folks. These idiot… I’m sorry to be hopscotching here, but I learned of this ruling late after it had happened, after I had arrived at the cigar dinner. So I had to break away with the phone, get to a private place where I could study what the heck has happened just because I wanted to know.
We were making jokes about this, and I watched CNN earlier in the week, and some infobabe at CNN was peppering Trump supporters. “Well, you know, I’ve talked to a lot of lawyers! I’ve talked to a lot of lawyers, and they have said that the judges can strictly rule on what the president said during his campaign about wanting to ban Muslims.” I was beside myself there. There is no way under the sun where that is relevant in a legal proceeding! What the president said? That would be like saying that when Obama says, “When they bring a knife to a fight, we bring a gun

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  • Posted by $ allosaur 8 years, 1 month ago
    The left evidently does not give a hoot over who gets killed due to their import more Dem voters lovey-dovey rose-colored glasses all inclusive agenda.
    The murder of Kate Steinle by a five-times deported illegal immigrant and convicted felon in San Francisco is ample evidence of that. The Democrat-run sanctuary city government did not give a flip.
    Democrats in Congress even blocked a Kate's Law bill that would jail a deported convicted felon 5 years for coming back.
    Now the Loony Left is fighting Trump tooth and claw for just trying to keep America safe from incoming criminals and terrorists.
    I was listening to Rush last Friday. Legal decisions are on the books that allow a president to control immigration any way he sees it fit for safety reasons. It has been done before.
    To get that for simple hashed out, looks like the matter must tediously climb all the way to the SCOTUS that the Loony Left in congress is fighting tooth and claw to keep Gorsuch out of.
    I'm wondering who has to get killed for this dimwitted globalist cause in the meantime.
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  • Posted by LibertyBelle 8 years, 1 month ago
    I do not know all that much about Gorsuch,but
    from what I understand, he would be all right. I have
    received a solicitation (apparently from Trump) for
    a minimum of $10, but cannot afford it at this time.
    (Maybe in a few days).
    Reply | Mark as read | Best of... | Permalink  
  • Posted by Lucky 8 years, 1 month ago
    Why don't you give us the source so we can read it direct and see where these things come from?

    Hearing in noisy rooms-
    Take a look at
    ( I have a few shares in that company)
    Reply | Mark as read | Best of... | Permalink  
    • Posted by $ allosaur 8 years, 1 month ago
      I have tinnitus and no longer longer wear hearing aids due to background noise.
      One time I could not hear what a waiter was saying in a noisy Outback Restaurant.
      So with those IQbuds at $299 each, can I really for really real "Hear What You Want To Hear?"
      Reply | Mark as read | Parent | Best of... | Permalink  
      • Posted by Lucky 8 years, 1 month ago

        IQbuds are claimed to have very sophisticated noise control tech.
        More expensive than competition but much better - I hope.
        Mine have not arrived yet, units are rolling off the line and being shipped.
        They are not claimed as medical devices, certification?
        I visited the office and was well received and was given a demo,
        they worked as described.
        The market is fashionable wireless wearable tech-
        linking to your phone and being able to control your music and conversation while jogging,
        in traffic, in noisy restaurants.
        Apology for thread hijack
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