WHY OBAMA MUST GO - Reason is his enemy
Posted by ANTImongrelPhilosophy 12 years, 4 months ago to The Gulch: General
AYN RAND WRITES IN THE WHO IS JG SPEECH that "Every Dictator is a mystic and every mystic is a potential dictator. A mystic craves obedience from men, Not their agreeement." ...."what he seeks is power over reality and over men's means of perceiving it...." (p 1045) Creating a Fake reality in which he can lead from.
SCARY BUT TRUE. AR saw this communist coming because she lived it.
SCARY BUT TRUE. AR saw this communist coming because she lived it.
They believe society must be controlled for its own good. They see capitalism as an unsavory force fostering greed and exploitation. They see nationalism the same way. The "American Century" to them is a sordid tale of bullying and exploitation. Allowing the cream to rise, to them, is unfair.
Because they are right and anyone who disagrees is wrong, any means is justified to achieve their end.
You see, it is those who diagree with their world view who are the unreasonable ones.
It is not, however, the federal government who has imposed so many licensing schemes, although no doubt they have imposed some of their own. The vast majority of licensing schemes are imposed on a state and local level. License, by definition, is the grant of permission to do something that would otherwise be illegal, and yet look at all the state and local government demand be licensed. How could a President cure that ill?
Every state in the nation has a DMV that claims that "driving is a privilege and not a right", yet many states come with Constitutions that echo the exact same sentiment of the 9th Amendment. How could those states find the lawful authority to determine that driving is not a right? What harm does the act of driving - in and of itself - cause? What makes the DMV's insistence it is not a right legal? Why it is your own voluntary application and signature on a contract that does! If you are a licensed driver then you have voluntarily surrendered your right to drive and made this sacrifice for the mere privilege to drive.
Licensed attorneys? How is practicing law illegal? What licensing attorneys has effectively done is create a priest class lawyer sect that have colluded and conspired with the state to abide by government rules, and when it comes to the zealous defense of someone charged with a crime by the state or federal government suddenly there is the great potential for a profound conflict of interest.
Marriage license? Since when was getting married illegal? As long as all these dubious licensing schemes electing a President is distraction.
Thats why todays democrat party is as dangerous to our freedoms as communism
Money and power are only bad when others have it.