A Blank Sheet of Paper

Posted by coaldigger 8 years, 1 month ago to Government
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I was very fortunate to start my business career working at a company with a CEO that demanded that his people think. He had very strong beliefs and with his photographic memory could blitz you in a debate but as long as he thought you were logically working through a process, he would let you reach your own conclusion even if it was different from his. Setting this tone from the top down led to many interesting discussions even on day to day items of business. Many times someone would say “If I were starting with a blank sheet of paper I would…….” But since I can’t ignore what has gone before I will have to start by…..”
Objectivists, have a difficult time launching any initiative because they have no choice but to start with a messy, cluttered, illogical, blur on the paper. We have all the answers. We have nature, reason and history to argue our case but we can’t get anywhere because we can’t deal with a messy start. I don’t think Donald Trump is anything close to being an Objectivists but he seems to know how to start with a scrambled array of policies and turn them in a different direction. We can’t be sure where he is going because he doesn’t give us a map. What he tells us is too simplistic. We can’t be sure what he is doing and get ahead to set up roadblocks or check points. He gave us a clue when talking about war when he said why would we let the enemy know what you are going to do? Do it and talk about it later. Also why would you take anything off of the table? You may never do a thing but what good does it do to eliminate it for no reason? I think we are seeing a lot of this in Trump’s approach to everything.
I believe he doesn’t want people outside of his inner circle to think about where he seems to be going too much or to have too much time to dwell on it. I think this is also why he sets little brush fires to create smoke and get the press, Democrats, feminists, immigrants, etc. all fired up, thinking and talking about things like crowd size, walls and other things that he really doesn't care about at all. Of course this manipulation can be dangerous but what can you get except more of the same unless you use every tool in your kit to get things done?

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  • Posted by $ CBJ 8 years, 1 month ago
    Re: "I think this is also why he sets little brush fires to create smoke and get the press, Democrats, feminists, immigrants, etc. all fired up, thinking and talking about things like crowd size, walls and other things that he really doesn't care about at all."

    What I find amazing is that the lefties keep responding to his manipulation in the same predictable and ineffective manner. If this continues for four years it will all but guarantee his re-election.

    I think Trump does care about the wall, at least in the overall context of border security. And the election fraud issue will pay dividends down the road by putting it in the spotlight and making it harder for the left to engage in such practices going forward. This issue is not new - I'm pretty sure that John Kennedy would not have been President in an honest election, and Lyndon Johnson would not have even made it to the Senate.
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