The progressive mind exposed

Posted by DeanStriker 8 years ago to Philosophy
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The source article reveals the inner mind of collectivist objectives and worse.

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  • Posted by term2 8 years ago
    I am coming to the conclusion that Hillary's mantra "Stronger Together" and "Stand with me" are really very significant in explaining the progressive mind.

    Those sayings I think relate very strongly to the psychology of the progressives. They are admitting they are scared little children who need to gather together to feel comfortable.

    I just cant see a confident, independent person ever wanting to think that way.

    i think this explains why the progressives could just ignore Hillary's bad behavior (the emails and the clinton foundation). In fact, I think they are more strongly attracted to her because she GOT AWAY with that bad behavior.

    They would then hate the whole idea of a Trump. He would never use "stronger together" as a slogan, or "stand with me", and the progressives know this. This would be why they hate him even though he really hasnt done anything yet that they could specifically complain about. They are just scared of him.

    I have wondered for awhile now why there is so much visceral hatred of Trump. Its disturbing actually.
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    • Posted by $ blarman 8 years ago
      I think what is most illustrative, however, is that those phrases are merely facades. One really needs to add "with me at the head" to each of those phrases to completely and accurately depict the meaning. Progressives believe not in equality but in feudalism - that there are the great leaders (them) and the peasants who should support them (everyone else). At the head of every single progressive idea is this elitist attitude.
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      • Posted by term2 8 years ago
        I think they are marketing phrases which of course imply allegiance to the person saying them. they imply and let the people think (incorrectly) they they can in fact "stand with Hillary" and "be stronger together" without having given vast sums to the clinton foundation FIRST.
        Political campaigns are all about marketing, and I have to hand it to Hillary- they ran a good advertising campaign and got a lot of supporters for sure.

        I have pretty much eliminated all hillary supporters in my "circle of trust". Support for Hillary is really all it takes to convince me that they are pretty nasty statists .
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        • Posted by $ blarman 8 years ago
          Progressives are either of three categories in my mind:

          The first are the useful idiots: those people who are engaged only in the emotional realm and who feed of hysteria, fear, and perceived oppression. Black Lives Matter, Occupy Wall Street, etc.

          The second are the zealots: those who think that there must be some light at the end of the tunnel and that their support of progressive values will eventually prove it was all worth it. The mainstream media and academics are a large portion of this category as are political supporters.

          The third are the masterminds: those like Hillary, George Soros, Valerie Jarrett, and many more who seek power through deception. They know their product is false and they don't care, because they are willing to ignore the rights of others in their pursuit of power. They deceive even themselves.
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          • Posted by term2 8 years ago
            so which group of progressives are taken in by the third group with slogans like "stand with me" and "stronger together". they could stand with someone else, or join another group. Why hillary tho?
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            • Posted by $ blarman 8 years ago
              If they are the useful idiots, their kickback is to feed like vampires on the violence and hysteria encouraged by the masterminds. If they are zealots, they think that there will be some personal kickback coming to them if they keep their support up. (And if they are media personnel, they have jobs to support based on selling the "news" of fear, etc.)
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  • Posted by chad 8 years ago
    Interesting that the author of the article chose India a very socialistic state to give an example of why private companies should be banned from providing water. The absolute failure of the socialist government to provide this basic necessity proves that would be your last resort.
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  • Posted by Ben_C 8 years ago
    Something about Flint Michigan comes to mind re public water supply. The concept of "rights" is used by the progressives to justify their invasion into private enterprise ie the "right" to health care etc. For me its all about the power base and control of the useful idiots. Sadly, the sheep buy into it and place their "intellectuals" in power. For me the article is all drivel.
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  • Posted by Owlsrayne 8 years ago
    I do have a problem with the commoditizing of .water at high price levels. Even though I live in Az the water company is not customer friendly. If you don't pay on time you receive a threat notice of water shut off. It's about five days between monthly billing and shut off notice. There is some credence in what the author is writing about. The local water company here is just a little too profit oriented. They have a local office but corporate is in Phoenix and most questions are dealt with at that office. It takes about a week to get a response.
    drilling a well is prohibitive because the depth of an aquifer is about 300 ft. There are devices now that can derive water from the atmosphere..
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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 8 years ago
    I gave up trying to understand what Mr. Hagopian is saying. I have no idea. One odd point is he complains at the very beginning that water is a commodity. I have no why idea why this is bad. A commodity is something not differentiated and therefore commands low price. Then in the middle it starts talking about how Nestlé differentiates their water so that it's worth a higher price, in other words de-commoditizing it.

    My brain hurts from trying to guess what all this means.

    I should have stopped reading when I got to this line: "But then that is the globalist agenda – thinning the human herd down from near seven billion currently to as low as just half a billion."
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