Hi. My name is...Mike Garbizo from Florida
Posted by mgarbizo1 8 years ago to The Gulch: Introductions
I'm very happy to have landed in the Gulch...A friend led me to this site. I've become very interested in the media's methods to further a specific agenda that I have a hard time defining (leftist/liberal/progressive agenda?). One thing I am amazed at is the attacks (or spin of misinformation) on Trump, while there's been no talk of Clinton and the foundation that has since disbanded and will not be in operation after April. Isn't that newsworthy? Someone ought to have a deeper look into this pay for play scandal since the disbandment came right after Clinton lost the election, and she wasn't given a pardon, so I don't see why charges couldn't be brought up. I'm amazed you can't find very many media outlets reporting on Clinton Foundation activities, or inactivities. Where is Hillary? Where have the foreign donations gone to? I thought it was all about the cause Hillary, what happened?
As they saying goes your preaching to the choir.
As far as where is Hillary...she is either in a drunken stupor or having a tantrum and throwing things. Or maybe she is busy hiding the money from the Clinton foundation.
I've been wondering these past few days, Where is Ovomit?
Did they just "drop out?"
You said the Clinton Foundation was disbanded. What happened to the money?
This was posted by Blarman 2 weeks ago.
This is about the Clinton Global Initiative, though, not the Clinton Foundation.The CGI was supposedly formed to "...facilitate connections..."
The CGI and the Clintons are not about money, though. It might be about control.
But not just control by Hillary. Others, as well.
The Davos idea with Bill and Bend on a private jet arranged by a Saudi Prince on the way to Davos Switzerland they came up with the idea to use Bill and his presidential candidate wife's attraction to the world leaders and movers and shakers . The Clinton Global Inititive was born. He coincided the fundraising event with a big UN meeting . He traded a live space station video for a U2 concert? Bono would attend . So to get in, their companies had all been required to pledge a “commitment to action” — a specific promise to do good in the world. Starbucks pledged to help poor coffee farmers. Goldman Sachs pledged to preserve forests in Tierra del Fuego. The crown prince of Bahrain pledged to “educate select Bahraini students for leadership roles.”
For hours, they came to announce their pledges in front of Clinton — revivalists, suddenly seized by the spirit of charity. Clinton nodded approvingly from center stage as companies and individuals promised to spend their money and resources on projects the foundation would monitor. Their pledges added up to $2.5 billion.
He was doing good. But the foundation was also doing well: Every ticket to the event cost $15,000, in addition to the do-gooder pledge. (Full-time do-gooders, such as activists and nonprofits, got in free.) Many corporations were also encouraged to make separate donations to the foundation. Corporate sponsors who generally paid at least $250,000 were showcased in the conference’s official literature, and they received invitations to get exclusive access at private receptions.
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Follow the money.
The claim is completely false. The Foundation has an endowment in the $2 billion range, which generates >$100 million in returns. Six weeks before the election, it shut down the Clinton Global Initiative, which represented small fraction (I think like 3%) of the Foundation's activities, amid accusations that foreign donations were influencing policy. At that point (Sept 2016) Clinton thought she had a good shot at winning the election. I suspect closing the program was meant to answer criticism that foreign contributions would be a conflict of interest for Clinton if she became president.
Do you know what the Clinton Global Initiative does? I was interested in the phrase: "...facilitates connections..."
Did you click on dobrien's link?
Think Deep State, CG, Deep State.
Here's a source on the timing: http://www.syracuse.com/news/index.ss...
"Do you know what the Clinton Global Initiative does?"
I do not know. I know it runs humanitarian international humanitarian programs. I have almost no knowledge. My wild guess, coming from a position of no knowledge except for my experience serving on the boards of much less significant non-profit orgs, is that if you dug into the details you'd find a lot of the value the org adds is bringing powerful people together. After all, people serve on those boards partly to make connections that lead to more clients. I don't know if there's any out-and-out corruption going on with CGI or Clinton Foundation. I'd be guessing.
"Think Deep State, CG, Deep State."
That's a creepy sinister-sounding word for bureaucratic inertia. It happens in large orgs. In theory a company's purpose is profit for its shareholders, and a democratic republic's gov't serves its citizens. In reality, the size necessitates layers of management consisting of people with their own interests, generally to keep things the same. This makes it hard to shut down agencies or mix things up. Deep State is scary and sexy name for something incredibly boring.