Robert Gore (straightlinelogic) on Writestream Tuesday, July 15, discussing The Golden Pinnacle
I will be on Writestream Internet Radio Network, on the Writestream Tuesday show with host Daria Anne DiGiovanni, this Tuesday, July 15, at 1:05 p.m. Eastern time, discussing my historical novel, The Golden Pinnacle. For those of you have read the book and have questions about it or the author, or have not read the book but want to hear what it is about, this show is in a call-in format. The link to the show is:
I just finished listening to your broadcast. It was terrific. I hope it brings you increased sales.
I now have a face and a voice to go along with your words!
Have you been on Book TV (C-SPAN2)? I watch it occasionally and I believe it is a good opportunity for all of our resident authors to gain sales.
Best wishes,
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