Objective take on emotion (Test 1)
Posted by Wonky 11 years, 6 months ago to Philosophy
1. Objectivism does not attempt to address or explain emotions
2. Emotions are generally considered to be subjective (supports 1)
3. Ayn Rand depicts emotions in her fiction, but does not attempt to explain them
4. Ayn Rand's looters and producers both have emotions
1. Emotions have value
2. Emotions arise from perceptual reality
3. Emotions can be objectively explained
4. Objectivism can be expanded to explain emotions
Anything wrong with the premises?
Would anyone enjoy contributing to a post that attempted to prove the propositions?
1. Objectivism does not attempt to address or explain emotions
2. Emotions are generally considered to be subjective (supports 1)
3. Ayn Rand depicts emotions in her fiction, but does not attempt to explain them
4. Ayn Rand's looters and producers both have emotions
1. Emotions have value
2. Emotions arise from perceptual reality
3. Emotions can be objectively explained
4. Objectivism can be expanded to explain emotions
Anything wrong with the premises?
Would anyone enjoy contributing to a post that attempted to prove the propositions?
But while the standard of value operating the physical pleasure-pain mechanism of man’s body is automatic and innate, determined by the nature of his body—the standard of value operating his emotional mechanism, is not. Since man has no automatic knowledge, he can have no automatic values; since he has no innate ideas, he can have no innate value judgments.
Man is born with an emotional mechanism, just as he is born with a cognitive mechanism; but, at birth, both are “tabula rasa.” It is man’s cognitive faculty, his mind, that determines the content of both. Man’s emotional mechanism is like an electronic computer, which his mind has to program—and the programming consists of the values his mind chooses.
But since the work of man’s mind is not automatic, his values, like all his premises, are the product either of his thinking or of his evasions: man chooses his values by a conscious process of thought—or accepts them by default, by subconscious associations, on faith, on someone’s authority, by some form of social osmosis or blind imitation. Emotions are produced by man’s premises, held consciously or subconsciously, explicitly or implicitly." Virtue of Selfishness," AR Lexicon
Nice post khalling.
I have much more to say on this, time permitting, but for now, please accept my gratitude for your contribution!
Objectivism explains emotions.
Emotions are not divorced from logic and reason.
And take it from there.
My thoughts on the matter are too near and dear to me to see them dismissed or distorted without any truly constructive criticism.