CIA Was Smuggling Weapons to Syrian Rebels During Benghazi Embassy Attack: “Unnamed Source” | Global Research

Posted by LetsShrug 11 years, 6 months ago to News
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Well since there is an obvious cover up and no one who was there is allowed to speak I'm inclined to wonder what weapons the CIA was smuggling to Syria. They're obviously covering up something huge. Maybe it's chemical weaponry.

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  • Posted by khalling 11 years, 6 months ago
    so I went back to this website to see if the link was still removed. It is. I scrolled down the list of articles, found one about a hacker who broke into a an army colonel's mails and found exchanges with a contractor basically praising one another for a good job done and then pasted a washington post article on the syrian govt using chemical weapons. I was in the middle of reading about the contractor angle and what that was all about, when all of a sudden this came up on my screen:
    "Sorry, something went wrong. Please try again in a couple of minutes."
    in bold the rest of the screen blank. Now when I try to go back to global research this same message comes up.
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