Now that I'm getting the hang of this, I'm wondering how to make a post that "sticks"?
Posted by Wonky 11 years, 6 months ago to Philosophy
I've "tossed" a few ideas (posts) out as fodder for commentary, but I'd like to post some ideas that can evolve as the critiques help to refine, advance, or invalidate them.
Nice place you have here. Not too smoky, interesting people - might have to stay a bit.
Pretty much.
1. Check my premises
2. Ask questions vs. dictating
3. Avoid "word salad"-ism
4. Stick to the point
5. Don't jump from A to C and expect to have the blanks filled in
6. Use just enough humor to keep it fun
What else am I missing?
ummmm......sticks to what? the wall, in the manner of done [or is it not-yet-done?] pasta? the roof of the reader's metaphorical mind? and do you REALLY want that?
I don't get #5, isn't there supposed to be a letter between A and C? Always thought so....
serious: be yourself. In theory, you wouldn't be here if you weren't prepared to be, but !some people!.