Neither Intelligent nor Wise, but Definitely Dangerous, by Robert Gore

Posted by straightlinelogic 8 years ago to Government
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There has been much talk of a Deep State “coup” during its battle against Donald Trump, but how can those who control the government stage a coup? What they are doing is taking action against an opponent who has ripped away the facade of popular control and may pose a threat to their power and position. Deep State rule has been neither intelligent nor wise. However, it would be unintelligent and unwise to therefore conclude it’s not dangerous. That it would try to deny the duly elected choice of the American people the presidency bespeaks arrogance completely disconnected from morality. That it would try to provoke violence from nuclear-armed Russia and inauguration “demonstrators” in American cities bespeaks a disregard of extreme risks and potentially catastrophic consequences, not just to the citizenry they despise, but to themselves as well.

This is an excerpt. For the entire article please click the above link. Buy and read Prime Deceit.

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  • Posted by Dobrien 8 years ago
    Bilderberg,CFR,bohemian club ,Skull and bones,caps and gowns,Illuminatti,Rosecrucians,
    The round table, NWO. these groups are intertwined like a spiders web. They plan the wars, they plan oppression , as you note they plan demonstrations.
    The are the most dangerous govts with no nation that they are loyal to .They are weapon merchants and using the bullets requires resupply or repeat business. They will and have crushed most anything that gets in their way. Here is part of a famous speech Kennedy gave not long before his assassination.
    "The very word "secrecy" is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers which are cited to justify it. Even today, there is little value in opposing the threat of a closed society by imitating its arbitrary restrictions. Even today, there is little value in insuring the survival of our nation if our traditions do not survive with it. And there is very grave danger that an announced need for increased security will be seized upon by those anxious to expand its meaning to the very limits of official censorship and concealment. That I do not intend to permit to the extent that it is in my control."
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    • Posted by 8 years ago
      Yes, I would like very much to learn the many things along the lines you cite, about which most of us have been kept ignorant.
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      • Posted by CircuitGuy 8 years ago
        "most of us have been kept ignorant."
        How do you think history would unfold in the absence of these conspiracies? How would live be if most things were just "trends and forces" plus some random chance? These people wouldn't be masterminding assassinations, sneak attacks, wars, oppression, demonstrations against the oppression, and technology allowing people to be interconnected? All those things, even things that cause great sorrow to large groups, would be caused by random chance rather than secret machinations. What would the world be like? Would human history not have those things?
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  • Posted by chad 8 years ago
    Read previous comment . . .
    Each blind man believes he knows all that there is to know while knowing very little about the beast he describes. America has raised socialists who behave and act in accordance with what they have been taught in school. If one of these immoral people becomes a bureaucrat they invent rules and demand obedience at the point of a gun while believing they are supporting America, going to ball games, standing during the national anthem and feeling very patriotic. Control over their belief system was gained a long time ago. (See 'Philosophy Who Needs It' by Ayn Rand) They will work for a wage, it is unnecessary to bribe them or tell them what the secret is. They happily work binding their neighbors necks with chains and shackling their limbs for 'safety, security, the American way, etc.' believing while they support the communist democracy they are supporting freedom. Each only sees a small part of the elephant believing that what they do is good and moral. The republic was not envisioned by every founding father. Some had in mind that they would be the new tyrant replacing the old king. The original constitution for a republic was soon under attack by almost every president who followed when they realized an opportunity for their own aggrandizement at the expense of others. There will probably never be a realization that we have wandered into the swamp while most expect a sudden drop to alert them. If you were to try to populate a small town with those who understand and respect freedom I don't believe you could find enough. Ayn pointed out many years ago that democrats and republicans are two sides of the same coin. They use different lies to get you to the same point. I think Donald Trump is of the same bolt of cloth. His immediate executive order to repeal the ACA does nothing. He cannot repeal legislation with and executive order. The order only allows for states to withdraw if they can prove hardship, which if they can convince the Feds to allow it opens the door for a federal single payer system that cannot be stopped by any state action. His grandstanding enthralls those who voted for him and angers those who are against him without realization on either side what his action really means. The ACA is not about healthcare, it is about taxation to get money out of the economy before it creates hyperinflation. That is another story.
    The reason I think there is no hope. There are far to few who really want the tyranny to go away, they prefer it and just want to adjust it to their benefit. And so the republic and the hope for freedom ends with a whimper and not a bang.
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  • Posted by chad 8 years ago
    Behavior defines a man's true intentions, whether he makes any claim to opposite. I think Kennedy may have been a great president, he started out on the inside but then seemed to decide what he was doing was immoral. He started the Viet Nam war, worked with the CIA to invade Cuba but then declared that he would end the war, change the banking system by having the government control the issuance of money, disband the CIA and within a short period he was gone. His brother who had worked closely with him decided to run for president and it was widely accepted that he could have easily won the presidency and before he could get to the nomination he was gone. The last brother suddenly became very socialistic?!
    There may never be a way to prove with documents or other evidence what has been decided or done in the desire to have tyrannical control of the masses. There is behavioral evidence that indicates something other than 'protecting the world and building democracies' is the goal. Saddam Hussein was helped to power by President Carter who then sold him 'weapons of mass destruction' to use in the Iran - Iraq war. Saddam used these weapons against his own people when he felt it was necessary to maintain control. When Saddam invaded Kuwait to stop them from slant drilling into his oil fields he was encouraged by our ambassador to Iraq (see April Glasby news) to go ahead and that the USA had no opinion on his plans. Once his invasion was underway suddenly the current administration was upset and invaded Kuwait and Iraq to 'save the world'. Once the oil fields were under control the war stopped and Saddam Hussein was allowed to live?? He used his weapons of mass destruction to stop the Kurdish rebellion in the north killing thousands of civilians, the USA did not mention this or even file a complaint with the UN to make him stop. Twelve years later it became the rallying cry to invade Iraq along with; he is a terrible evil person, there are terrorist training camps there (there had been for 30 years) and a list of reasons that acquire the assent of the domestic sheep of America to go along. All of these things were true prior to the invasion, so what really changed? Why was it important to invade the country and this time find and kill Saddam?
    An aside about weapons of mass destruction, if your family and you were killed with weapons of mass destruction, i.e. poison gas for one, or shredded with hot steel fragments and left laying on the ground smelling your bowels and watching your children bleed out would you really be saying; "Well, at least it wasn't a weapon of mass destruction!"
    Muammar Gaddafi sponsored the terrorist that brought down the jetliner in Lockerbie, America threw a few missiles at some of his camps and then seemed disinterested for 30 years. Then suddenly it was important that he was removed from power even if at the hands of the Muslim Brotherhood who are terrorists America is opposed to! What is the one change in these two countries that is common? They were both trying to move away from the American dollar as a reserve currency. Saddam was thinking of using the Eurodollar without realizing that it is also supported by the American dollar and all of those countries rallied to his demise. Muammar was suggesting and following through with the idea that there should be an African currency backed by gold. There have been some suggestions by Muslim terrorist groups that they should start their own gold backed currencies and that would bring down America. It seems this threat more than any other will bring about swift action as in Lybia where Obama declared this was not a war with Lybia as warplanes swooped in and bombed targets, this is a military kinetic action. That seemed to sell it to the peace loving socialists who elected him. (Again I am certain as some were dying they were saying; "Well at least it isn't a war that killed me, it was only a military kinetic action.)
    This is all more than just the control of fiat currency although that is the bedrock for much of what else is going on. I cannot prove but believe the conspiracy is much smaller than some imagine, it is not involved in every action down to the smallest detail of who will be killed by whom. It is much simpler and much worse than that. Socialism, communism are taught in the schools (Thomas Jefferson once pointed out that there should be as much separation between schools and the state as there is between religion and the state or the state will take over the schools, teach children that slavery is freedom and you can raise up those who will demand tyranny believing they are for freedom. I am not giving religion a pass, they are as bad as the state and will behave exactly the same demanding obedience to their beliefs when given the opportunity.)
    I must return to my point; You used the same example I have used about the six blind Indians describing an elephant.
    Must continue with another missive
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  • Posted by coaldigger 8 years ago
    I get nervous when the outgoing CIA director, John Brennan blasts the incoming President. Spooks never actually leave the agency and many do their best work after they retire. One of my friends in college is retired CIA and he is a rancher in Texas that grows roses. Sometimes he can be reached and sometimes he disappears off the face of the earth.
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 8 years ago
    Spot on...I am laughing though, because no one ever accused the, "Deep State", Shadow Government" or the "New World Order" of the European Union, of being "intelligent or wise".
    In fact, it has been their undoing. It's why they fail; time and time again. The fact that they just won't give up, grow up or just go home with their political tails between their legs...has been the major source of pain in our backsides.

    Again...that's why is has become to be known as... The KAKISTOCRACY!
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  • Posted by Kittyhawk 8 years ago
    Great article. I wish I could agree that "The recent election was a revolt by the electorate against their incompetent, corrupt rulers." I am more cynical than that. If the Deep State has, as you said, habitually blackmailed, engaged in wide-scale theft, and murdered their opposition (and I believe that's true), I have no faith at all that they would actually count and report the citizens' votes accurately if the votes elected a president the Deep State didn't control.

    I think elections are nothing more than a puppet show put on by the Deep State or power elite as part of their "divide and conquer" strategy to control the populace. See, e.g.

    Accepting Trump as a political outsider and a threat to the Deep State requires one to ignore the fact of his long-standing ties to the Rothschild and Rockefeller empires, among other power elite players. See

    It's interesting to note the definition of "trump." The above article gives it as “…a valuable resource that may be used, especially as a surprise, in order to gain an advantage…” defines trump as "to get the better of someone using a hidden resource." I think this may be an intentional Easter Egg, basically an in-your-face admission of the Deep State's plotting which only the "conspiracy theorists" will get, while the majority of the duped public writes it off as coincidence if they notice it at all.
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    • Posted by $ CBJ 8 years ago
      Yes, the Deep State is all-powerful, all-knowing and all-encompassing. All apparent defeats are actually victories for the Deep State.

      Sounds to me like the secular version of the religious mantra, "Everything that happens is the will of God."

      Neither statement is meaningful if it can't be tested for truth or falsity.
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  • Posted by Zenphamy 8 years ago
    Well done Robert. As we've commented back and forth on this issue a couple of times, I use the term Hidden Gov't to discuss this group--though group is really a misnomer since they really don't always or even seldom, act or think in unison or lockstep. The situation has existed as long as gov't and church (organized religion) and guild have existed, and often work across borders. But all share the desire for power over others and their individual security, coveting public obscurity and the gloved and often shocking iron of their positions.
    Some reading I recommend is: National Security and Double Government by Michael J. Glennon.
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    • Posted by 8 years ago
      Zenphany, I'll put it on the list and download it (assuming there's a Kindle version).
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      • Posted by Zenphamy 8 years ago
        Here's a review I thought described it well:
        "“Taking a leaf from Walter Bagehot’s thesis of dual government in Britain, Michael Glennon has transported the concept of ‘double government’ to the United States analyzing the constitutional institutions, or what he calls the ‘Madisonian’ side; and a cohort of several hundred senior military, diplomatic, and intelligence officials who run the daily business of national security, or what he calls the ‘Trumanite’ side. This explains the relatively little difference between the Bush 43 and the Obama presidencies. In this brilliant, deeply researched book, Glennon spells out the relation of his overall thesis to contemporary issues such as the Snowden revelations.” Charles G. Cogan Associate, International Security Program Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs Harvard Kennedy School

        Glennon, Michael J.. National Security and Double Government . Oxford University Press. Kindle Edition.
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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 8 years ago
    Much of the content makes sense, but I have no idea what Deep State is. It sounds like a vague boogeyman that allows you to avoid to identifying the actual causes of historical events. It's obviously far better than attributing historical events to a cabal of Jews. I never get even a hint of racism in any form in these articles. But it seems like similar thinking. Human events are complex. Sometimes they don't turn out favorably. Cooler heads don't always prevails. The reasons for that are complicated, so we roll them into a personification called "Deep State". This simplification is not productive.
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    • Posted by 8 years ago
      It's neither a personification or a simplification or something that's strictly behind the scenes. There are people who have a big hand in running this country, apart from elected officials. I thought I gave a pretty good summary of who they are. Perhaps the quintessential Deep Staters in their day, with both pedigree and position, were the Dulles brothers. Two premier Deep State banking institutions have been Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan (now JP Morgan Chase). There are several New York and Washington law firms with outsize power. I would put the heads of the largest defense contractors in the Deep State, and the heads of the NSA, DIA, and CIA. Most Deep Staters go to school in the Ivy League, where they are imbued with the lesson that they're going to run the world. There is always a select group, one Democratic, one Republican, with which presidents fill their cabinent. As I said, these people are not omniscent, but they do believe that they should run the US, and that the US should run the world. Lately, they've been doing a bad job of both.
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    • Posted by 8 years ago
      I just read an excellent article on the Deep State by Charles Hugh Smith (which I will post later today on SLL). It has one of the better explanations that I've seen, and more extensive than the one I had in my article. Here's the link:
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      • Posted by CircuitGuy 8 years ago
        Very interesting. I like the clear explanation of Deep State at the beginning. The stuff about the bureaucracy that persists even as leadership changes makes perfect sense. I've seen it in other large organizations.

        The stuff about the neolib/neocon divide doesn't ring quite true, but I have never worked with high-ranking gov't administrators, so I do not know. Neolib/neocon are philosophies. So in an academic debate or among people who make a living getting people fired up blaming one another, there is a huge divide. I've seen this in organizations that have office politics. As you get closer to the actual work, though, the fired-up-about-doctrine thing diminishes in favor of what works when the rubber meets the road and what doesn't rock the boat too much. So I would imagine the bureaucratic inertia (Deep State) wanting to maintain some foreign military base, not out of a neo-con belief in a global empire but b/c bureaucracies resist change, esp if their structured as silos connected at the top.

        The stuff about President-elect Trump's role in this I dismiss as the Trump Rorschach blot. That's the "Trump isn't beholden to traditional politics, so he's free to [insert the speaker's desired policy initiative here]".

        Thanks for finding an article that defines Deep State.
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