"97% of scientists agree" cannot be true!
Posted by coaldigger 8 years, 1 month ago to Science
Alex Epstein is the man with the facts as laid out in the referenced article but from my own experience I am certain that nothing worthy of study by a scientist is so cut and dried that 97% would agree on it. Of all the crimes that can be committed to enslave others lying is the most insidious.
You have religion.
There was survey of many scientists. Responses were put into categories.
There was one, and only one, category that supported the human responsibility proposition, that was people who described themselves as climate scientists. All of these worked for gov or semi gov entities dependent on the carbon change scare for money.
When I use the word fraud here I do not mean accident or mistake but deliberate intention to mislead.
The story of economist Bjørn Lomborg is instructive.
Having been fed and exposed to the great prevalent myth of carbon change, he is a believer.
He worked out that the costs of the alarmist forecasts of the damage greatly exceeded the (astronomical) costs proposed to 'de-carbonize" economies. For this he has been hounded as a denier, has been subject to mass protest campaigns and has to be careful about appearing in public.
It is not science or economics that the protest is about, but the great gravy train.
Just this morning I was contemplating the decade of research I have embarked in that has lead me to be very, very sure that I know something very few know. Why is that? Because the media has been telling people that what I found has been "widely debunked". I like to ask people, "Really? Which study was that?" and watch the blank stare... We live in very interesting times. Science isn't just dead. It's swole up like a balloon on the side of the road and covered with flies...
H. L. Menkin had it right. This is a perfect description of climate hysteria.
Works like that just about every time in my experience. I recall not long ago trying to direct a Believer from one of the comment sections of a California newspaper to David Friedman's blog where he explained the falsehood of the 97% figure. That Believer wouldn't even follow the link writing that Friedman was just a denier so he wasn't going to waste his time reading what Friedman had written.
These grand minimums map our perfectly, time and time again and have been responsible for past mass migrations and the collapse of many civilizations.
Check out the incredible work done by David at adapt 2030 on his youtube channel. (find out what's really happening with weather in other parts of the world through eyes on and local reports).
Also...see http://suspicious0bservers.org Ben's work is just as incredible. Get your Earth, Solar and Space weather report free every morning.
PS...he uses NASA and NOAA resources.
I don't disagree, but I will nit pick a bit. Feeling is not evidence, what you observe and discern is.
The sheeple take a narrative that is repeated endlessly and FEEL that they are not good citizens
If they don't go along with the crowd. They don't investigate and discover. Their feeling relieves them of the labor to do their homework. Please don't take offense, but have you read Atlas Shrugged.Ayn Rand says
"Reason is the faculty that identifies and integrates the material provided by man's senses. ... What you feel tells you nothing about the facts; it merely tells you something about your estimate of the facts."
I was working on a project once that was based on using chemical wastes in commercial products. A highly respected company contacted me about how we could work together. As it turned out they had a valley full of a synthetic rubber like substance as result of one of their processes and had accumulated there for about 40 years. I was looking for something to upgrade petroleum distillation residue that was actually a poor grade of asphalt. Their business manager and I were not technically proficient in this field but we arranged a big meeting with our "experts". I introduced my asphalt scientist and suggested that he explain the composition and potential for modifying it into useful products with the addition of polybutylene like substances. Charlie peered over his glasses and opened with "Well, there is asphalt and then there is asphalt". Both of us business types were mortified but all the scientist murmured and leaned forward in their chairs. Thus a day was spent in interesting discussion but no one concluded anything and there was no agreement on how to proceed. In later situations, I used the climate Nazi approach and excerpted the opinions that matched my objectives and put the brain with that opinion in charge of making it a reality. This did not always work but it was better than sitting around doing nothing.
Gaia, protection of the environment, trees, the fight against pollution.
On the other side there is the Great Gravy Train-
Socialists and Greens clear away legal protection for nature and endangered species
to build wind turbines
This does not mean CO2 is not the culprit, but I can find absolutely no technical paper showing the physic-based analysis of what is going on. This is nothing but correlation, and the data to date are completely inadequate to allow the enormous economic consequences of really addressing carbon emissions.
Like my brother likes to ask "real" religious people: "If god told you to kill your son, like he did Abraham, would you do it?". I ask climate-zealots: "If you really believe CO2 is the problem, the only solution for the next 20 years is nuclear. Why are you not screaming for nuclear power?"...because they don't really believe it...
Yes. Technically I do not believe scientific theories, but I accept them. I say accept because new evidence may come along and surprise us.
We absolutely should be developing nuclear power. We should calculate the cost the rare accidents against the cost of global warming due to burning fossil fuels. Nuclear is a bargain. It will get even safer as it gets more common. The fossil fuels will get expensive to extract (colloquially "run out") eventually, and we'll have to find alternatives anyway. We should do it now, actually we should have started 20 years ago when scientists discovered what a grave threat global warming is.
"...actually we should have started 20 years ago when scientists discovered what a grave threat global warming is."
Just keep in mind that you are making an assertion here, that CO2, and moreover human-based CO2, is the culprit. There is NO physics behind this assertion, NONE. There is correlation and a number of empirical models that ALL have water vapor as the primary greenhouse effect. There are various hypotheses about how CO2 begets water vapor, but none are proven.
I am completely disgusted at how hard I had to dig to figure this out. This simple information is known to all the "Scientists" you refer to, but there is practically no layperson documentation on this.
Just another note. My brother is the chief engineer for mechanical at NASA. He has told me directly, if a NASA person proposed research that did not specifically support the AGW story, it would be unfunded. This is disgusting anti-scientific censorship, precisely the same as the internet censorship in China and North Korea except in scale. It is completely unacceptable and indicative of why a government should never be trusted.
I believe the root cause is not the issues at hand. It is the fact that their agenda must be communicated, debated and won before they can have action, rather than the mob mentality approach the media and previous administration employed. It is this same mob mentality yet again prevailing in these childish demonstrations.
I think we should watch this carefully. There are powerful communication mechanisms being demonstrated here. I doubt the direct appeal to individual logic is adequate to take them on.
The cost of dealing with increased CO2 is an increase in plant life, the planet is significantly greener in the last few years as a result of CO2. The cost is increased crop productivity as plants grow better. The cost is fewer deaths in the winter from the cold -- unless idiots keep making energy more expensive to keep poor people from using it, i.e. warming their houses.
At the same time, you start out by talking about a "net positive" if you weigh GDP growth and new technologies generated against the costs because you know this is all fantasy. You know the population surging to billions and releasing energy stored like this will have at least some costs for other people. It's highly inconvenient, though, if those costs are large. People like Naomi Klein will use it to sell socialism. So just start with what you wish were true even if it's not real.
You state an opinion as fact. Actually you don't even state an opinion, you just mention a bunch of vague "costs".
What do YOU believe is going to happen if we don't change our usage. How many degrees warmer do you think it will get this century. What costs will exceed the benefits of increased greening higher crop productivity and warmer winters?
This is not my area of expertise, but I suspect some kind of geoengineering will be developed to stop the negative effects of climate change and purposely affect the climate for human interests. I don't think we'll be able to stop burning stuff for energy in time to stop the problem.
The geoengineering is just an idea at this point, so all we can do at this moment is reduce burning stuff.