Hi. My name is...starguy
Posted by starguy 11 years, 7 months ago to The Gulch: Introductions
I'm very happy to have landed in the Gulch...a number of years back, when I was in college, I did not have classes one particular afternoon. One of my roommates had the television on in the living room, and he had tuned to a local station that showed a movie every afternoon. The movie for that day was "The Fountainhead", with Gary Cooper and Patricia Neal. I was mesmerized. The credits said that the film was from a novel by Ayn Rand. So, I went to the library, read a copy of "The Fountainhead"; I loved it. So, I then read a copy of "Atlas Shrugged"; ditto. I found Rand's nonfiction books, and read those as well. I also read Murray Rothbard's "For A New Liberty". As a result, I have been a libertarian (both big "L" and small "l") ever since. All because of that afternoon movie!
After looking over your 59 posts, I can say that you and I would have a great time stargazing. As for politics, I can say that some people here vote differently than I do, but I suspect we might be pulling the same handles.
Congrats on the start with The Fountainhead. Cooper and Neal made it real didn't they?
Welcome aboard my new friend! It's going to be great to have you here!