the division of people abdicates their power
Posted by citizen1 8 years, 1 month ago to Philosophy
In all political/economic/nationalist discussion, I believe it is essential to bear in mind the nature of what I would call the 'super' political structure. In that, those in power-real power, care little for political affiliation, religious conviction, nationalist agendas or the like. Once removed from the daily cares of what most of us would characterize as 'normal' life, these that have elevated beyond the spotlight to positions of influence and control on the global scale view and treat these beliefs we hold dear as only tools to further their ideals. There are crooks in every group, no matter how hard we attempt to find noble, self sacrificial representatives for our causes, and they do act out in the least desirable ways to represent our cause, but even they only serve as pawns for those who influence nations. I cannot identify those who I am speaking of- so many may attribute my views to conspiracy theory- but history bears out that those in power(not just wealth) subjugate nations through the division of the people. Since the French Revolution proved the power of masses towards the establishment (my take away, I am aware there was much more involved there,) it became real to the ruling class (for lack of a more fitting term), that the people must remain divided to ensure they cannot become a threat. So political parties are encouraged to war against each other. Media is encouraged to keep the fires burning, not due to political or social convention, but because its good for business, and good for division. Religious and military unrest keeps our attention while real change is enacted by those who can distract us with fruits of our own selfishness.
I think for any people to long survive on this earth, we must acknowledge this, begin to reconnect on common ground, and cease with division. Differing opinions and beliefs can co-exist. When rational self-interest is at play. Its when we develop irrarional self-interest, i.e., selfishness, that we begin to fight others to define whatbwe have. And accumulate more.
I am not calling for some warm and fuzzy globalism where we are all one people- it is our differences that make us strong and valuable to one another in the social and even national sense- separations in belief and practices of it are essential to freedom. Its when we allow differences to imply superiority, when we allow our freedoms to intrude and assault on the freedoms of others, that we play into the plans of the powerful, based on basic primitive human nature, inflamed by the influencers in place. Its when we go beyond respecting our differences in mutual agreement and begin to force our interests from fear of our demise, and not recognizing the interest of those who profit from our wars (in the currency of power, not mere money), when we sell out to whatever will help our cause, irrespective of the cost in rights, freedom or future, that we have fallen into the partisan/denominational/hyper-nationalist trap, and we abdicate our inherent natural freedom, and the power in it.
And then the people divided, work towards assimilation for 'peace', giving up their differences, as they have become viewed as the problem to be eradicated, rather than the traits that make us strong and fill each others' gaps. Its then that the master plan of those in power becomes complete. The annihlation of personal free will by the over indulgence of it. And then, people wake up as slaves, unaware that life should be any other way.
I think for any people to long survive on this earth, we must acknowledge this, begin to reconnect on common ground, and cease with division. Differing opinions and beliefs can co-exist. When rational self-interest is at play. Its when we develop irrarional self-interest, i.e., selfishness, that we begin to fight others to define whatbwe have. And accumulate more.
I am not calling for some warm and fuzzy globalism where we are all one people- it is our differences that make us strong and valuable to one another in the social and even national sense- separations in belief and practices of it are essential to freedom. Its when we allow differences to imply superiority, when we allow our freedoms to intrude and assault on the freedoms of others, that we play into the plans of the powerful, based on basic primitive human nature, inflamed by the influencers in place. Its when we go beyond respecting our differences in mutual agreement and begin to force our interests from fear of our demise, and not recognizing the interest of those who profit from our wars (in the currency of power, not mere money), when we sell out to whatever will help our cause, irrespective of the cost in rights, freedom or future, that we have fallen into the partisan/denominational/hyper-nationalist trap, and we abdicate our inherent natural freedom, and the power in it.
And then the people divided, work towards assimilation for 'peace', giving up their differences, as they have become viewed as the problem to be eradicated, rather than the traits that make us strong and fill each others' gaps. Its then that the master plan of those in power becomes complete. The annihlation of personal free will by the over indulgence of it. And then, people wake up as slaves, unaware that life should be any other way.
I completely agree differences makes people strong -- People selfishly making honest trades of what they have for what they want. This is a good thing.
I don't know if it's warm and fuzzy, but globalism is a natural consequence of our technology. It's here and cannot be avoided or ignored.