Electoral College Results
This is one for the history books.
CERTIFICATION OF ELECTORAL VOTES - Beginning with the state of Alabama, the tellers proceeded with announcing the results of the Electoral College balloting. At the conclusion of the counting the Electoral ballots, the Vice President reported to the Joint Session that the votes would be recorded as follows:
For the Office of President of the United States,
Donald J. Trump--304,
Hillary Clinton--227,
Colin Powell--3,
John Kasich--1,
Ron Paul--1,
Bernie Sanders--1,
and Faith Spotted Eagle--1;
and for the Office of Vice President of the United States,
Michael R. Pence--305,
Tim Kaine--227,
Elizabeth Warren--2,
Maria Cantwell--1,
Susan Collins--1,
Carly Fiorina--1, and
Winona LaDuke--1.
Last Floor Action:
1:54:00 P.M. - The House adjourned pursuant to a previous special order. The next meeting is scheduled for 12:00 p.m. on January 9, 2017.
FOR PRESIDENT: DONALD J. TRUMP received 36 votes, RON PAUL received 1 vote, JOHN KASICH received 1 vote and no votes were cast for any other person for President of the United States.
FOR VICE-PRESEDENT: MIKE PENCE received 37 votes, CARLY FIORINA received 1 vote and no votes were cast for any other person for Vice-President ofthe United States.
CERTIFICATION OF ELECTORAL VOTES - Beginning with the state of Alabama, the tellers proceeded with announcing the results of the Electoral College balloting. At the conclusion of the counting the Electoral ballots, the Vice President reported to the Joint Session that the votes would be recorded as follows:
For the Office of President of the United States,
Donald J. Trump--304,
Hillary Clinton--227,
Colin Powell--3,
John Kasich--1,
Ron Paul--1,
Bernie Sanders--1,
and Faith Spotted Eagle--1;
and for the Office of Vice President of the United States,
Michael R. Pence--305,
Tim Kaine--227,
Elizabeth Warren--2,
Maria Cantwell--1,
Susan Collins--1,
Carly Fiorina--1, and
Winona LaDuke--1.
Last Floor Action:
1:54:00 P.M. - The House adjourned pursuant to a previous special order. The next meeting is scheduled for 12:00 p.m. on January 9, 2017.
FOR PRESIDENT: DONALD J. TRUMP received 36 votes, RON PAUL received 1 vote, JOHN KASICH received 1 vote and no votes were cast for any other person for President of the United States.
FOR VICE-PRESEDENT: MIKE PENCE received 37 votes, CARLY FIORINA received 1 vote and no votes were cast for any other person for Vice-President ofthe United States.
(Generally, I voted for Libertarians and Republicans in state and local elections. Two exceptions were for sheriff and a school board seat. I always read the LWV sheets, seek out other news, and pick the person, not the party.)
Seems like poetic justice for the Hill and the Dems.
However, Browne was a button-down person, an accountant type. He did bring with him a large contingent of voters who already knew him for his hard-money writings. But he ran on a platform of changing the government. His best book was How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World which is about changing your own life, rather than the lives of others. That could have been a winning platform, but it was not the message of the Partyarchy which wants to win government jobs as secretaries of departments.
I was hoping that somehow he would introduce the questions of do we want gov't spending to grow, where is the limit where we've over-interpreted the Constitution, and should we be borrowing more money. Regardless of the answers, I just wanted the questions.
It seemed like he was strong at first, but then had those missteps like when he said getting in the debates would win him votes even if he spoke with his tongue out or the times he got angry at reporters.
My impression is Trump's mis-steps would have doomed him to lose by a margin even greater than 2.5 million votes, but too many respectable media outlets appeared to be licking their chops at the train wreck. In the third debate they kept asking Trump about "sexual assault", which I thought was bogus. It made me sympathetic to him, and I think he ran as a clown.
My point about that is I wonder if there was any way Johnson could have played the media ganging up on him to get free publicity. I'm sure campaign experts have theories on that.
I really thought he had an actual shot at winning because the mainstream candidates were someone unpopular and scripted and someone presenting himself as an absolute buffoon.
I respect your choice, but not this inconsistency ;^)
Also, the New York Court of Appeals did overturn the "Sugary Drinks Portion Ban" of NYC, but it was enacted.
On what basis would you ban them? In somebody's social circle from work, they told of a guy who was so addicted to body building that he weighed 300 lbs. "It's all muscle!" he insisted. "Your heart doesn't know the difference," my colleague replied. Flying your own airplane is seven times more dangerous than driving your own car... which is seven times more dangerous than being a passenger on an airliner. Would you prevent any travel by car over 100 miles? Ban private aviation?
You need to think this through because your ideas seem internally inconsistent.